sausage meaning slang

Another term of German origin, calling your penis a schnitzel will usually only work when discussing oral sex. The unpleasant way in which a process or activity is carried on behind the scenes. (informal) A term of endearment.quotations â–¼ 4.1. my little sausage 4.1. See … If you’re looking for the best way to maintain your package, look into, Sunbaked Butthole? Weenie is a little more diminutive than the other ones, but it makes for a good term to use in jokes. Peter or Pete are two names that are commonly used to refer to a penis, much in the same way as Johnson, Dick, and Richard. ‘Though our story is about poultry, it could just as easily be about the pork chop, sausages, or salami sticks in your shopping basket.’ They made out on the dance floor for a while before going back to her dorm room to play a little hide-the-sausage. Pizzle is a relatively old term that refers to the penis, and it comes to English from either German or Flemish Dutch. But, as ever, people don't want to see how the sausage gets made. Schwanz is the German word for penis, and it’s made its way into English through slang. See more words with the same meaning: woman, women, female . Made popular by Lady Gaga, disco stick is another funny yet effective choice if you’re looking for something raunchy. The origin of the term is disputed between Lyndon B. Johnson or Masters and Johnson. After that, David had the most hilarious hour of his life, entering into the childish pleasures of this family as heartily as if he had been brought up on, There was nothing to eat, of course, except, You could see that Joey (if you caught him with his hand in your plate) was a bit ashamed of himself, and he admitted to us that, He said he had never once in his life had a sufficient number of, David refused to pardon him unless he promised on wood never to look in that way at the dog again, but Joey said promises were nothing to him when he was short of, I daresay David would have had to laugh in the end, had there not been a half-gnawed, "I wish you were the harlequin," she said, and left the string of, So now the bird set the table, and the mouse looked after the food and, wishing to prepare it in the same way as the, In watching his face, I made quite a firework of the Aged's, So Becky bowed Jos out of her little garret with as much grace as if it was a palace of which she did the honours; and that heavy gentleman having disappeared down the stairs, Max and Fritz came out of their hole, pipe in mouth, and she amused herself by mimicking Jos to them as she munched her cold bread and, A: "Did you two hide the sausage last night?" Sawdust. While this can be used to refer to the shaft of your penis, it can also mean the whole thing. You won’t be checking your car’s oil level with your penis anytime soon, but that doesn’t change the fact that dipstick is a great slang term for it. (vulgar slang) Penis. Sausage is chopped and seasoned meat, especially pork, usually stuffed into a casing. A schlong is a penis that is quite a bit longer than average, and to be honest, it’s kinda fun to say. It was surreal seeing our family home with not a sausage in it. Wiener comes from the German word for Vienna, the capital of Austria, which is well-known for its sausages, which have a distinctly phallic shape. Does that sound similar to anything? This term shares its name with the famous buddy cop movie, but it’s also sure to get the ladies thinking. Boner is usually reserved for when you have an erection, but it’s a little more childish than some of the other terms. The Tiny Tim aerial rocket was one of the largest rockets used in WWII, and this euphemism compares it to your penis. The process by which something is created or conducted away from public view. noun a derogatory term for a male; especially one of low intelligence level and large muscles. While meat and vegetables make for an excellent dinner, meat and two veg can also refer to your penis and testicles. This word is used to refer to Polish sausages, much like Bratwurst and sausage are used in other languages to refer to the penis. English Language Learners Definition of sausage : spicy ground meat (such as pork) that is usually stuffed into a narrow tube of skin or made into a small flat cake See the full definition for sausage in the English Language Learners Dictionary It looks like you're interested in ordering bulk MANSCAPED products. This one is pretty self-explanatory, and there are plenty of derivatives of it. Since Dick is another way of saying Richard, it’s only natural that Richard would become another way of saying dick (as in penis). Would you like to speak to a member of our sales team about your needs? A penis is a versatile tool that can be used for pleasure, utility, and more. There’s nothing in here at all. B: "Well that's a personal question!". English [] Alternative forms []. While chopper may sound a little intimidating, that’s probably the point, especially if you’re larger than average. You should be well-equipped for some new dirty jokes with your friends, and you’ll also be prepared when the time comes for dirty talk with your lover. A penis is a versatile tool that can be used for pleasure, utility, and more. What does sausagemaking mean? It’s a mild slang term for a social gathering in which men greatly outnumber women, usually expressed with a sense of bro-ish disappointment by its male members, er sausages. This usually refers to an erection that’s hidden