Currently Beta Tau has more than 300 active members and will be celebrating the 40th anniversary in 2014. Phi Chi Theta - Miami University Sep 2017 - Present 3 years 3 months. Beta makes it a priority to foster strong connections between brothers that they may count on long after graduation. Phi Chi Theta, Zeta Mu chapter at Miami University. 2,450 Followers, 696 Following, 642 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from KAPPA ALPHA THETA (@thetamiami) Membership in Beta Theta Pi lasts far beyond just our years in college. Phi Chi Theta - Miami University Nov 2020 - Present 2 months. Official website of Beta Theta Pi at Miami University. Then, one of my closest friends joined Beta and kept talking about what they stood for, how it was different, and how they were changing what it meant to be a fraternity. Speaking of food, brothers enjoy a full food service and meal plan with a dedicated cook. Betas believe that men are mutually obligated to help others in the honorable labors and aspirations of life. Major: Mechanical Engineering | Hometown: Kirtland, Ohio, Major: Accountancy | Hometown: Kings Mills, Ohio, Majors: Accountancy & Finance | Hometown: Wapakoneta, Ohio, Majors: Business Economics & Mathematics | Hometown: San Antonio, Texas, Major: Chemical Engineering | Hometown: West Chester, Ohio, Major: Economics | Hometown: Bellevue, Washington, North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC), Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI), Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values (AFLV), Miami University’s Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life. Our mission is to develop Men of Principle for a Principled Life. Four Theta Chi fraternity members were taken to McCullough-Hyde Memorial Hospital following the incident. At the end of your college experience, what will follow you off-campus? Our brotherhood lives “within the halls of Beta Theta Pi.” We believe that maintaining a healthy, safe, and competitive environment on campus allows a sustainable Men of Principle experience to thrive. Three Miami University football players have been hit with criminal charges ... after cops say they were involved in a MASSIVE brawl at a fraternity house that was caught on video. Theta Tau Miami University 550 E Spring St Oxford OH 45056. Phi Delta Theta is committed to the health and safety of its members. For more information about Beta Theta Pi, our principles, and recent news, please visit Alumni; Join Beta; Events; Contact; More . They may even aspire to be the chapter president. As a fraternity brother, you’ll have access to a multitude of leadership experiences and resources to help you live a more principled life. Tuesday Info Night Zoom. Beta has a strong reputation that is built on more than 180 years of brotherhood and tradition. The fraternity has about 185 active chapters and colonies in over 43 U.S. states and five Canadian provinces and has initiated more than 251,000 men between … Our goal is to select future men of principle who are recognized on campus as gentlemen, scholars, and leaders. Please explore the links below. The Deltas at the University of Miami go HARD when it comes to stepping. A professional business fraternity. Beta Theta Pi's Core Values. We strengthen the brotherhood by fostering relationships based on shared social experiences. Beta Theta Pi Miami University. Official website of Beta Theta Pi at The University of Miami. Founded at the University of Miami on May 2nd, 2006. Produced by Massillon Myers '20 and Logan Stevens '22. We are involved in many philanthropies and community service events but our main one is “Drop The Puck On Cancer”. McCracken Hall Oxford, OH 45056 (888) 526-1870. We are grateful for the invaluable support the chapter receives from its full-time house director, advisors, Forever Alpha Housing Company, Miami University’s Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life, and the Beta Theta Pi General Fraternity. Theta Upsilon Omega - Miami University. Betas are devoted to continually cultivating their minds, including high standards of academic achievement. The Tau Rho chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. at the University of Miami performed a 12-minute show for the 2018 Greek Extravaganza Step Competition that was recently held at their school. Why get involved in STTI/ UM Beta Chapter? Known for our award-winning Men of Principle Initiative, the Alpha Chapter of Beta Theta Pi at Miami University is committed to providing a fraternity experience that is fun and enjoyable, yet safe, balanced, and grounded in academic achievement and personal development. 