how to get employees to come to work

Post help wanted flyers in places where employees hang out. Sometimes employees who come to managers with solutions to their problems don’t exactly hit on the best answers. Home | About Casey | Products | *New Specials | Coaching & Systems | Speaking & Workshops | Free Articles | Free Tips | Free Employee Analysis | Success Stories | Casey Recommends $data .= "&ea=" . $page_content = "This is your page content; please update these part. //If the form was submitted, and the email is valid, then POST via libcurl The combination of these factors produces a digital score for each salesperson, letting them know where they stand relevant to their peers. if (isset($_POST["Last_Name"])) $data .= "&Last_Name=" . If you'd prefer not to spend money, send out a monthly email that lists those celebrating a birthday. urlencode(strip_tags($_POST["email"]));; //bust the cache // List our lists Write these standards in your employee policy manual and have the employee sign off on it. Communicate with each employee regarding the attendance standards you expect. If we don’t call all employees back at the same time, who should we recall first? curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);// allow redirects Getty. Other employees get easily bored and require more challenges. Bring in bagels and donuts for breakfast one day a week or month. Employees need to know when they are to return to work. $details[1]; //Constant Contact login The average 32 year old has worked for nine different companies. Make sure new hires understand that on-time attendance is required of them. // NOT FROM BEFORE 1:14 HAH "; This sort of public recognition has helped us continue to hire top performers and grow at exponential levels, year over year. We structure each as a surprise, so unassuming employees walk into work to find their office spaces taken over by decorations. Demand their best effort. Create a team spirit where each member plays an important role in the total picture. If your employee is late without a legitimate reason on a continual basis, discipline is necessary. if (isset($_POST["User_Name"]) && $_POST["User_Name"] != "") $name_html = ", " . foreach($_POST["list_name"] as $list_name) { Public acknowledgment is also important here, so make sure to call out anniversaries on your company's blog or newsletter. Finally, as with any employment responsibility, an employee must experience consequences if the employee is failing in his or her work attendance. 3. When your staff members don’t come to work not only does production suffer, but morale falls as the others have to pick up the slack. Get down in the trenches and do the same work alongside your employees sometimes. The following are 4 methods for getting your employees to show up for work every day: Develop a warmhearted environment so that your employees want to come to work. After a few offenses, approach the employee directly. 2. Employees will take advantage of … // Either the form was not sent yet, or the email was bad Using these 4 shortcuts to getting your employees to come to work can make the difference between a good work environment and a great one. Let them know they’re a person, not just a number. Something about that email address doesn't look quite right. Spend $20 on pizza or ice cream twice a month and watch as your employees’ eyes light up (and their stomachs growl). // Is this a subscribe or unsubscribe? Establish Expectations Early On. Talk to local universities and ask them to put the word out. For example, a company t-shirt could work for their first anniversary and even an extra day off for subsequent years. The good news is that most organizations already embrace technologies like the cloud that ease employees' capability to connect and collaborate from almost anywhere. In this post, we’ll get really honest about the real reasons why your employees don’t want to come to work and how you can fix that. else $url = ""; $page_content; Making sure your employees have the right technology will encourage them to start working from home. Schedule a one on one, coffee run, or lunch where there is ample time for both the employee and the leader to discuss the issue. Are you always in your fancy front office? While some areas are only in Phase 1 of the recovery, the return to work by employees is in sight. $ch = curl_init(); // initialize curl handle // For each submitted list, we run through these actions. Make this a reality by showing off employees’ work on social media or offering to submit it to design blogs. 57. Spend the entire day recognizing each member's achievements with awards and fun activities. } //Validate email address & check that the form is submitted 5. Create rewards that are unique. Their enthusiasm is contagious and elevates their team to exceptional performance. //if (isset($_POST["Postal_Code"])) $data .= "&Postal_Code=" . For birthdays, consider hosting an informal birthday party on the first Friday of every month. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER,1); // return into a variable $password = "HoneyFluffy2"; Motivating your employees does not have to be a challenge anymore. Ask your veteran staffer to make himself or herself available for questions or concerns during the newbie's first three months on the job. Terms of employment. Calculate the loss and then set a prize or appreciation process that encourages the employees to come to the office in time. That’s the question posed by Dean Tyler, Senior Associate, Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors (ABLA). We've been doing department appreciation days for a few years and have found them wildly successful. What safety and social distancing protocols should be in place? Post to every free job posting site you can find. Cloud-based VOIP phone systems are critical. //if (isset($_POST["City"])) $data .= "&City=" . ?