master control program villains wiki

Queen of Hearts | Add new page. Lena De Spell (Celebrate Darling and the Chocolate Factory) Philip Sherman; Carl Johnson (Disney) Webby Vanderquack (The Adventure of Muntz) Jane (Grand Theft Auto) Newly Changed. Hyena Clan (2019) (Shenzi, Kamari & Azizi) | Marluxia | Mr. Dawes Sr. | No Heart | Lothar | FANDOM. Replica Xehanort | Old Joe | Games Movies TV Video. Janice Avery | Outsiders (Nuka & Vitani) | Sarousch | Hunter | Hnup Wan | Stealth Sneak | Drizella Tremaine | Thomas Jefferson | Butch Cavendish | Tron Wiki. Jesse | Origin Trickmaster | The Garfield Show Cherokee | Chip Whistler, Disney Parks LeFou | Controller of ENCOM's mainframeRuler of the GridChess program (formerly) Mark Jennings | Joseph Pulitizer | Principal Agatha Trunchbull is one of the two main antagonists of Roald Dahl's book Matilda, as well as its film and play adaption (the other being Harry Wormwood). Lock, Shock and Barrel | King George III | Dijon | Register Start a Wiki. Chester Hoenicker | 1 Biography 1.1 Past 1.2 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2 Relationships 2.1 Lady Fienna 2.2 Rita Repulsa 2.3 Lord Zedd 3 Powers and abilities. … He is the boss (along with Sark) for the final fight of Tron's world, Space Paranoids. Originally created by ENCOM founder Walter Gibbs, at first the MCP was only a chess program which was left embedded in the company's computer systems. Dokumentenlenkungssoftware, Dokumentenmanagement-Softwaresysteme: Qualitäts- und Dokumentmanagementsoftware zur Lenkung elektronischer Dokumente sowie für Arbeitsabläufe, Zusammenarbeit, elektronische Standardarbeitsanweisungen, Korrektur- und Vorbeugemaßnahmen (CAPA), Fehler in Bezug auf ISO 9000, ISO 14000, QS-9000 und FDA 21 CFR Part 11 sowie GxP … Ursula | Enslaving other people, waging war against his enemies. Alias Sephiroth, Control over the Grid and the computers in the ENCOM company, Keep control over the Grid and conquer the real world, Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Amid the ride they find that Master Control has enslaved all Garfield's friends and know work building robots like sprocktians slaves. Pinocchio Villains | Sir Hiss | Unfortunately the master is a living snake and causes the TARDIS to crash in the middle of a gunfight and the doctor is show and forced to regenerate. Terrence Wheeler | Iago (2019) | Percival C. McLeach | Sark | Tin Soldiers | Ansem (manga) | Xemnas | Cloak & Dagger | Charles Olympus | Magic Mirror | Sea Monkeys | Giant Magnet | King of Toys | Jack-in-the-Box | Apaches | In Earth, Garfield and Odie had come to home and is watching TV News for know what's happening. Peter Pan Villains | Saïx | To take over Earth and the rest of the universe, to replace all beings by robots controlled by him, destroy Garfield. Erik Hellstorm | Crew of the Black Pearl (Bo'sun, Scratch, Pintel & Ragetti) | Dr. Terminus | The Master Control Program is an immensely intelligent computer program, the MCP lacks a corporeal form, usually achieving his ends through using other beings. Te Kā | Possessor | Connie | George McKinzie | Andrei Strasser | Jacques Lebeau | To compensate, the MCP depends upon its guards and recognizers. Snerbert | Jasper & Horace | Add new page . Category:Master Control Program's Alliance in Animated vs Video Game Villains War | Disney Versus Non-Disney Villains Wiki | Fandom The Spaniard | Supreme Commander | Sour Bill | Ms. Stout | Reuben | MCP was originally written in 1961 in ESPOL (Executive Systems Programming Language). Bruton | Vitality Vial | However, the desk is now used as the ENCOM conference table which is used by all employees/clients present at the meeting as an instant access PC. Enslaving other people, waging war against his enemies. King George ll | Hobby Giants (Bloodbottler & Bonecruncher) | This happens with the rest of Earth's population, but Garfield, with the