by clothing, as it will poke up like a pitched tent. See Italian sausage. Plonker is a little more of a British term, and it has been popular for quite some time. sausage (countable and uncountable, plural sausages) 1. This is the first of our funny choices, and we wanted to start things off with a laugh, this is one of the more comic terms we've heard. There’s a certain kind of pride that guys have for their own peckers, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. Kielbasa: This word is used to refer to Polish sausages, much like Bratwurst and sausage are used in other languages to refer to the penis. When we say cock, we don’t mean the rooster. Schlong. This is a list of notable sausages.Sausage is a food usually made from ground meat with a skin around it. This is another archaic term that has survived into the present day, and it can be used in both serious and raunchy situations. Another excellent way to highlight your size is to call your Johnson a footlong, but make sure there’s no confusion between it and the sandwich. If you’re a Zelda fan, then you likely know about the Master Sword, which is a powerful weapon. Savage is a slang term used to describe something or someone as "extremely good" or "viciously cool." While a tube steak sounds like something that’s distinctly unappetizing, it’s a great way to refer to your penis. A: "Have you heard from the realtor since giving her the money for the deposit?" Bratwurst is a type of German sausage, and this term is similar to the other sausage-related options on this list. The penis is not a muscle, but that doesn’t stop this from being a relatively popular metaphor for it. We take pride in our MANSCAPED™ products and want you to be happy using them. She was hanging out with that Jersey sausage on Friday. Typically refers to something that the average person would find unpleasant or unsavory, in the same way that making sausages might be off-putting to some. Most erect penises are shaped something like a tower, even though some will lean to one side or another. Johnson is a classic, and it’s been used for decades. Sausage definition: A sausage consists of minced meat, usually pork, mixed with other ingredients and is... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples All of our products carry a 30-day return policy. It refers to a larger-than-average penis. We all need to stay in shape, but working out is,... People do a lot for their bodies. List of most popular Sausage terms updated in August 2020 Up next in the long list of proper nouns that are used when talking about the penis is Jimmy, though he’s a little less popular than Peter and Dick. Your shit stinks. I know you don't like to see how the sausage gets made in politics, but these closed-door deals are the way anything gets done! Cock is another popular term for penis in the English world. ratwurst is a type of German sausage, and this term is similar to the other sausage-related options on this list. Dong rhymes with schlong, and that’s fitting, as they both have a similar meaning. A schlong is a penis that is quite a bit longer than average, and to be honest, it’s kinda fun to say. There are plenty of snake terms that are used to refer to the penis, and it makes sense when you compare their shapes. We hope that this guide has provided you with a wide range of penis euphemisms that you can use for a long time to come. sausage definition in English dictionary, sausage meaning, synonyms, see also 'sausage dog',sausage roll',blood sausage',bologna sausage'. In Australia, too, 'sausage' is a term of endearment with mild (but very kindly-intended) deprecation. We got your nuts covered! how the sausage gets made. I know you don't like to know how the sausage gets made in politics, but these closed-door deals are the way anything gets done! Then he said he wanted to play hide the sausage. sausage definition: 1. a thin, tube-like case containing meat that has been cut into very small pieces and mixed with…. Sausage definition, minced pork, beef, or other meats, often combined, together with various added ingredients and seasonings, usually stuffed into a prepared intestine … While it may sound a little diminutive, the term Willy has been used to refer to the penis for quite a long time. Glizzy is used to mean a hotdog, or the sausage that is part of a hotdog. Moby Dick is known for being a giant whale, so if you’re trying to show off your size, use this term. The Lone Ranger has had quite a bit of cultural impact, as is evidenced by this slang term. We’ll also take a short look at each term’s history and etymology. “That thing” is one of our favorite choices when it comes to penis nicknames because it can be both funny and intimidating, depending on the context. Member comes from the Latin term membrum virile, which is another term for the penis literally translating to "male member.". If you’re proud of your size and you want to show it, just call your penis the third leg. This term gives you another way to emphasize the largeness of your penis, and it can be used interchangeably with "third arm" and other similar words. The vast majority of these slang words for penis have been submitted by our readers, and we just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who sent us an example. his word is used to refer to Polish sausages, much like Bratwurst and sausage are used in other languages to refer to the penis. Not a sausage! This one is a little ridiculous, but it’s not inaccurate. Matthew Lancey's answer is a good one. A nostalgic term used by kids in reference to desserts like sticky toffee pudding and custard. Baby-maker is a versatile term that can be used to refer to both penises and vaginas, so context is important with this one. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition … On the other hand, if your penis is not erect, then noodle is a perfect term that you can use to refer to it. 2. Refers to a generous portion of bacon sandwiched between two slices of white bread, with loads of butter and any kind of condiment you so wish to include. sausage meaning: 1. a thin, tube-like case containing meat that has been cut into very small pieces and mixed with…. This term goes hand in hand with toolshed, which is a word that is used to refer to the vagina. Nearly everyone in the country has a smartphone, totally oblivious to the dire effects their production has on the planet and on the lives of workers who assemble them. The human beings usually eat it in order to gain multiple kilojoules, but instead of that, some weirdos smoke it for their personal … This one has a similar meaning to the yogurt gun, but the execution is a little different, turning the gun to a launcher. Sausage making is a traditional food preservation technique. Much like a firehose, a hose is long, cylindrical, and it shoots out a liquid. FREE boxers + toiletry bag + free Shipping A: "So, did you two play hide the sausage last night?" According to Urban Dictionary, Glizzy can also be used to mean a glock, or … Thanks to the similar shape of a penis and a rod, this term eventually came to mean both. Typically, a sausage is formed in a casing traditionally made from intestine, but sometimes synthetic.Some sausages are cooked during processing and the casing may be removed after. If you’re looking for less boring things to call your penis, then you’re in the right place. Meaning: A pleasant surprise in something that was already good. Nicki Minaj may have popularized this term, but it has been around for far longer than her hit single. 2019, Paullina Simons, Inexpressible Island (End of Forever) 4.1.1. “Algernon, you silly sausage. (A reference to the sausage-making process, which creates a food product enjoyed by many, but which often uses animal parts that are disturbing to people, of which they would rather remain unaware.) People begun to use “sausage fest” in reference to male-only parties in … Browse the list of 12 Sausage abbreviations with their meanings and definitions. ‘The Cumberland sausage and mash served on an adjoining table looked vast.’ ‘More best of British grub came in the form of a porky charred Cumberland sausage served on smooth, fresh mash.’ ‘Also a great Yorkshire pudding with either Cumberland sausage or chicken casserole at £5.50 would probably be a … Sausages may be preserved. The bonus is that cucumbers are also healthy to eat. Primarily heard in UK. We’re not sure whether this term is inspired by the famous punk rock band or whether it’s the other way around. B: "Not a sausage. Johnson is a classic, and it’s been used for decades. She's a sausage jockey for the price of a pint of vodka. Wedding tackle is a British term that essentially means wedding equipment, which makes it unisex. Named for the rod used to load muskets, a ramrod sounds like a perfect euphemism for the penis, as it is a rod that rams in a different way. What better way to spend a Friday night, indeed? Nothing whatsoever. Sign up and we'll let you know when The is back in stock! Since the flute is played with the mouth, this term is typically used when discussing oral sex (playing the skin flute). And FYI, if you’re looking for the best way to keep your nether regions clean, which is another term for the penis literally translating to "male member.". A: "So, did you two play hide the sausage last night?" This piece of slang is inspired by Lady Chatterley's Lover, which is a famous piece of English literature by D.H. Lawrence. This is another size-related term that compares the length and girth of a penis to that of a Pringles can. Another word for sausage. Find more ways to say sausage, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Similar to vagina miner, this term has a rhyme at its core, and it is made much funnier because of it. This one is evident, based on how the penis extends when it gets erect. Much like the previous term, hot dog is used to refer to penises because of the similar shape they both share. The male member, because of its elongated shape and meaty consistency, is often referred to as a “sausage”, hence a larger group of men with “sausages” is a “sausage fest”. 1 An item of food in the form of a cylindrical length of minced pork or other meat encased in a skin, typically sold raw to be grilled or fried before eating. 4. The vast majority of these slang words for penis have been submitted by our readers, and we just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who sent us an example. At each term ’ s a little too childish for some, but original..., too, 'sausage ' is a type of German origin, calling your the... Of derivatives of it of sausagemaking in the right sausage meaning slang sound too.! The skin flute ) that refers to the shaft of your penis, and there are plenty of terms. Not be the Carl Weather ’ s article is going to be around! Used when referring to oral sex due to how both words rhyme a vagina, beaver! 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