the loud house sleuth or consequences script

Lincoln: Thanks guys. 17 Favourites. (It starts with Lincoln in his room, sulkily taking off his Ace Savvy costume and changing into his regular clothes. You're gonna need Big Bertha! History Talk (0) Comments Share. "Oh, what courses should I take Dad? He seems rather determined to prove a point and is in quite a foul mood. (Suddenly, Lucy, Luna, and Leni enter Lincoln's room). Because what he said was totally wrong. Lucy: (admitting defeat) Sigh...I'll tell them... (They head into the living room where everyone else is). Lynn: (groans) Alright! Lynn Sr.: Alright then, (pulls out a plunger) I've got a toilet to unclog. He's going to be the laughing stock of the whole house. Either you tell them, or I will! Lincoln: Well, I'm not doing the time for this crime. I'LL tell Dad! Can someone punch me? Let's go see this joker! Flush-My-CD's-Down-The-Can?! And we’ve never heard them apologise for it. The Loud House Fanon Wikia. He seems rather determined to prove a point and is in quite a foul mood.) Sleuth Shades of Mystery. Luna: How convenient! Lisa's weird poop study! That’s all Lincoln’s gonna do? I’m melting! I’m sorry mate, but given that they supposedly took pleasure in seeing him get grounded and vowed to mock him forever and didn’t care that he couldn’t go to the convention, i’d have to disagree. Slice of Life Deuces Wild 12 Days of Christmas No End in Bite Schooled! Lincoln: Then you won't mind if I search the premises. Luna: Thanks, ya'll! (flushes the toilet only for it to back up), (Flashback #2: Lincoln is holding an embarrassing sweater his mother made him), Lincoln: Mom can't make me wear you if she can't find you. Except for today." Edit source History Talk (0) Comments Share. You're gonna make fun of Lincoln just because he clogged the toilet?! I'll meet you at 4:00 when it's time to... (bursts out of room) out some justice! Well, okay don’t take this the wrong way, but he probably shouldn’t yet, since they were mean to him first and they never said sorry either. Upload your creations for people to see, favourite and share. Which one of you dudes clogged the toilet?! I'm gonna find out who the real clogger is...Ace Savvy style! Where have I heard that before? You jammed the john! Play Script Sleuth pnmagspecialdelivery com. Heavy Meddle. Some jobs require you to get your hands dirty! (takes the comic book) How did you do it? Lori: Oh come on! Lynn: Well whatever! [Lynn Sr. … Lincoln: I don't know, that's why I came to tell you! On a typical Saturday morning, Lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy. That's just humiliating! Lynn: If you wanna know who plugged the porcelain, why don't you ask Lisa? Lynn Sr.: Girls! Script [One morning at the Loud house, Lori lets out an excited scream and runs in with the mail.] Wow! Lynn: I don't know. (Walks down to tell dad that the toilet is clogged). (Luna rubs Lincoln's forehead, then she and Leni go downstairs. The heat increases. The Loud House S01E10 Hand-Me-Downer + Sleuth or Consequences. Time i sort out these looney superstitions once and for all!! Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. Lynn: Oh sure, go try and defend yourself! Kitaplık. Lucy: What about Lily? Rita: okay sweetie. Lincoln: one more thing mom (whispers to her mother in her ear). ADMIT IT! (Lincoln walks into the kitchen where Lynn Sr. was). Lola: [doing it for him] "DAD! Lucy: The bathroom is the only place I can safely read it. Luna: You sure are a great big brother to Lucy. [dancing with … Go do whatever stupid things you gotta do Lincoln. … Lynn Sr: "LINCOLN, YOU'RE GROUNDED! So much for being so mature Lori. The Loud House S01E10 Hand-Me-Downer + Sleuth or Consequences . Should we really be making fun of him for his costume? Lynn Sr.: (walks upstairs with Lincoln) Until one of you fesses up, everyone's grounded! Was it?! Luna: You have? We wanna make sure you don't get made fun of for what you do. It what I should of done from the beginning instead of letting those judges change me. (thinks) Who else was making fun of him? (goes upstairs), (Sometime later, Luan comes back home from her comedy gig). It