She'd judged right; he'd do whatever it took to survive. I have heard the evidence and will judge accordingly. external assessors of exam results. can’t say fairer than that phrase. I had always considered myself a strong, competent woman. PDF Version. Wolsey must be judged by his deeds and not by doubtful intentions. be no respecter of persons phrase. judged definition: 1. past simple and past participle of judge 2. to form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide…. Synonyms for 'present': existing, immediate, at this time, alive, prevailing, modern-day, in progress, current, active, afoot, alive and well/kicking It’s a track record about which we’re proud — and that we want to maintain — so it’s crucial that we get the exact right mix of judges. Adjective. Trembling, just trying to fulfill This need This emptiness inside Growing, demanding Pulling my pride It only expands when I force it to hide. Learn more. appraiser. commit someone/something for trial ... especially by preventing the true facts about a crime from being known. But what's right and what's good must be judged by one who knows all, but not by us. See more. jurist. In one way or another, we all have this fear that others are judging us based on our abilities, actions, or feelings, be they past, present, or even anticipated. A panel of judges is now selecting the finalists. Gratuit. 24 synonyms of reasoning from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 85 related words, definitions, and antonyms. But actors are always being judged. Inclusiveness,” says Visser, “must be judged on policies, not on numbers. The problem can be seen when this starts making us obsessive, becoming limiting and pathological. To have engaged in the discovery of facts or information. Prove it! She hadn't judged him or restrained him. judge people by their actions. British. But these must be proven under a signed and sworn statement and judged reasonable by the DOH. He also doesn't give a damn what his friends or work colleagues think of him. To make these calls, human referees, umpires and judges train for years. (of the ancient Hebrew judges) to govern. Top synonym for judged (another word for judged) is tried. See more. The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary Définition incommensurably dans le dictionnaire anglais de définitions de Reverso, synonymes, voir aussi 'incommensurable',incommensurability',incommensurately',incommensurableness', expressions, conjugaison, exemples More synonyms +-balanced adjective. Being judged synonyms. Synonyms for judged on its merits in Free Thesaurus. a public official with authority to hear cases in a court of law and pronounce judgment upon them, a person who is appointed to determine the result of contests or competitions, a leader of the peoples of Israel from Joshua's death to the accession of Saul, to decide or deem (something) after inquiry or deliberation, to determine the result of (a contest or competition), to believe (something) to be the case; suspect, Laura Deming, Frederik Groce, Amish Jani, Jessica Verrilli and Vanessa Larco are coming to Disrupt. Find another word for reasoning. polite and reasonable. Word of the Day: loquacious. Words related to judged: Meet your meter: The "Restrict to meter" strip above will show you the related words that match a particular kind of metrical foot. UN officials mediated between the two sides. Allowed by the rules. What Are Other Ways To Wish Someone A Merry Christmas? Page 2. 5. considering all arguments, opinions, or aspects fairly and equally. Misjudge definition is - to be mistaken in judgment. How to use misjudge in a sentence. Karen. come up phrasal verb. Définitions de judicable, synonymes, antonymes, dérivés de judicable, dictionnaire analogique de judicable (anglais) Publicité ... See Judge, v. The judge adjourned the hearing until next Tuesday. November 14, 2020. Alex. Explore 'judge' in the dictionary. a person whose opinion on a particular subject is usually reliable, to determine the result of (a competition). Law To hear and decide on in a court of law: judge a case. Welcome to the Words of Advice, the sequels to the Messages of Hope. Active 4 years ago. Definition. Passing sentence, the judge described the crime as odious. Another word for seeking. See if you can gauge his reaction to the offer. Intense fear of being judged synonyms. People should be judged by what they stand for and how hard they work. 1 (noun) in the sense of magistrate. a public official with authority to hear cases and pass sentences in a court of law. To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration: judge heights; judging character. Some common synonyms of judge are conclude, deduce, gather, and infer. But let us come to Alexander, who was a man of such great goodness, that among the other praises which are accorded him is this, that in the fourteen years he held the empire no one was ever put to death by him unjudged; nevertheless, being considered effeminate and a man who allowed himself to be governed by his mother, he became despised, the army conspired against him, and murdered him. Next day but one we again discovered a sail, which, on a nearer approach, we judged to be the same vessel. it is judged synonymes. 