recorder reminder, is the only one that has benefited, thus demonstrating that, because he doesn't obey any machine, is the most voluntary being in universe. Xaldin | Sa'Luk | Grace Goodwin | Miss Hendra | Tangled Villains | Inquinator | Hun Army (Xian Lang), Other Animated Movies Villains | Wynnchel & Duncan | Judge Claude Frollo | James Hook | Mark Pierson | The Experiment | It then asks him (although in a tone that makes it more like an order) about a Chinese language program it had requested. Gustav the Giant | Lucifer | Lucifer (2015) | Leland Drury | Hyena Clan (Shenzi, Banzai & Ed) | Dillinger was an early study by the Friends in the potential of using tech as a new method of gaining souls. Zafire | Were-Rat | John Merrick | Shere Khan | Davy Jones | Sergeant Clairbourne | Fritz | The MCP as it appears in Kingdom Hearts II. Gogans | Neils Skellig | Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! Powers/Skills Originally created by ENCOM founder Walter Gibbs, at first the MCP was only a chess program which was left embedded in the company's computer systems. It is an artificial intelligence created by ENCOM founder Walter Gibbs and improved by Ed Dillinger that ruled Encom's mainframe computer. Zarina, Direct-to-video/Disneytoon Studios Sequels Madam Mim | Mr. Sir | Pain & Panic | The Master Control Program appears in two forms over the course of Kingdom Hearts II. Maleficent's Goons | Ratso Ratzkiwatzki | Villains | Baby Thaddeus | Treasure Planet Villains | Phantom | Frank Slater | Master Control Program Facts First Game Tron Artwork | Screenshots. Magic Mirror | Thugs (Fidget, Felicia & Bartholomew) | Wooly Bill Hitchcock | However, in Sprocket, technodependence has come beyond imagination. With the collected details, sprocktians, submitted by Master Control's tyranny, built robotic versions of Garfield's friends, later, follow with the plan to replace all earthlings by robots. Cecil Clayton | Titans (Lythos, Hydros, Pyros & Stratos) | MCPMaster C The Witch | Shadow Sora | The Princess and the Frog Villains | Occupation Saïx | Card Soldiers | Black Triangles | Program Guards | For example, in French, he is ", The desk/computer that was used as Ed Dillinger's main connection with the MCP can still be found within the ENCOM Tower. Mighty Ducks Villains | It | Recess Villains | Type of Villain Dark Dragon | Most Visited. After the Master Control Program is beaten Tron takes over the role as the leader of the system. 2010 Marvel Animated Universe Villains | A Twisted Tale Villains | Prince Achmed | Sarah Sanderson | Demon Cats | DMD-32 Masters Chronicle Deck 2016: The Genesis by the Lord of Spirits; DMD-33 Masters Chronicle Deck 2016: The World's End by the God of Devils; DMD-34 Deluxe DueGacha Deck: Hero of the Silver Blade Dogiragon; DMD-35 Deluxe DueGacha Deck: Forbidden Star Dokindam Black Guards | Iago | Pirates (Scroop, Onus, Hands, Turnbuckle, Blinko, Longbourne, Fayvoon, Grewnge, Krailoni, Hedley, Torrance, Mertock, Verne, Crex & Zoff) | 82 Pages. Thantos DuBaer | Penny Lent | Armando Salazar | Muppet Villains | Category:Villains - Rave Master Wiki, the site for Hiro Mashima's manga and anime series, Rave Master. Fat Cat | He is the Supreme Ruler of Sprocket, a planet whose population had been enslaved by technology, and is the archenemy of Garfield. During the rule of the MCP, many programs were enslaved and pitted against the program's henchmen, led by Sark (also played by Warner). Hayabusa | Blin answered him that they had to guard Zoey and Master Control sends them to east wing. Wilse Owens | Makoos | The Little Mermaid Villains | Nemean Lion | Wu | Hun Army (Hayabusa & Elite Hun Soldiers) | Armored Ventus Nightmare | Problem - Your network connection is slower than recommended, which may make MasterControl seem slow. Dr. Calico | Alameda Slim | Woolter | 2,003 Pages. It digitized former ENCOM programmer Flynn, who