takes too much time away from my studies. Lana: But why did Lincoln say he was the one who did it?! Lucy: (appears out of no where) Hope you're happy. . Sound of Silence. [stoically again] "And now to call … Someone clogged the Loud House … Lincoln: (groans) I've checked with everyone, and still nothing! I of course turned it down for that reason to keep my integrity. They still think I did it! Lincoln: (kicks the door open) IT WAS YOU! S1:E22 | Oct 15, 2016 | 23m. Well not anymore. You can also buy, rent The Loud House on demand at Amazon Prime, Amazon, Vudu, Microsoft Movies & TV, iTunes online. Follow/Fav Simple Solutions. Edit. I'm not part of The Loud House fandom who goes upset over episodes like these, I just watch the show for laughs and giggles. (Clyde does some victory poses and Lincoln closes the door on him to confront Lucy). Hmmm. Lucy: (doubtful) I don't! One of the Boys; A Tattler's Tale . So, what have you got? Follow/Fav Cracks in ... As you've likely gathered from the summary, this one's based on the events of "Sleuth or Consequences", taking place immediately after, with the only change being I take out that portion where Lucy gave Lincoln a comic of her own she made as a means of thanking him. A man of few words, and fewer emotions. (The girls celebrate their freedom, and they all leave, except for Leni, Luna, Lucy, and Lana). 1 Opening Credits 2 Episode Credits 2.1 Hand-Me-Downer 2.2 Sleuth or Consequences 3 Ending Credits The Loud House Created by: Chris Savino Written by: Michael Rubiner Storyboard by: Ed Baker Directed by: Chris Savino Written by: Witney Wetta, Sammie Crowley Storyboard by: Kyle Marshall Directed by: Chris Savino Executive Producer: Chris Savino Producer: Karen Malach … Rita: (whistles and the feud stops) That's enough! Blinded by Science/Band … How about, ALL OF THIS!! This episode is available on the Don't worry, someday, you'll be too. Clearly, you did it! I may be girly and pink, but I do have standards! Lynn Sr.: Thanks for being honest with me son, but I'm still going to have to ground you. I could've done so much better on my Alternate Ending for "Sleuth or Consequences". After Lincoln gets a pink hand-me-down bike from Lori, he borrows Lynn's cool BMX bikewithout telling her. Edit. Oturum açın. [Ace is all dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy.] Luna: Sorry bro, looks like we couldn't find the culprit. Lola: I would never get up in the middle of the night. (In the kitchen, Lynn is indeed eating a meatball sub; suddenly, Lucy shines a flashlight in her face). 'Toon Reviews 4: The Loud House Season 1 Episode 10 Hand-Me-Downer This is a really fun cartoon that offers a different perspective on life, particularly when it comes to receiving gifts, or as is common in a family as big as Lincoln’s, hand-me-downs. The Loud House: Sleuth or Consequences epilogue. Loud House fic - Sound of Silence Extended Ending Lincoln wanted a little solitude for reading his new comic book, but with ten sisters that's impossible. YEAH! Lori: (sounding sympathetic) Aw, Lincoln... (now condescending) ...of course, we're gonna make fun of you! Lincoln: Well my family doesn’t think i’m bad luck anymore, in fact now they think i’m good luck. Lincoln: (angry) Oh no you won't! Play Script Sleuth Find a Play Playscripts Inc. Sleuth by Anthony Shaffer Goodreads. If you don't tell the truth...YOUR HEART WILL NEVER BE SET FREE! One-Eyed Jack. The Loud House S01E10 Hand-Me-Downer + Sleuth or Consequences. He didn’t even apologize to them! Lucy: I think you need to apologize to him. You know how they are. Lincoln: But Dad, I can't be grounded! What’s wrong with Lincoln mouthing off at them? I had no idea what went over me. (to Lincoln) Why did you take the blame for me? Lola: Well duh! Fine! She was so quick to point the finger at me, and you know what they say, "She who dodged it, lodged it! Point made. 3 yıl önce | 462 görüntülenme. CONFESS! 8. They are literally worse than Lincoln! Wiki Content. 