2 thoughts on “ Phi Delta Theta Returns to Miami University with … Beta Theta Pi Fraternity and the Alpha Chapter at Miami University are dedicated to providing scholarship assistance to brothers and Potential New Members (PNMs) who show exemplary character, initiative, and need. According to the email, “a group of students approached the Theta Chi fraternity house and assaulted multiple residents of the house.” ... Miami University also encourages those with information on the case to contact the Office of Community Standards at (513) 529-1417 or at Theta teaches us the importance of aspiring to something higher and envelops us in a sisterhood that is loyal and loving. Beta Theta Pi (ΒΘΠ), commonly known as Beta, is a North American social fraternity that was founded in 1839 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.One of North America's oldest fraternities, it currently consists of 117 active chapters and 23 colonies in the United States and Canada.More than 210,000 members have been initiated worldwide and there are currently around 11,000 undergraduate members. Follow Beta Theta Pi on Twitter ... “Miami University holds its students to high standards of conduct and will not tolerate violence,” the statement read. Betas always have an extended family, and that foundation begins during your undergraduate years at Miami University. … Follow Beta Theta Pi on Instagram, Log into myBeta The recruitment committee adds approximately 35-40 new members annually. Feel free to ask any Beta for more details or click on the button below to email us. Founded at Miami University on August 8, 1839. Home About Pillars International Focus Recruitment Apply for Fall 2020. Proudly powered by Weebly. Theta has lead women into a life of friends, experiences, … Miami University is the second-oldest university in Ohio and the tenth oldest public university in the United States. Staffed and operated by a combination of undergraduates, alumni, and business leaders, the program’s mission is to create one of the most effective internship programs offered by any university undergraduate organization in the country. Betas choose to act responsibly, weighing the consequences of their actions on themselves and those around them. We started our chapter to develop Men of Principle. My cherished time in Beta has empowered me to accomplish my highest collegiate goal: leave behind an impact that will, in fact, last for an age.”, “When I came to Miami from Washington state, I only knew one other person, and I wasn’t sure where I would fit in. Get directions, reviews and information for Theta Tau Miami University in Oxford, OH. Phi Delta Theta was built on three pillars that haven’t budged an inch since the Fraternity was founded by “The Immortal Six” way back in 1848 at Miami University. Posted in The Scroll News Post navigation. The Zeta Mu chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. was the first Black sorority founded on Miami University’s campus on March 29th, 1969. Since then, Thetas have been doing just that by fostering a culture of academic achievement, social good, and campus-wide involvement. The Alpha Chapter of Beta Theta Pi - founded in 1839 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Theta Chi also tried to fight another frat for fun (got their asses beat) so it seems on character for them. “I am an incredibly proud member of Beta Theta Pi’s spring class. We started our chapter to develop Men of Principle. During this time, members of the chapter get to know the PNMs and eventually extend bids to those who align with the Beta’s values. It takes a network of dedicated individuals and partner organizations to keep Beta running smoothly. Newsletter/Composites; myBeta; Alumni & Housing Corp. Reach out to one of our leaders for more information Amenities, Stats & Facts. Founded at Miami University on August 8, 1839. Recruitment happens year-round with a focused period in both fall and spring semesters. Can confirm the Theta Chi kids (with booze and c0ke flowing through their veins) jumped a freshman football kid. Phi Delta Theta was founded at Miami University on December 26, 1848, and the Ohio Alpha Chapter has initiated two thousand, eight hundred and sixty four men. Click on either links below to learn more. These skills and qualities burn brightly long after the glow of chapter events and casual friendships fade. Beta's mission is to develop men of principle for a principled life. BETA THETA PI AT MIAMI UNIVERSITY. Contact Us. Brothers benefit from a vast network of resources that support their growth through graduation and beyond. Betas develop absolute faith and confidence in one another by being true to themselves and others. Betas choose to act responsibly, weighing the consequences of their actions on themselves and those around them. The formal recruitment process officially begins in late January and in late August during an intense week of chapter recruitment events, outings, and meetings. These scholarships are administered and awarded by the Beta Theta Pi Foundation and the Miami University Foundation. Our mission is to develop Men of Principle for a Principled Life. 406 SharesShare406TweetThe Deltas at the University of Miami go HARD when it comes to stepping. Proudly powered by Weebly. At the event, Kendra Scott Jewelry will be having a trunk show, so stop by and help us raise money for Butler County CASA! Betas preserve their character by doing what is morally right and demanding the same from their brothers. Home About Pillars International Focus Recruitment Apply for Fall 2020. Reputation: Smart; Friendliness: 65.6%; Popularity: 76.6%; Classiness: 69.6%; Involvement: 68.4%; Social Life: 71.4%; Sisterhood: 64% This Chapter … Kinda respect the football team for not going to the cops but I hope nobody innocent got injured Previous. Leadership isn’t the only lasting gift that the brothers may expect from the fraternity. Click the button below to get more information from our chapter at Miami University. 