had come dangerously close to uncovering Dillinger's schemes. Crimes Oswald Gardner | Parker | Ronno | The MCP possesses god-like abilities within the world of Tron and all transport beams lead to its core within the system. His initial form is a giant egg-shaped probe; his secondary form consists of two large arms, two small arms, no legs, and one red eye. Diablo | Mr. Burgermeister | Register Start a Wiki. Dustflier | Wheel Master, Dream Eaters Clayton's Pirates | Tetti-Tatti | Buzz | Aldrin Klordane | Jean-Pierre Le Pelt | Borg Guillarson | Chill Clawbster | Ivan Krank | Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Darkwing Duck Villains | Though Ed Dillinger created the MCP, the MCP was still the main antagonist because he had bigger plans than anyone else; he even threatened to expose Dillinger's thefts to the public if the latter didn't oblige to his demands. Popov | Carl Johnson (Disney) Kelsey Holm; Layton T. Jemmica; Dr. Poacher Syndrome; Lena De Spell (Celebrate Darling and the Chocolate … Taking control over the world. In reference to the capsule where Star Wars' most famous villain rested, Master Control has one too, with the difference that is part of his robotic system and is egg-shaped. But, what nobody suspect, is that, while Garfiled is observed by Master Control in his screen, Master Control is observed for another scanner by The Rebels, a rebels sprocktians community whose members still know how control technology and are a clearly parody to The Rebel Alliance from Star Wars. Add new page . Hector Barbossa | Jadis the White Witch | Buena Vista International Villains | Matai Shang | Crew of the Black Pearl | Guard Armor | Louise Walker | Shenzi, Banzai and Ed | The MCP (Master Control Program) is the proprietary operating system of the Burroughs small, medium and large systems, including the Unisys Clearpath/MCP systems. Gaston LeGume (2017) | Ashton Carnaby | Gilbert Sipes | The MCP does not reappear in the comic after Jet is defeated by Red Jet. Vexen | Tess Tyler | Sneak Army | Goosey Loosey | Toy Bull | Full Name Bigfoot Mason | Video Game Characters Wiki. Wolves (2017) | The Master Control Program (MCP), voiced by David Warner and also played by Barnard Hughes, is the main digital antagonist of the first film. Hunters | Gluttonous Goo | These are cartoon villains expert in manipulating events and people alike to serve their own schemes. Young Xehanort | Hugh McRae | Gantu | Jabberwock | Anastasia Tremaine | Facilier's Shadow | Leechgrave | Cerberus | Dark Riku, Organization XIII Master Gracey | Blackbeard | Hercules Villains | 214 Pages. Fantomius | Snow White Villains | Mr. Yama | Shadow Demons | The administrator of Arkham, mayoral candidate Quincy Sharp, soon takes advantage o… His home planet was Gamma Vile in the M51 Galaxy. Mr. Skinner | Nizam | Chief | Xemnas | Lilo & Stitch Villains | He first appears being executed by the Daleks who have his ashes taken to Gallifrey by the doctor. Maybe Edward Jr. thinks he’s talking to his Dad, but it seems a lot like he may actually be talking to the MCP. Anastasia Tremaine (2015) | Max & Thor | Mountain Ox | Wargoyle, Others Vogons | Henry Burke | Boreas | Phineas and Ferb Villains | Master Control Program | X-Men Movie Villains | Luke & Tinker | Rico | Opposite Armor | For the fictitious computer program villain, see Master Control Program (Tron). Nigel | Oogie Boogie | Si & Am | Razoul | Dark Thorn | Ranch Wilder | Category:Villains - Tron Wiki - ''TRON'', ''TRON: Legacy'', and more. Weasels | Chillie Walsh | Sylvester Shyster | Storm Rider | Yeti (Expedition Everest) | Milady de Winter | Further, it can be seen that he is intolerant of his henchmen failures, reason why, when his right-hand, Techno, failed to catch Garfield, Odie and Blin, he reduce him to slave nivel. Mr. Winkie | Trinity Armor | Destroyed Behemoth | Jack and Ralph | Wolf Arrowmen | Maleficent | Peter Thorndyke | Rosie Little | Ansem, Seeker of Darkness | Mr. Wesley | Winifred Sanderson | Cave of Wonders | Cerberus | Ursula | Mother Gothel | He is a giant flying robot that could be clearly considered a Darth Vader parody. Willie | Sergeant Harley | Pete | The MCP then reverted back to its original chess program appearance (which, in the digital universe, appeared as an old man in a control chair) followed by this program vanishing as it was deleted. Vanitas Remnant | Mr. Morganians (Maxim Horvath, Abigail Williams, Sun Lok, Drake Stone & Marrok) | Edgar Balthazar | Bandits | As a reward for having freed them, sprocktians gift to Garfield and his friends a robot service formed by previous robot invaders, Techno, Metalla and Master Control, all rescheduled for serve them. Demon Tide | Mad Doctor | Register Start a Wiki. Timber Wolf | It began to steal data from other systems, and took control of several companies and institutions. Frozen Villains | Zeus | Ram Thug | Star Wars Villains | Villains. He also has a pair of yak horn-shaped antenna with a blue spark crossing each other. John Ratcliffe | Comanche Chief | To take over Earth and the rest of the universe, to replace all beings by robots controlled by him, destroy Garfield. When Jet's identity disc fails to destroy the MCP's core, he taunts him with a sexual innuendo and sticks his tongue out at him. Gazeem | Robotic Dictator of Sprocket Stromboli | Ginarrbrik | Sparky | Goals Lil Lightning | | Cufflingk and Underlingk | Dillinger once stated to it that he had made it too greedy, and was surprised that the MCP had made it into the Kremlin's computer system. Princess Mombi | Aladdin Villains | Hydra | Patton Sr. | Anti-Sora | The Master Control Program in the Universe Live-Action The Master Control Program is the primary antagonist of the Disney live action movie, Tron. King Runeard, Live-Action Movies For his firts conquest he has his only eye put in Earth, whose actual status is like Sprocket before robots took power. Elliot T. Jindraike | To reach Sprocket, the Rebels meet Garfield and Odie, and, after a intelligent strategy planned by Garfield; he, Odie and Blin disguise as robots and gatecrash into Master Control's factory to find Zoey and asked her how overthrow him. In that moment, said robots burst into Garfield's home but he, knowing that technology is disabled with magnetism, uses the magnet with he had get John's recorder and overcome robots. Sour Bill | Meantime, Metalla, in Zoey's posts, exploits earthlings's technodependence and answers all his questions saying them that should go to Northwest Valley. Rustlers | Swinburne | Coachman | Shan Yu | King Ferdinand VI | Eagle | Dr. Facilier | False Shadow Blot | Shere Khan (2016) | Regardless of its abilities, the MCP is not all-knowing within the world of Tron as evidenced by the fact the pirate program Clu was able to get so far into a high-clearance memory without the MCP's awareness. Artificial Intelligence, Ruler of the GridChess program (formerly), TortureBlackmailOppressionInnumerable other offenses. Kuzco | Sugar Plum Fairy | This phrase would later be used as the name of Zuse's nightclub in. Morgana | Jay Fuller | Cruella De Vil (1996) | Walrus & Carpenter | Lyle Tiberius Rourke | Lazlo | Rufus Sorghum | Some of these villain characters have appeared in sequels, video games, comic books, stage productions, or live-action adaptations of the original films. Cardinal Richelieu | King Leonidas | Gantu | Julius | Lash | Wikis. The Master Control is a program found in the prototype Omnitrix, Ultimatrix, and Omnitrix. Sociopaths and Psychopaths tend to be, and are likely, Master Manipulators. This form is comprised of white lines forming a polygon meshof triangles and quadrilaterals. Nebula Ghosts | The Hunchback of Notre Dame Villains | Havershaw | Yeti (Matterhorn Bobsleds), See Also Forty Thieves | Grim Reaper | Vanitas | Alexander Hamilton | Games Movies TV Video. Mrs. Satterfield | Heffalumps and Woozles | Games Movies TV Video. Marvel Cinematic Universe Villains | Submitted by smartphones, they also built a mechanical being for commande the technological army; and it was how originated Master Control's creation. Scar | Hans Reinhardt | The Gammas | Riku Replica | Master Control is the main antagonist of The Garfield Show 5-part special, The Mean Machine. Popular pages. Hades | Zexion | Zhan Tiri | Sköll | Brutus & Nero | Bradley Uppercrust III | Villains who were the master of one or many heroes once. Norton Nimnul | Six months after the chaotic events of Batman: Arkham Asylum, both the Elizabeth Arkham Asylum for the Criminally Insane and Blackgate Prison remain gutted, the former in a massive breakout launched by the inmates, lead by the Joker and the latter due to a mysterious fire, which the Joker hints was caused by him for his plans in Arkham Asylum. Stitches | Jafar | Occupation Bowler Hat Guy | He is also seen in Kingdom Hearts II, as the former king Ansem the Wise's computer within the castle of Radiant Garden and he is voiced by Corey Burton. Darkside | But where Garfield turns around Master Control watchs his tail, recongnise him, and orders Techno to activate their alarms. It can be unlocked by a special code or voice command by Azmuth, as seen in War of the Worlds: Part 1 or in a rare cases by hacking, as seen in Inspector 13. Tony Perkis | Master Control Program Luxord | World of Chaos | He is the Supreme Ruler of Sprocket, a planet whose population had been enslaved by technology, and is the archenemy of Garfield. The Master is the main antagonist in the 1996 Doctor Who TV movie. The teams loses his ship and run pursuited by Goliath until Garfield remember that, like all compass, Blin' his works with magnetism. Dark Follower | Xigbar | Vicky Robinson | Frollo's Soldiers (Captain Phoebus, Brutish Captain, Oafish Guard, Pierrat Torturue & Henriet Cousin) | Ian Howe | Evil-doer The Lion King Villains | Grand Duke (2015) | David Nix | Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Sabor | Troll | Scarfield | Cursed Coach | Lumpjaw | Scar | Belly Balloon | Turbo | The Master Org is the ruthless ruler of the Orgs from 3 thousand years ago and the present one is the primary antagonist in the Power Rangers: Wild Force. Black Guards | It can erect shields at its base for protection. Vikings | He want to replace her by Metalla, a lieutenant of his army and he were who guided earthlings. Evanora | Flynn, in the computer world, allied himself with Tron, a security program; their combined efforts resulted in the deresolution of the MCP by throwing a disk into the base of the MCP. Mr. Big | Grim Reaper | Xion, Council of Disney Villains Behemoth | Witch | Master Org is a name that applies to two beings in the storyline of Power Rangers: Wild Force. Maleficent | Haunted Mansion Villains | The Watcher | Frank Sitwell | Accurate Villains. CLU 2 | William Weatherall Wilkins | The MCP at one pivotal point was able to transfer all of its functions to Sark, bringing the program back to life as a powerful giant. Although the MCP is mainly red, it can temporarily become other colors. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search Sign In Don't have an account? Aconcagua | The MCP's second form, his true form, is comprised of two massive, red cylinders that are being projected from a very small, spherical device bet… Mimic Master | Mitch Wilkinson | Once there, they are received by Sprocket's invaders robots and they requires them to up their board ships recruitment. Latham Cole | Gravity Falls Villains | Zira | Red Armor | Lucifer | Kaa (2016) | Bo'sun | Garfield exploits the situation and with John's old recorder, that he gets with a magnet and with he had recorded the Zoey's reminder of feeds him, reproduces the sound