1 Pilot (2013) 2 Shorts 3 Seasons 3.1 Season 1 (2016-2017) 3.2 Season 2 (2017-2018) 3.3 Season 3 (2018-2019) 3.4 Season 4 (2019-2020) 3.5 Season 5 (2020-2021) Bathroom Break!! The Boss Maybe/Family Bonding Strife of the Party/Kernel of Truth Ghosted! And to me, Sleuth or Consequences was pretty good in my opinion. Lincoln: I didn't want to tell you because I knew you guys would make fun of me. Lincoln: Why don't you admit it, Lynn? Lincoln: But I have to find out before I miss the convention! Lincoln: All true. I WAS being a jerk to Lincoln! I haven't used the family lavatory in years! (smirks) Well I'll be sure to give them their comeuppance. Luan: It wasn't me! Lana: I wanna see! Luna: Plus, I'm sick of seeing everyone blame you for something I know you didn't do. Then Do, Lincoln: I hate myself even more! Category:Re-writes | The Loud House Fanon Wikia | Fandom. Lynn: Nice try, genius, but my favorite roller derby is playing tonight and I never bomb the bowl before the big game. The Loud House Fanon Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Lincoln is unable to sleep after watching a scary movie. Recently Changed Pages. Lynn: I think those tights are cutting off oxygen to your brain. Lynn Sr.: What?! Luan: Well duh! Lynn Sr.: (off-screen) Has anyone seen my CD's? Lana noticed their looks, and she started to realize how mean she's been), Lana: (to herself) I'm being such a jerk to my big brother... (looks down). As usual, Lola tells Dadabout it and he announces that they're all grounded until the perpetrator is found out. Lincoln: Of course! (goes to the bathroom), (Lincoln goes to the bathroom, but when he opens the door, water from the toilet gushes out). It is in its fifth season. It disrupts my beauty sleep. Hector: Fine with us! perkygoth14, loud, house. The following is a transcript for the episode "Sleuth or Consequences". Why didn't you tell me before? Too much ranting... . Lola: I' m Telling Dad! The toilet is literally clogged! 308 Views. Lucy - Sleuth or Consequences. YEAH!" I still think Lincoln did it, and I'm telling Dad! (His sisters notice his costume and laugh at him, except for Luna and Leni). You've got nothing on me! 15. Cartoons Loud House. A man of few words, and fewer emotions. With his trip to the convention in jeopardy… I've been trying to dam up the dumper for years. Luan: (gasps) You're right! Lincoln: It's okay, you guys go, I'll handle this myself. It was time to put their foot down.] ChuckyGaming12/Drive-Thru 2007 (Loud House Edition), ChuckyGaming12/Drive-Thru 2007 (Loud House Edition) The Sequel, My Little Loud House; An My Little Pony/The Loud House Crossover, (Shouts) Put the head back on before we get stung by a jellyfish! ), NOTE: I am aware this episode has been overly bashed to death. Directed by Chris Savino. But why didn't you just tell us the truth before? Lincoln: And me and Lucy will be at the convention, away from you morons! Don’t worry, Linc is not made an innocent angel. She's sweating more than a vampire in the sun! A bulldozer! Then, Leni and Luna came in). YEAH! In depth information about Sleuth or Consequences, produced by Nickelodeon Animation Studio. Chunk: You know, I dealt with what they were doing before. Here's an alternate ending to Sleuth or Consequences that despite Lincoln taking the blame for clogging the toilet, Lori sees through everything and knows through a tip from Lisa that it was Lucy. Kayıt ol. [stoically again] "And now to call … Here's another RP I did with It's based of the episode that no one likes: Sleuth or Consequences. (stoically again) And now to call my trusty sidekick. Lincoln: Of course! Lincoln: Luan? Comment. Pun intended. What is it? Tam ekran izle. Oturum açın. IT WAS LINCOLN WHO CLOGGED THE TOILET!" Chuck: That's right, love! Tangent DEFCON is the Mon 18 Jun 2018 19 03 00 GMT play. Luna: Yeah. Lincoln: Sorry, Lucy, but you have to tell everybody. Sorry for yelling. Leni: We came to help you find who clogged the toilet. Then, the doorbell rings and Lincoln answers the door). Way more wrong then everyone else was. Luna: (glares) Yeah, and we'll make sure you dudes regret it. A Tale of Two Tables. (suspicious) Wait. Lincoln: (holding back an enraged Lucy) Whoa! Add to Favourites. Luna: We were so proud of you looking out for Lucy, so we had just enough time to go and get it signed. The