>. To whom are the consequences the most important? The average American worker admits to squandering 1.7 hours per work day surfing the net & socializing with co-workers!!! This way, you’ll reinforce the feeling among employees that they are important. header( "Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " header( "Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" ); Come to the table with curiosity about why the employee is working more slowly than others. Inform employees of any changes to their benefits package. On the flip side, an employee who is disengaged or has low morale can be a cancer to a team with their negativity dragging down performance. Don’t let ‘em off the hook. real-time tracking of leads and sales wins) lends itself to friendly competition within a company and help in informing how individuals affect a company's bottom line. Develop a warmhearted environment so that your employees want to come to work. Share with them the impact of what happens when they don’t come to work - how it affects their paycheck, how it affects their co-workers, how the workload still needs completed, how their team members will have to pick up the slack when they call off, how it affects the overall health of the company, how if the company makes less, so will they, how the company may need to hire another person just to cover for them. One of the single largest problems companies have across the board is employee attendance. Get in contact with recruiters or staffing agencies. curl_close($ch); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data . if (isset($_POST["unsub_request"]) && $_POST["unsub_request"] == "1") { If you’re fortunate enough to be located in an area with great skiing, beaches, extensive hiking/biking trails, excellent golf courses or other attractive features be sure to play them up when you’re trying to recruit employees. 56. Planning takes work but is worth it. If you created a policy for tardiness and steps for discipline, you can and should use them especially if you exhausted your soft tactics. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // set POST method “Legally, an employer can direct an employee to perform work so long as that direction is lawful and reasonable in the circumstances,” said Tyler. $password ; Reaffirm your working relationships. Order pizza for lunch once in a while. He manages the firm's marketing and branding efforts and initiates programs related to brand management, demand generation, advertising, marketing communications and thought leadership. Changes to policy. Make the job fun. The COVID-19 lockdown is ending. Your company's internal culture can make or break your business. $_POST["User_Name"]; Know the ones who like to work long hours and the ones who don’t. One way to do this is by handing out personalized t-shirts, bags, pens and even shoes with your company's logo and the name of the employee being honored. if ($list_name) $list_data = "&ic=" . // NEED ERROR CHECKING CODE HERE //echo $cc_result; Provide constructive feedback — Regardless of the results, let them know how they’re doing, and give them the coaching they need to improve. As an employer, what are your legal rights in requesting an employee to come to work despite their fears related to COVID-19? Employee engagement builds employee connection. // Print the form, including original values if tried to process at least once before Here are 12 fantastic ways you can use to motivate your employees: Create a friendly work environment. $list_array = array("Tips, Tools, & Strategies"); Put the word out to current employees that you're hiring. Ease the pressure your new hires feel by gathering together the team for company-sponsored lunch on their first day. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,$url); // set url to post to Allow employees to work remotely. Grab the low-hanging fruit--birthdays and anniversaries--and run with it as a way to increase satisfaction among your staffers. So here are three suggestions for how to make your employees actually enjoy what they do. On the other hand, a negative culture, a place where staffers dread going every day, can hurt your business. Join the conversation. Yaniv Masjedi is chief marketing officer at Nextiva, a leading provider of cloud-based unified communication solutions, headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona. //if (isset($_POST["Address_Line_1"])) $data .= "&Address_Line_1=" . Don’t work your staff so hard that they’re continually exhausted. $username; Keep a kitchen stocked with tea and coffee so your employees spend more time hanging around the office instead of stepping out for coffee. header( "Expires: Mon, 20 Dec 1998 01:00:00 GMT" ); Post available jobs to social media and ask employees to share. Make them feel special and important. Create a team spirit where each member plays an important role in the total picture. Many employees are just as concerned about the quality of life a position offers as they are about the amount of money it will bring in. The right kind of communication system is important. urlencode(strip_tags($_POST["First_Name"])); "; These items aren't expensive and the gesture can help them feel like they made the right decision in accepting a job with your company. Try to get on their wavelength. This could be due to getting a taste of the remote work … /// *** CUSTOMER DATA *** /// $data = "loginName=" . How do you make your company a great place to work? Your employer may terminate you for refusing to come into work because work is available, you're not under contract, you're healthy, and you're not responsible for anyone affected by the novel coronavirus. else { Always be straightforward with your staff and keep them informed about any issues or trying times the company faces. FAQs | Contact Us | Site Map | Shipping | Returns| Privacy | Disclaimer, Profitable Employee Solutions, Inc. - 3486 William Penn Hwy - Pittsburgh PA 15235 - 1-888-845-2560, Copyright © 2009 Profitable Employee Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Throughout the day, provide the department with food (or better yet, ask in advance about their favorite restaurants and pay for custom catering). The following are 4 methods for getting your employees to show up for work every day: Create a Friendly Workplace Use emotional attachment to eliminate employees calling in sick. It's the little touches that demonstrate how much you truly care about your employees' wellbeing. Understand what they experience. Pay a bonus each pay period, monthly or quarterly for good attendance. } Find other ways to reward employees that are unusual and inexpensive. How to Get a Permit to Work in the U.S. An Employment Authorization Document (EAD), also known as an EAD card, work permit, or working permit, is an authorization granted by United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) that proves that the holder is authorized to work in the United States. Since this is an offer, you need to let employees know their position, responsibilities, supervisor, etc. if (isset($_POST["First_Name"])) $data .= "&First_Name=" . At Nextiva, we use Ambition and love it. Another welcoming tactic is to pair up your new employee with someone who has been with the company a long time. Please make sure it contains the \"@\" sign and has \"dot something\" at the end. Click here for more information on how to eliminate employees calling in sick, Casey Reynolds is an Entrepreneur, Author and Expert with over 20 years of experience in Hiring and Retaining Employees.Visit him at or e-mail him at, When you sign up for Profitable Employee Solutions Tips, Tools & Strategies For Hiring & Retaining Employees (Privacy). In order to build a reliable, stable team that want to work for you, maintaining open communication is crucial. // If the form was sent, it means the email address was invalid Discipline should be done with the tardy … However, it is up to leaders to influence this level of engagement with their staff. if (isset($_POST["unsub_request"]) && $_POST["unsub_request"] == "1") $url = ""; /// *** CUSTOMER DATA *** /// urlencode(strip_tags($list_name)); We've found the effort to pay off in employee satisfaction and retention. For instance, you might want to allow them to decorate their work spaces how they like. urlencode(strip_tags($_POST["Work_Phone"])); // Unique list for each loop iteration Although many employers like to think their employees come to work every day with a smile, the reality is, 70 percent of employees are actively disengaged at work, according to Gallup. This will get your employees to come to the office earlier and to spend more time there. Show them you respect them. Try dedicating a specific day to just your sales team or just your marketing team. header( "Pragma: no-cache" ); $data .= "&loginPassword=" . People can also eat while they work, which allows them to have … Positive employee recognition of any kind is a good thing. A video is played recognizing each individual in the department, calling out positive qualities and achievements. Holding employees accountable for their work and for meeting established goals and deadlines motivates them to achieve better results. } [Slideshow: 10 Most Telecommuting-Friendly Tech Companies ] The key to keeping "business as usual" when the weather is anything but usual is to make communication and collaboration possible regardless of their location, says Sven Denecken, vice president of SAP Cloud Strategy, and to make that anytime, anywhere connec… A positive culture, a place where your employees want to come to work, can create feelings of goodwill across your organization, inspire innovation and pad your bottom line. Each employee receives a score (0-100) dependent on a variety of business key performance indicators such as the number of phone calls made, amount of customers signed up and clients emailed. urlencode(strip_tags($_POST["Last_Name"])); // NEED ERROR CHECKING CODE HERE Make them feel special and important. As an employer, you need to know what personal values influence your team. And, of course, the answers to these questions will vary, depending on your business, facility, location, number of workers, work available and other factors. $list_data); // add POST fields We've witnessed this "scoring" to be far more powerful than just tracking revenue flow; it inspires employees to do better at every aspect of their jobs. $cc_result = curl_exec($ch); // run the whole process Make the job fun. 1. Should all employees come back at once, or should we recall employees in waves? As a leader, you should reestablish the pecking order at work. It’s not enough for employees to just do a task, they should want to do it. While many employees are eager to get back to work for the sake of their mental health, some are perfectly happy remaining at home. Employees should be told what has changed, new safety policies, etc. At Nextiva, we provide business communications solutions and have been the recipient of "best places to work" awards from the Phoenix Business Journal (we are based in Scottsdale) and CareerBuilder for several years running. Your company's internal culture can make or break your business. If you are looking for something low-tech, try tracking how each employee is doing on a white board in the break room (note: long-term gamification effectiveness can only be achieved with a prolonged commitment to tracking). Make the bonus obtainable so that employees don’t give up on striving for the goal. // Create an array of the response values "Gamification" is a popular term in sales these days, and for a good reason. urlencode(strip_tags($_POST["Address_Line_1"])); Maybe you don’t have a pile of money to hand out as an incentive. Also, give prizes for good attendance. 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