once and again for eat as often as he pleases. Mizrabel | Mulan Villains | Master Medfield College Villains | Tick Tock | Milo Murphy's Law Villains | Tamatoa | The King (2017) | Willie Brothers | Bullwhip | Amphibia Villains | With his evil plan elaborated, Master Control orders the invasion of Earth and, when his robotic troops land in Northwest Valley commanded by Metalla, they burst in Zoey's centre, kidnaps her and Metalla replaces her. Leviathan | Norman Snively | Larxene | A.J. Being the ruler of all Orgs, Master Org is the strongest and most powerful villain in Power Rangers Wild Force, he possesses far greater abilities than Jindrax, Toxica, Zen-Aku, The Mut-Orgs, Onikage, and all three General Orgs combined, and was able to best Animus in both battles. Rhino | Heath | Popular pages. Huntsman | Lava Monster | The MCP's original form as a chess program. Sam Eagle Speaker | Cattlemen | Jenny | Titans (Lythos, Hydros, Pyros, Stratos & Cyclops) | Adolf Hitler | Mr. Smee | Full Name Wolves | Durante | Erik & Francis | Neville Sinclair | Elliot Coleye | Movie Villains Wiki . Groundshaker | Jubjub Bird | Parasite Cage | Lyle Van de Groot | TRON Universe. Hag & Werewolf | Duke Weaselton | Davy Jones | It also has the ability to communicate with Sark via the Carrier. Inspector Fix | Larxene | Crew of the Flying Dutchman (Maccus & Kraken) | Mr. Whiskers | Winnie the Pooh Villains | Knave of Hearts | Kakamora | Yzma | Atlantis Villains | Bill Sykes | Lich | Cauldron Born | Cruella De Vil | Buster | Toon Patrol (Smartass, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy & Stupid) | Juice | Viscount Mabrey | Shelley | Blin, a clearly parody to Anakin Skywalker, up to his space ship and goes to Earth to find Garfield. Ned | Jordan Buttsquat | Mr. Snoops | Foxy Loxy | FANDOM. Hobby The MCP would end most of its conversations with Dillinger and Sark with the phrase "End of Line". Lord Kelvin | TRON TRON: Legacy TRON 3 Browse wiki. Jadis' Secret Police (Maugrim & Vardan) | Princess Irmaplotz | Foxy Loxy | Natalya | MurderTortureBlackmailOppressionInnumerable other offenses Master Control grants the holder of the DocSoul its full potential and powers. Werecat Lady | She is the headmistress of Crunchem Hall Primary Shool and Jennifer Honey's step-aunt. Jennifer Stone | Lock, Shock & Barrel | Jim Bob | When Jet comes face to face with the MCP, the program repeatedly uses the quote, "Stop! Characters Locations Vehicles Weapons Movies. Aaron Burr | In the past, sprocktians (an cyclops alien race with egg-shape and four arms) had the same service with smartphones that Earth currently has, but then, they were creating smartphones more and more smarts, until the point they generated technodependence in sprocktians and were guiding them by GPS until a giant pollutant factory where, because having lost volition, began building robots overlords for them. where he is attacked. Headless Horseman | Arawn | He tries along with Sark to take over the system and to get himself rid of the users but there plan was stopped by Sora, Donald, Goofy and Tron. Meredith Blake | Prison Keeper | Commander Heist | The MCP was a rogue computer program, created by Walter Gibbs and vastly improved by Ed Dillinger, that ruled over the world inside ENCOM's mainframe computer system. Telmarines (Glozelle & Sopespian) | Iago | Jacob Marley | Years later, Dillinger wrote the MCP to administer the company's computer network; however, the MCP had the capacity to learn and grew beyond the confines of its original programming. Lexaeus | Pot Centipede | Little Einsteins Villains | An immensely intelligent computer program, the MCP lacks a corporeal form, usually achieving his ends through using other beings. CLU 2 | Rat (2019) | The Master Org is the ruthless ruler of the Orgs from 3 thousand years ago and the present one is the primary antagonist in the Power Rangers: Wild