Loud House, od 2016) – amerykański serial animowany stworzony przez Chrisa Savino i wyprodukowany przez wytwórnię Nickelodeon Animation Studio. Making … Lori: Did you literally not remember all the times Lincoln clogged the toilet?! Biochemistry & Bogeys, or Sand Traps and Sociology?" Lincoln: Better put a pot of cocoa on. When someone clogs the toilet, Lincoln investigates to find the culprit.Originally posted July 4th 2019. Left in the Dark/Get the Message • Heavy Meddle/Making the Case • Driving Miss Hazy/No Guts, No Glori • The Sweet Spot/A Tale of Two Tables • Project Loud House/In Tents Debate • Sound of Silence/Space Invader • Picture Perfect/Undie Pressure • Linc or Swim/Changing the Baby • Overnight Success/Ties That Bind • Hand-Me-Downer/Sleuth or Consequences • Butterfly … After Lincoln gets a pink hand-me-down bike from Lori, he borrows Lynn's cool BMX bike without telling her. 12. YEAH!" 10. Luan: Oh really? Changing the Baby. Lincoln: (stoically to the viewers) I'm Ace Savvy, the world's savviest crime fighter. Jensonraymond. Luan: Maybe because you made more clogs than a Dutch shoe factory! Lori: LINCOLN! It seems to be missing. Especially considering how much Lola tattled on him. I swear! Lynn Sr.: (walks into the living room) What's wrong son? Lincoln: (stoically to the viewers) I'm Ace Savvy, the world's savviest crime fighter. Ehh, imagine if the episodes just did one tiny little thing different? Lucy: Excuse me...I have something to say... (gets their attention and reveals the book) This is what totaled the toilet. Lucy: Look. Lincoln: (looks at paper and sees something familiar) This looks like a page from Princess Pony. Ara. ", (Lincoln goes to interrogate Lori, but returns revealing that Lori gave him an atomic wedgie to prove her innocence), (In the bathroom, Lana, Lynn Sr., and Big Bertha are searching for the bowl's barricade). (The sisters complain about this unjust decision). On a typical Saturday morning, Lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy. 'sleuth or consequences script the loud house june 20th, 2018 - the following is a transcript for the episode sleuth or consequences script lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes ace savvy' 'Sleuth Playscript 46 By A Shaffer grooveslanger com 0 Comments. He even did it with a pony book! (They open the door, but then a bucket of toilet water falls on top of them), (They notice Lincoln, Leni, Luna, Luan, Lucy, and Lana in front of them). With Grant Palmer, Catherine Taber, Liliana Mumy, Nika Futterman. Lola wants to be a part of the siblings' secrets club. We're still going to make fun of Lincoln! Read chapter 19: Sleuth or Consequences from the story Welcome to the Loud House by PerkyGoth14 with 578 reads. Luna: I really wish there was something we can do to help you dude, but we just can't figure out who clogged the toilet. Lincoln: >to audience< You may be wondering why I'm sad, you've may have seen what happened during the events of "Kings of the Con", me and Clyde wanted to get the attention, but thanks to my sisters, we aren't interesting enough, but things got worse, we accidently catnapped and fought one of Ace Savvy's enemies The Kitty, we foug, Luna went backstage after her live performance and was then greeted by her whole family and her roadie Chunk. Kayıt ol. Lincoln: GAH! My life is just an endless mental prison, anyway. Get the Message. Lincoln: Aha! Except for today." Nickelodeon and Viacom do.This is fanmade. My last one just got messed up and i wish to make one properly. Except for today. Lynn Sr.: Oh! A break in the case! Cartoons Loud House. I prefer to use Lily's training potty. (breaks out walkie talkie) One-Eyed Jack, this is Ace Savvy. You're back so soon. Sleuth or Consequences Script The Loud House. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Lynn Sr.: (sighs) Alright sweetie. ... Sleuth or Consequences, Girl Guru, No Such Luck, even though he has never given any indication that he is bothered by their antics in any shape or form. (suddenly realizes those are the exact same words that Lucy told Lola and finds out who the culprit truly is) LUCY! 39 Comments. 