2020 Miami University Student Engagement and Leadership (SEAL) Awards, The Fraternity’s highest award for chapter excellence named after Beta’s founding father, John Reily Knox, The Fraternity’s second highest award for chapter excellence named after a Beta great, Francis H. Sisson, The Oxford Cup was established to recognize Betas for a life-time of outstanding achievement, Recognizes members who embody the spirit and dedication of Brother Francis W. Shepardson, This award recognizes chapters that keep alumni connected to Beta and to each other, Given annually to chapters with outstanding involvement in campus organizations, Recognition of outstanding participation in Beta leadership experiences, named after Founder Charles Henry Hardin, The Fraternity presents up to three awards for excellence in chapter or alumni communications, Recognizes chapters with recruitment programs that reflect the mission, vision and values of Beta, Recognizes scholastic achievement by honoring one chapter that had the highest GPA. Miami University students said Wednesday they want clearer answers about a weekend confrontation between members of a fraternity and an unidentified … Phi Delta Theta (ΦΔΘ), commonly known as Phi Delt, is an international secret and social fraternity founded at Miami University in 1848 and headquartered in Oxford, Ohio. Oxford, Ohio, United States President Phi Chi Theta - Zeta Mu Dec 2019 - Nov 2020 1 year. National Website. With nearly 140 chapters and colonies in the United States and Canada, the fraternity boasts more than 137,000 living members, with over 10,000 undergraduate members. Toggle navigation. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . In protest against the president of the university, members of Beta Theta Pi and another fraternity, Alpha Delta Phi, blocked the entrances of the main educational and administrative building in what became known as the Great Snowball Rebellion of 1847. Miami University is the second-oldest university in Ohio and the tenth oldest public university in the United States. If you’d like to explore membership to this exclusive brotherhood or simply have questions about the fraternity, we’re here to help! Beta brothers may balance work and play in the library, executive board meeting room, hang out in their bedrooms, or spend some focused time in the study nook. Not a FRAT, a Fraternity! The Tau Delta Chapter (Miami University) of Theta Tau, the worlds oldest, largest, and foremost Fraternity for Engineers. Mutual Assistance. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. All four have since been released, according to a statement released by the national office of Theta Chi. Updates will be provided as they become available. A New Name and a New House. Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated is a private, not-for-profit organization whose purpose is to provide assistance and support through established programs in local communities throughout the world. I have discovered selfless mentors who have willingly given their time. National Website. 563 people follow this. Beta advances a sense of home by cultivating a vibrant culture with every Beta chapter, volunteer team, and alumni association grounded in the promotion of brotherhood, personal growth, and a deep sense of belonging. Cops say they played at least some role in an Oct. 3 melee at the Theta Chi fraternity house near the Oxford, Ohio campus that left several people hospitalized. Feel free to ask any Beta for more details or email us below. Beta’s General Fraternity hosts many of its own leadership experiences, such as the Wooden Institute, Presidents Academy, Keystone Conferences, Leadership College, and more. About See All. Three Miami University football players have been charged in an attack earlier this month on an off-campus fraternity house. Rate this Sorority; Ratings . Betas believe that men are mutually obligated to help others in the honorable labors and aspirations of life. Phi Chi Theta - Miami University Sep 2017 - Present 3 years 3 months. Kappa Alpha Theta - ΚΑΘ Sorority at Miami University of Ohio - MU 2.0 Theta Oct 5, 2020 9:21:22 PM Such a strange mix of people who clash. A year later, … © 2012-2020 by the Miami Alumnae Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc Beta Theta Pi (ΒΘΠ), commonly known as Beta, is a North American social fraternity that was founded in 1839 at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.One of North America's oldest fraternities, it currently consists of 118 active chapters and 20 colonies in the United States and Canada. or. Not Now. Official website of Beta Theta Pi at Miami University. Beta … #BetaThetaPi The Beta chapter house at Miami University traces its roots back to the late 1800s. They may rise to VP of finance, housing, recruitment, communications, and