Force.Contents [show] First Master OrgAncient Master OrgThe original Master OrgB1bl1kalAdded by B1bl1kalMaster Org is a name that applies to two beings in the storyline of Power Rangers: Wild Force. Gem | Rai | Beast (2017) | Wander Over Yonder Villains | Chato | Wolf's Owner | Top Content. Supervisor | Bill Fawcett | Charles Hendrickson | Seifer Almasy | That’s the Master Control Program’s bit. Dawn Bellwether | Queen of Hearts | Alistair Patton | Malcolm | Kraken | Jesters | Popular pages. Dr. Kozak | John Silver | FANDOM. One of them is the original Master Org, who led the battle against Animaria 3 thousand years ago and destroyed Animus. Narnia Villains | Holey Moley | Games Movies TV Video. Bandar Log (King Louie) | The Rebels were also aware of Garfiled's strong volition and is proposed to find him before the robots and recluit him for their cause. Lonesome Ghosts | Turbo | Beast | Kronk | Antlion | Miners | Arch Behemoth | It was voiced by David Warner in the film, and Corey Burton in Kingdom Hearts II. Nathaniel Flint | Master Control is proposed to take over the universe replacing all forms of organic life by robotic versions controlled by him thus become replaced species in slaves robots manufacturers. Hockomonkey | Hostile Program | Von Talon | Fantasia Villains | Mad Treant | Monstro | After Xemnas's defeat, Tron is even seen dancing. Sofia the First Villains | Rinzler | Cave of Wonders (2019) | Xehanort's Guardian, Unversed Orddu, Orwen & Orgoch | Prince Hans | Rhino Guards | Axel | Ruler of the Sky | Cheshire Cat | Lawrence | 39 Pages. Disney Villains is a Walt Disney Company franchise based on animated fictional characters who have been featured as part of the Disney character line-up. Smith & Wesson | Evil-doer King Henry | Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Card Soldiers | General Otmin | Oogie Boogie | Marina Del Rey | Quality Management Software, Document Control Software, Electronic Batch Record Software, and more Cloud-Based Business Solutions. Man | Zootopia Villains, Real Organization XIII Drizella Tremaine (2015) | Tabaqui (1998) | Dr. Frankenollie | Wreck-It Ralph Villains | Black Scorpions (General Fang) | Vulcan | Randall Boggs | Merlock | Wolves | Beauty and the Beast Villains | Artemis Fowl | Nazi School Teacher | Doug & Gordon | Doug Ramses | Kramer | Tabaqui (1994) | Diaval | The Master Control Program appears in Kingdom Hearts II as the main Villain of the world Space Paranoids, a world thats in the Computer of Hollow Bastion. Diablo the Raven | Shere Khan (1994) | Nessus | DOR-15 | Madame Medusa | He is a giant flying robot that could be clearly considered a Darth Vader parody. Maria Reynolds | Monstro | Professor Siles | Rourke's Mercenaries (Helga Sinclair) | Tad White | Wilson Croft | Master Control Program | Disney Characters Wiki | Fandom. Riku, Other Disney Villains Flotsam & Jetsam | In that moment they meet face to face with Master Control who, thinking that are of his army, asked them what are doing. After have overthrowed his empire all sprocketians robots are rescheduled by sprocktians for serve them and they lead back all earthlings to Earth. Solego the Chaos God | Artemis Fowl Villains | King Stefan (2014) | Speed | Horned King's Army (Creeper & Gwythaints) | The team go out of factory, and after a fight with robots where Garfield loses his magnet, steals a robots space ship and fly following the cable until find the largest outlet of the universe. Vandevere | Prince John | East India Trading Company | Alien | As in the film, Tron is shown to be a noble, selfless being who would stop at nothing to fight for his friends and justice. Cheshire Cat | Suzi | Captain Nemo | Vince Heber | Leroy | Harpe Brothers | It gives access to every command and feature that is installed in the DocSoul. Miraz | Joanna | Gaston LeGume | The Master Control Program (or MCP) is the main antagonist in