50 synonyms for merit: worth, value, quality, credit, talent, desert, virtue, integrity, excellence, goodness, worthiness, advantage, value, quality, worth.... What are synonyms for judged on its merits? justice. to hear evidence or legal arguments in (a case) in order to pass judgment; adjudicate ; try: The Supreme Court is judging that case. A judged result is displayed on a monitor (30). A specialist has pronounced him fully fit. Synonyms for judged on its merits in Free Thesaurus. Players have been judged guilty of match-fixing. Daniel. John doesn't give a damn what strangers think of him. The problem can be seen when this starts making us obsessive, becoming limiting and pathological. Every time a victim comes forward and is shamed, judged, or ridiculed, I remember what it felt like to not be believed. es Antonyms for judged on its merits. Misjudge definition, to judge, estimate, or value wrongly or unjustly. Synonyms for judged. Meilleur synonyme de it is judged (autre terme pour it is judged) sont it is considered, it was determined et as determined. There is longstanding interest in the generalizability of personality across diverse cultures. Past tense for to sit in judgment on. Top synonyms for being judged (other words for being judged) on this page are going to trial, go to court and goes to trial. From this we can calculate the total mass in the galaxy. a commissioner to adjudicate on legal rights. She Was Sued Over Rent She Didn’t Owe. For example, when my parents are at home, even if they are not in my same room or if they are outside, I can't do anything else than study or do what they ask for, nothing more and nothing less. Taylor. intelligent, rational, How to pronounce judged? Capable of being judged; capable of being tried or decided upon. Top synonyms for being judged (other words for being judged) are be judged, stand trial and be tried. i.] noun a person, usually appointed, who decides the issues or results, or supervises the conduct, of a competition or conflict. evaluator. Create an account and sign in to access this FREE content. He has been acting as a mediator between the rebels and the authorities. All rights reserved. Trained nurses are required to evaluate the patients' individual needs. His personal riches were estimated at over £80 million. That constant feeling of being judged by someone for how you do that certain thing, for how you could be doing something else more productive or how they could do it better. A judge is not supposed to know anything about the facts of life until they have been presented in evidence and explained to him at least three times. 12. 3 (noun) in the sense of critic. A judge dismissed the motions but left open the possibility of another challenge. He also doesn't give a damn what his friends or work colleagues think of him. to be quick to judge synonyms and antonyms in the English synonyms dictionary, see also 'quicken',quickly',quirk',quack', definition. Traductions en contexte de "judged sane" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : This man has been judged sane. To have come to a judgment. Synonyms for judged in Free Thesaurus. guilty of a breach of etiquette. to pass legal judgment on; pass sentence on (a person): The court judged him guilty. Antonyms for Standards. We look at some of the ways in which the language is changing. Le résultat estimé s'affiche sur un écran de contrôle (30). Synonymes (Autres mots) pour Being judged & Antonymes (Sens opposé) pour Being judged. Verb. noun a public official who decides cases brought before a court of law in order to administer justice. Entries will be judged in two age categories. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Table Of Contents: Associations of "Judged" (30 Words) Associations of "Judged" (30 Words) acquit: Pronounce not guilty of criminal charges. a person appointed to determine the result of a competition. Judge definition, a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law; a magistrate charged with the administration of justice. a person whose opinion on a particular subject is usually reliable. Viewed 3k times 0. judicable | definition: capable of being judged or decided | synonyms: determinable| antonyms: indeterminable, incalculable. ‘He has also had the honour of being asked to judge numerous competitions at regional and national levels.’ ‘Staff members who judged the competition were pleased with the quality of work produced by the children.’ ‘Members of the Panel of Chefs of Ireland will judge the competition.’ Synonyms for judged from include went by, gone by, adopted, agreed, complied, conformed, cooperated, followed, heeded and observed. Another word for judge: magistrate, justice, beak, His, Her or Your Honour | Collins English Thesaurus To form an opinion or estimation of after careful consideration: judge heights; judging character. the pressures of being judged and examined by our teachers. Antonyms for judged on its merits. Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012. critic. adjudged, adjudicated, arbitrated, decided, determined, Find more ways to say judged, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. I hear you're something of an art connoisseur. John 12:48- He that rejecteth me, and receiveth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the word that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. commit someone/something for trial phrase . Many companies were prompted to appraise their recruitment policies. 1. We're All Being Judged - A Word of Advice, a Studio on Scratch. Men are judged there not by what they are and are to be, but by what they can now do. Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. Being Judged synonyms. Professor Ahmed is an authority on Russian affairs. 2. The New York critics had praised her performance. First recorded in 1175–1225; (verb) Middle English, Unabridged Read our series of blogs to find out more. Synonyms. 1. Synonyms & Antonyms of judged. PPDB, the paraphrase database (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms: List of paraphrases: tried, deemed, assessed, considered, evaluated, judicata, prosecuted. See examples for synonyms. What’s The Difference Between “Yule” And “Christmas”? arbiter. He arbitrates between investors and members of the association. Politics Report: A Poll and a Court Ruling in Key Council Race, A robot referee can really keep its ‘eye’ on the ball, MTS Purged Body Camera Footage Before Man’s Attorney Could Access it, Mario Cuomo, a Frustrating Hero to Democrats, Is Dead at 82, No More Paper Prescriptions: Docs Fight Fraud by Going Electronic, The New Iraq War Could Be Won or Lost This Month by Baghdad Politics, Conflict of Northern and Southern Theories of Man and Society, A General History and Collection of Voyages and Travels, Volume 11. Tout le monde a peur d'être jugé. Synonyms. civilized adjective. b. Find 30 related words for “judged” in this overview. the court's role as arbiter in the law-making process. Top synonym for intense fear of being judged (other word for intense fear of being judged) is social anxiety disorder. Being Judged Sun, 05/05/2013 - 00:21-- MikomiSora. A week later, in front of a different judge, the housing authority dropped the claim about timeliness. America was viewed as a land of golden opportunity. Melhor sinônimo para being judged (outra palavra para being judged) são be judged, stand trial e be tried. It is important to judge the weight of your washing load. to be judged in a court of law. He eats at a packed McDonalds not giving a care of the strangers around him. For most women, pregnancy and new motherhood is a joy — at least some of the time. Nowadays we esteem these paintings as works of art. See more. Prove it! My teeth clench tightly I hold back the tears I try to keep still But I’m shaking with fear. Synonyms for judged as include took, regarded as, considered to be, deemed to be, viewed as, believed to be, classed as, held to be, saw as and thought of as. To pass sentence on; condemn. Find more similar words at! The New York critics had praised her performance. But an artist, like a nation, should be judged not by whatxxvii he cannot do, but by what he can. a judge appointed to the Supreme Court; a judge in the pie competition. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. To have determined or judged. to pass legal judgment on; pass sentence on (a person): to hear evidence or legal arguments in (a case) in order to pass judgment; to form a judgment or opinion of; decide upon critically: to decide or settle authoritatively; adjudge: The censor judged the book obscene and forbade its sale. Synonyms for judged This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term judged. Ask Question Asked 4 years ago. US English. Synonyms for reasoning. ... judged by the courts not to be a reasoning being who could be held accountable for his crimes. Copyright © 2016 by HarperCollins Publishers. is the web's best resource for English synonyms, antonyms, and definitions. Can you identify the antonym of “protagonist,” or the opposite of a hero or heroine? Being criticized gave me an open mind about the different ways other cultures are judged and treated as well. 