more. It became the first Theta Upsilon Omega chapter admitted by petition and … These were men that were motivated and had values that aligned with mine. Becoming a Beta grants access to this extensive support network, so there’s always help and guidance when you need it. © 2021 Beta Theta Pi at Miami University. Join Miami Beta’s social media community where you’ll find event announcements, great conversations, and community updates. The fraternity cultivates and organizes ample opportunities for you to forge lasting connections with community and industry leaders and alumni. Reconnect with your brothers and chapter at Miami University, What's New?Tell us what you’re up to and learn about your brothers. With two years of planning, and a robust fraternity capital campaign, the leadership of the House Company and alumni has created a response to address the challenges we face at 200 E. High Street. Residents must adhere to a code of conduct and uphold Beta Theta Pi’s substance-free housing policy. Click Join Us for more information. Betas preserve their character by doing what is morally right and demanding the same from their brothers. Can confirm the Theta Chi kids (with booze and c0ke flowing through their veins) jumped a freshman football kid. Theta Chi. How can we help you? These were not boys that were just in college to have fun. “Friendship gave our order birth.” The foundation of the enduring Men of Principle initiative is built on personal relationships. Phi Delta Theta (ΦΔΘ), commonly known as Phi Delt, is an international secret and social fraternity founded at Miami University in 1848 and headquartered in Oxford, Ohio.Phi Delta Theta, along with Beta Theta Pi and Sigma Chi form the Miami Triad. The fraternity has about 185 active chapters and colonies in over 43 U.S. states and five Canadian provincesand has initiated more than 251,000 men between 1848 and 2014. Kappa Alpha Theta was the first Greek-letter fraternity for women. An off-campus brawl sends multiple people to the hospital in Oxford.Police and paramedics were sent to the Theta Chi house Saturday night for reports of several people injured.According to a heavily redacted police report, officers responded to a large fight at the house on Bishop Street. The Miami Chapter was the first fraternity west of the Alleghenies as well as the first at Miami. In 1951, KAO was established on Miami’s campus with the purpose of extending a lifetime opportunity for social, intellectual, and moral growth. Founded at Miami University on August 8, 1839 Official website of Beta Theta Pi at The University of Miami. Like Beta Theta Pi on Facebook As it turns out, I could find the best in just one organization: Beta. Create your myBeta Account to sign into our members-only site.Keep your contact info updated so that we can inform you of events and chapter news from Miami University. BETA THETA PI AT THE UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI. Please email if you'd like to be a part of the show, and model clothes from Uptown boutiques! Kinda respect the football team for not going to the cops but I hope nobody innocent got injured Our mission is to develop Men of Principle for a Principled Life. Facebook is showing … BETA THETA PI AT MIAMI UNIVERSITY. Next. Miami’s … Later in the fall, I met my current big brother, CJ, through a mutual friend while meeting for coffee. The program’s mission is to create the most effective internship program offered by any university undergraduate organization in the country. Three Miami University football players have been charged with assault, criminal trespassing and/or disorderly conduct following an Oct. 3 brawl at Theta Chi fraternity in Oxford, Ohio. College & University . As a Beta at Miami University, you may look forward to internship and mentorship programs at your fingertips. Miami Beta is now accepting applications for the Men of Principle Scholarship. It is the mission of the Cliff Alexander Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life to assist our … It supports learning and service and encourages philanthropy. The Gamma Kappa chapter at Miami University is filled with hard working students. I am incredibly humbled to be able to represent such an honorable group of men.”, “I started college with a set of purposes and goals: surrounding myself with the best characters that Miami had to offer and becoming the best character I could be. It provided the inspiration for the founding of the Miami Triad – Beta Theta Pi in 1839, Phi Delta Theta in 1848, and Sigma Chi in 1855. In addition to these opportunities, Beta has also partnered with the North American Interfraternity Conference (NIC) to provide sponsorships to the Undergraduate Interfraternity Institute (UIFI), as well as scholarships to LeaderShape, hosted by the Association of Fraternal Leadership & Values (AFLV). Phi Delta Theta was founded at Miami University on December 26, 1848, and the Ohio Alpha Chapter has initiated two thousand, eight hundred and sixty four men. Beta's mission is to develop men of principle for a principled life. 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