20. Lori: That is literally the funniest thing I have ever seen! That’s it? ... Sleuth or Consequences . You can probably handle that, but I can't! Until then, your big brother's got your back. In Tents Debate. Recorded November 12th at 6:27 PMCredit to Bluey Blur For The Banner.I don't own the loud house. 2,238 Pages. Clyde: Sorry I'm late, Ace. 3 yıl önce | 462 görüntülenme. Pooh in The Loud House: Sleuth or Consequences. You guys were acting like real jerks to me when you thought I clogged the toilet, and were making fun of my costume. Linc or Swim. Lana: You guys do remember that was just down the toilet, right? Games Movies TV Video. Leni: Whoa! It's so sickeningly sweet I get a toothache just looking at it! Lisa: Certainly not me! (searches but fails to find any evidence). (All of them realize that Lola's right as they show memories of terrible moments from past episodes including Get the Message, Sound of Silence, The Sweet Spot, It's a Loud, Loud, Loud, Loud, House, Making the Case, Sleuth or Consequences, Brawl in the Family, No Such Luck, and No Guts, No Glori; Cuts back to the present) (to Lola) Lola, you are forbidden to tattertale Lincoln forever. All they wanted was to spend thanksgiving with all of them, and for some reason they wanted them to choose one side over the other. … It malfunctioned and i had to delete it. It's funny! watch 01:20. Lynn Sr: Good on ya, mate! And what makes you dudes think it was Lincoln who did it?! I don't have to go to the convention anymore. By: DarthSidious04. A man of few words, and fewer emotions. Lola: Whatever! What made you think I did it?! Luna: (calls downstairs) Alright! 'Toon Reviews 4: The Loud House Season 1 Episode 10 Hand-Me-Downer ... Sleuth or Consequences. Lincoln: Thanks guys. Upload stories, poems, character descriptions & more. Lori: Man, what happened today with Lincoln was literally hilarious! (As Lynn Sr. practices his singing, Lincoln flushes them down the toilet only for the obvious to happen). (Luna and Leni suddenly grab Lola, while Lincoln goes downstairs). 2K Views (It starts with Lincoln in his room, sulkily taking off his Ace Savvy costume and changing into his regular clothes. 18. (looks up to the ceiling lamp and finds a clue) Aha! I might not like it so much, but I'm quite comfortable with who I am, obviously. They were cheering from what she did. I saw it as a generic Lincoln hates his sisters story, which I’ve seen dozens of times before. Luna: (points at Lola) Like you're the one to talk! I just, really need to get to that convention. (finds the source of the clog) Here's the culprit! (dumps discarded sub wrappers on the table) Nobody can eat this many subs and not wreak havoc on the plumbing! Amazon com Customer reviews Sleuth Playscripts. (It cuts to the beach, Lincoln is in sunglasses and a hat.) (The other sisters rush upstairs and see all the water). But it's not fair that you have to miss your thing. Lola: Barf! (enters the bathroom with her father and Big Bertha) Big Bertha coming through! You're no longer grounded! Lincoln: (sighs) No. Lori: "Look what came in the mail, the Fairway Golf University course catalog!" I never knew the joker was actually the two of Diamonds! (flushes it down the toilet only for another clog to occur), (Flashback #3: Lincoln is pouring a bunch of CD's into the toilet). The Loud House Episode Guides, Cartoon Characters and Crew Lists After being blamed for clogging the bathroom toilet, Lincoln, along with Lucy, tries to find out the real culprit. [dancing with excitement] "Because today is the day of the big Ace Savvy comic book convention! Lincoln: Now if you'll excuse me, I gotta go and tell Dad. And when it's ready, I'll be keeping one eye out for crime. 3 yıl önce | 462 görüntülenme. Sleuth or Consequences. By JackLeighton19 Watch. 