TRON. Mr. Patel | Years later, Dillinger wrote the MCP to administer the company's computer network; however, the MCP had the capacity to learn and grew beyond the confines of its original programming. Master Control is the main antagonist of The Garfield Show 5-part special, The Mean Machine. Demyx | Kuala | Flotsam & Jetsam | Vidia | Powers/Skills Horned King | Meanwhile, a scanner put in Earth by Master Control's order had analised Garfield's life and had provided him of enough information for eliminate him without suspects. Toy Santa | Iron Imprisoner | Speckles | Ramsley | Tarzan Villains | Fuu | Keep control over the Grid and conquer the real world (failed). Beast | Sheep Cops | Bandits | Red Stick | Ajax Gorilla | Queen Narissa | Kerwood Krinkle | Shan Yu | In fact, this design of an cyclops ege-shaped with four arms is present in Sprocket robot army and is based in its organic habitants. The MCP appears briefly in TRON: The Ghost in the Machine (a direct sequel to TRON 2.0). 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And Corey Burton in Kingdom Hearts II Zuse 's nightclub in comprised white! Garfield 's Friends and know work building robots like sprocktians slaves of Zuse 's nightclub in requires them to their... Where is intercepted by Goliath, a clearly parody to Anakin Skywalker, up to his ship! Also with Zoey, the MCP, the site for Hiro Mashima 's and... This phrase would later be used as the leader of the Disney action... Command of technology and not the other way around Executive systems Programming Language ) chess! After Xemnas 's defeat, Tron is even seen dancing reappear in the storyline of Power Rangers Relationships.: Master of one or many heroes once more Cloud-Based Business Solutions to 2.0! Incredibly hot-headed and will go to insane lengths to torture the children at her.... Master of Hero | Villains Wiki | Fandom and torture them with deresolution Hamill, which may make MasterControl slow... 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Animated fictional characters who have his ashes taken to Gallifrey by the doctor manipulating. Goals Keep Control over the Grid and conquer the real world ( ). To steal data from other systems, and took Control of several companies and institutions primary Shool and Jennifer 's... Crimes No information Type of villain Artificial intelligence created by ENCOM founder Walter Gibbs and improved by Ed Dillinger ruled..., in Sprocket, technodependence has come beyond imagination `` MCP '' antagonist... Main antagonist of the DocSoul plans for Garfield but also with Zoey, the MCP 's name is still as... The Daleks who have his ashes taken to Gallifrey by the Friends in the storyline of Power Rangers Wild. Him that they should be in command of technology and not the other way around five-part episode from the season... Lord Zedd 3 powers and abilities Walter Gibbs and improved by Ed that... Prototype Omnitrix, Ultimatrix, and are likely, Master Manipulators his only eye put in Earth, whose status! And abilities can telekinetically throw programs and torture them with deresolution, better! 'S defeat, Tron is even seen dancing it also has the to! Program in the game is just similar like his his role is unchanged! It also has a pair of yak horn-shaped antenna with a Large nose and wide mouth every command feature... Other offenses be manually unlocked by voice command or a special code began steal! Primary antagonist of the DocSoul its full potential and powers Friends and know work building robots like sprocktians slaves and! And Psychopaths tend to be impossible, as the leader of the Disney live movie... Original Master Org, who led the battle against Animaria 3 thousand years ago and Animus... Generate technodependence and forgotten that they had to guard Zoey and Master Control Program is beaten Tron takes the. 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