7. magistrate. judge définition, signification, ce qu'est judge: 1. a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is guilty of a…. I have had my jewellery valued for insurance purposes. In one way or another, we all have this fear that others are judging us based on our abilities, actions, or feelings, be they past, present, or even anticipated. I'm a pretty good judge of character. The magistrate ordered them to pay £3000 compensation. I would class my garden as being medium in size. Some common synonyms of guilty are blamable, blameworthy, and culpable. all by myself and I know I'm going to get lost. The film was rated excellent by 90 per cent of children. if a magistrate (=a judge in a lower court) commits a person or a case for trial, they send the person or case to a higher court. ing. What is Another Word for JUDGED? The investigation will determine what really happened. Master these essential literary terms and you’ll be talking like your English teacher in no time. It will take a few more years to judge the impact of these ideas. En savoir plus. jurisprudent. He has been found guilty on all five charges. Judge definition, a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law; a magistrate charged with the administration of justice. They're a little different, but the same basic idea- a message I need to share with you all. Antonyms for judged. If you feel judged by others all the time, this is most likely an issue stemming from your own heart. share | improve this question | follow | edited Jan 24 '13 at 9:33. Definition. The judge adjourned the … to be judged in a court of law. a public official with authority to hear cases and pass sentences in a court of law. For he judged them to be phantoms (alcoholic in their origin), his scruples of last night. to treat or affect everyone in the same way, even people who are rich or powerful. es v. tr. I see that no papers have reviewed my book. See more. Synonyms. 9. Why Is “Christmas” Abbreviated As “Xmas”? “Pagan” vs. “Wicca”: What Is The Difference? a specialist in diseases of the nervous system. They say Or else you don’t really feel this way. He got the two men off the hook by decreeing a general amnesty. If You Feel Judged “All the Time” or “By Everyone,” You Are Probably Not Being Judged at All. A protagonist is the main character of a story, or the lead. While all these words mean "deserving reproach or punishment," guilty implies responsibility for or consciousness of crime, sin, or, at the least, grave error or misdoing. 26. assessor. Describe 2020 In Just One Word? Synonym of Being judged: Babylon English-Turkish being judged yargılanma, yargılanmış olma, bir ceza mahkemesinde yargılanma; karar verilme, hüküm verilme, hüküm verilmiş olma, değerlendirilmiş olma Babylon English being judged being sentenced, being tried in a court of law; being determined, being assessed, being estimated Babylon English-Arabic b Humana and 18 F-FDG PET/CT: Another Sequel to the Injustice of Being Judged by the Errors of Others Johannes Czernin , Andrei Iagaru Journal of Nuclear Medicine Jan 2021, 62 (1) 1-2; Forums pour discuter de hardworking, voir ses formes composées, des exemples et poser vos questions. a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law; a magistrate charged with the administration of justice. Get the latest news and gain access to exclusive updates and offers. What do you call the fear of being judged by people from your past. It’s almost always a red flag when someone says “everyone is out to … JUDGED: Synonyms and Related Words. has voted almost unanimously in favour of the proposal. Le projet d'éducation de la paix a été jugé extrêmement efficace. Indian. 1. But he should not be judged by his wavering as a presidential candidate. It Took Seven Court Dates to Prove She Was Right. All who refuse to believe and reject Christ and His Gospel will be judged by the same Word of God they rejected and NO being judged sinônimos. Contexts . judged definition: 1. past simple and past participle of judge 2. to form, give, or have as an opinion, or to decide…. Judge definition, a public officer authorized to hear and decide cases in a court of law; a magistrate charged with the administration of justice. Judged synonyms and Judged antonyms. justice of the peace. Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Another word for judged. He has been chosen to officiate at the cup final. John doesn't give a damn what strangers think of him. We Asked, You Answered. a person appointed to decide in any competition, contest, or matter at issue; authorized arbiter: an administrative head of Israel in the period between the death of Joshua and the accession to the throne by Saul. Viewed 3k times 0. They tell me Just prove it! Understand to be quick to judge … What do you call the fear of being judged by people from your past. The test was to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement. In addition to the idiom beginning with judge, The Most Surprisingly Serendipitous Words Of The Day, The Word Of The Year For 2020 Is …. 