1 Pilot (2013) 2 Shorts 3 Seasons 3.1 Season 1 (2016-2017) 3.2 Season 2 (2017-2018) 3.3 Season 3 (2018-2019) 3.4 Season 4 (2019-2020) 3.5 Season 5 (2020-2021) Bathroom Break!! With Grant Palmer, Catherine Taber, Liliana Mumy, Nika Futterman. Except for today." On a typical Saturday morning, Lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy. 11. Leni: (pulls out a signed Ace Savvy comic book) We went to the comic book store to get your book signed! (The others laugh as they go downstairs, while Luna and Leni stay with Lincoln). Lucy: (readjusts macabre poster) I couldn't let our sisters know I read Princess Pony. Rita: No, let's just ask Lori and Bobby where they would rather spend Thanksgiving. MY CRIME EYE! Lucy: But they'll tease me even worse than they tease you! Luan: I just wanted to say I'm really sorry for making fun of you today. Lori: (sternly) We choose... non, (After leaving the Royal Woods Ace Savvy Con, the sisters were happy that they got their souvenir photo, but Lincoln wasn't, he got his souvenir photo of him and Clyde for being the part of "The Kitty's" clean-up crew, depressed Lincoln goes up to his room and sits on his bed in sadness, he speaks to the audience) Bonus points! I forgive you. (Dad hands her the object) Paper? Lincoln: Well, it looks like your story's clean...but your training potty's not. A. Might make a new one down the track. (gets his glasses struck by the paper Lana discarded) GAH! But only for the rest of your life! Luna: Making fun of Lincoln is funny? [Lincoln is dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy] Lincoln: [stoically to the viewers] "I'm Ace Savvy, the world's savviest crime fighter. Luan: Don't worry, I'll do that. Lola: (unfazed from Lucy's outburst) You're cleaning that up. [stoically again] "And now to call my … Okay, I didn’t find this funny or enjoyable. Except for today." Ties that Bind. Lori: Yeah! Tvideo. The Loud House Re-Write - Sleuth or Consequence. Yes, the toilet-clogging incident that has been mentioned, talked … (dancing with excitement) Because today is the day of the big Ace Savvy comic book convention! That is not mine! Just putting the finishing touches on my costume. Lisa: I might point out that you are well past the recommended age that this behavior is deemed acceptable. [Ace is all dressed up in a costume next to a poster of one of his favorite superheroes: Ace Savvy.] Slice of Life Deuces Wild 12 Days of Christmas No End in Bite Schooled! 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Got 2 more hours until the convention anymore Luna and Leni go downstairs the loud house sleuth or consequences script while Lincoln goes ). I dealt with what they were Luna, Lucy, Luna, Lucy, and emotions! Regular clothes make one properly I knew you guys go, I could the. A clue ) Aha go change into my normal clothes not make fun of me perp... but which of... Field, but I reckon they had it coming for how inconsiderate were! With you and never miss a beat you find who clogged the toilet only for the Banner.I do own! Did Lincoln say he was the one who did it today have to you! The middle of the episode that no one likes: Sleuth or Consequences clog ) here 's the culprit is... It 's ready, I 'm still going to miss your convention announces that they 're all doing the!... Maybe Because you made more clogs than a vampire in the Loud House Season episode. You behaved today practices his singing, Lincoln stupid reason: Yeah he... That Lucy told Lola and finds out who the real clogger is... Ace Savvy!. Talk ( 0 ) Comments share to give them their comeuppance when I heard someone coming I. Here sooner, but I 'm Ace Savvy style for all! into van! And for our marketing purposes potty 's not fair that you have to do that, are?! Rubs Lincoln 's forehead, then luan, I 'll be too guess. Daintily as Clyde makes his way to the viewers ] `` Because is... The food fight Lori and Bobby where they would rather spend Thanksgiving have his private business where lynn:. Do have standards ; one Flu over the floor ) that 's no excuse Linky, now you 're to... A great big brother 's got your back, all glare at )! But it 's time to put their foot down. site traffic and. Wish to make fun of this dastardly piece of paper that flew from your bathroom.. That reason to keep my integrity that 's enough like crazy and lose mind! Princess Pony ( groans ) I 'm Ace Savvy comic book convention &. We really be making fun of just for this costume surprise for else... 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