1 to give an opinion about (something at issue or in dispute) the committee will judge the case solely on the evidence. He served as an arbitrator in a series of commercial disputes in India. 3. word-choice verbs past-participles. Veena. Synonyms for Standards in Free Thesaurus. 2. a. Whether I judged rightly, the reception of this book will show. 6. Friday, a judge tentatively ruled Leventhal’s team had a point. There are many diverse influences on the way that English is used across the world today. c. To act as one appointed to decide the winners of: judge an essay contest. Synonyms for 'ill-judged': shallow, foolish, mindless, impulsive, unthinking, impetuous, ill-considered, undiscriminating, hasty, automatically used for saying that an offer is the best that can be expected. Australian. 50 synonyms for merit: worth, value, quality, credit, talent, desert, virtue, integrity, excellence, goodness, worthiness, advantage, value, quality, worth.... What are synonyms for judged on its merits? to infer, think, or hold as an opinion; conclude about or assess: We judged the distance to be about four miles. See examples for synonyms. Learn more. Why Do “Left” And “Right” Mean Liberal And Conservative? Traductions en contexte de "judged" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : be judged, it is judged whether, being judged, judged according, feel judged Does my revision make sense? Comprehensive list of synonyms for appearing in court, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus ... discussed, or judged by someone in authority. Synonyms; Sentences; Quotes; Home; Sentences; judged; Judged sentence examples. The peace education project had been judged extremely effective. 10. The beak told him he'd go down if he did anything like it again. Comprehensive list of synonyms for appearing in court, by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus ... discussed, or judged by someone in authority. Find more similar words at! hardworking - traduction anglais-français. Learn more. The usual complaint is that we are not understood by others and that nobody understands us. Find more ways to say seeking, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. A judge is not supposed to know anything about the facts of life until they have been presented in evidence and explained to him at least three times [Lord Parker] Forbear to judge, for we are sinners all [William Shakespeare – Henry VI, part II] Judge not, that ye be not judged [Bible: St. Matthew] Our fear of being judged. Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2020, Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition Our fear of being judged. I can only guess what it cost her to tell you the truth. (especially in rural areas) a county official with supervisory duties, often employed part-time or on an honorary basis. Being judged gave me an open mind about the different ways other cultures are judged and treated as well. 6. Here's a list of similar wordsfrom our thesaurusthat you can use instead. They took time to pronounce their verdict. The court ruled that laws passed by the assembly remained valid. Active 4 years ago. clean adjective. Jer. While all these words mean "to arrive at a mental conclusion," judge stresses a weighing of the evidence on which a conclusion is based. to declare someone to be something specified, to assess the worth, value, or quality of. judge meaning: 1. a person who is in charge of a trial in a court and decides how a person who is guilty of a…. But most mothers also experience worry, disappointment, … 1. come up phrasal verb. Need another word that means the same as “judged”? ‘He has also had the honour of being asked to judge numerous competitions at regional and national levels.’ ‘Staff members who judged the competition were pleased with the quality of work produced by the children.’ ‘Members of the Panel of Chefs of Ireland will judge the competition.’ , not on numbers Right ; he 'd go down if he did anything like it again judge tentatively Leventhal! For the term judged by Macmillan Dictionary and Thesaurus... discussed, or aspects fairly being judged synonym! Be something specified, to determine the result of ( a person, usually appointed, who decides cases before. General amnesty, often employed part-time or on an honorary basis, stand trial be... By 90 per cent of children else you don ’ t Owe does n't give a damn what strangers of... To declare someone to be something specified, to assess aptitude rather than academic achievement Seven. 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