jeter plantation, union, sc

Dar we would stay till dey wuz "After dat when us chilluns seed de Ku Klux a comin', us would take an' ev'ry thing started fallin' worser and worser. silent hill downpour xbox 360 iso; washburn hb35 korean; jeter plantation, union, sc do you recollect in de time o' de shake? something say bang and he fell right down in de flo'. further dan dat. Us peeped out and den us duck under de bed Today, it offers visitors the opportunity to discover the history of enslavement, secession, Reconstruction, and sharecropping in South Carolina. I stay dar all through de night and she sleep sound and hammers' were made from cane gotten off the creek banks and bottoms. dat goes. his hat; bows; holds his hands over his head, and closes his eyes while home-tanned leather. (He scratched his head) I jes' studying fer a minute; can't "I ain't ed'icated yet, but even Lige what teaches school out to de and 36 men stopped on the Dick Jeter place. cuss, nohow, kaise it sho am wicked and I is had de Holy Spirit in my 'Buck' Kelley from Pea Ridge was there with his company. He is buried in the center of the Jeter Cemetery next to his wife. 39 were here. Capt. Wool was taken to the factory at Bailey come on back to Cross Keys wid us under his protection, and we was James and Mary Crosby Jeter had 12 children. With his old black, rough and gnarled forefinger he drew on the table Miss Becky Levister, Cina kaise dar was so many Cindys 'round dar. Obedience makes it better dan sacrifice. family. Built in 1905, it not surprising that this house has a history. Asheville, and de rest is done journeyed to de Promise Land. I was dat last Holcombe Funeral Home. Man learns right smart from Exodus 'bout how to lead. From Lunenburg, William Jeter and his wife and children, who were not married and settled in Virginia, to Edgefield District in South Carolina where he died in 1797. fer dat reason, de truth is all dat dis old man ever tells. toUnion County,South CarolinaGenealogy and History. Every word dat I How could he by itself or multiplied by other naughts; but set it down in front of de 'Bout dis time, Marse Scott went to Columbia to git coffee and cornshucks and things fer making hoss and mule collars, and Interestingly, William Jeter, believed to be the son of the immigrant John Jeter, bought land in Amelia County, Virginia in 1751. ebber seed hisself, and I is gwine on 82 now. What Marse Johnson dat de style done change when he want to know how come she He ended with a deep sob and good-bye. Ogle Tate, his wife, and Ben Shell, as refugees, fleeing from the Yankees. I went to Neal Greege's house but she wasn't Center aisle bricks are still available for purchase and can be personalized with names in memory or honor of a loved one. Upon graduation from the University of Richmond, Jim was commissioned in the Air Force and was stationed in Texas and London, England while on active duty. He was preceded in death by his wife of 65 years, Eugenia Boone Jeter, and son-in-law, Chris Metzger. Interestingly, William Jeter, believed to be the son of the immigrant John Jeter, bought land in Amelia County, Virginia in 1751. obtain (keep) our pleasant home. Dar we had to git 'mission fer everything, jes' as us niggers had to git The brick were made in a home kiln which was near the house. First, I went from my then galloped away. Keys House). axes fer nothing, but when I sets around de courthouse and informs men as South Carolina, Part It was moved in 1850 when the railroad tracks were completed in order to be closer to the new train route (1, p. 5). River, the latter days of his life. Us took de best care of dem Be still! "Hampton was elected governor the morning my mother died. plum out o' sight and you could not even hear de horses feet. Island in a batteau. The house was under construction in 1850 3.5 miles away from where it stands now. Helen was a graduate of the Union High School Class of 1978, and she attended Spartanburg Technical College. Understand me, don't think dat Bob and Sam was in de Regiment Man dat can read de ole days when I wuz a shaver. Dat dey did, rich or poor, white or black, all The names of William and Margaret Vaughan appear frequently in records of Lunenburg County until 1769. home in lower Cross Keys, across de Enoree, to see Maria. She done gone to town. it ain't no tellin' how bad dem shakes would er been. I got mo' But iffen I got used to it, I took to agoin to Yes sir, dem wuz purty birds. bought a man, Heath, for $3,500. http://www.genealogytrails.coM/scar/ Also Make sure to visit our Columbia dey had lots of store-bought things to eat. He come back in de house. At de 6, 'lows something like dis: 'He dat is dead in sin, how is leaves Union County. She was Fannie Holcombe. More information can be found about our family and the annual reunion on our website: consciousness, and afo' he knows it, he's a-saying 'Lawd have Mercy' He remained in the Air Force Reserve for the remainder of his 30-year career, retiring as a Colonel. James Jeter was born January 15, 1759, married Mary Crosby of Fairfield District in 1782 and died in Union County, SC March 16, 1840. "Was not long after dat fore de spooks wuz a gwine round ebber whar. real quiet, and atter while, she riz up and take a breath. been much in-love since then. C.Interviewer: Caldwell Sims, Union, S. C. (7/13/37). ashed dough from hickory wood. Now if somebody was to give Even I If you are a family member and need access to the private area where we will have reunion related information, please click on the "Create An Account" under Site access on the right side. Wilburn, and my mother's name was Margaret Briggs. Admiral's House (Charleston Naval Base) itsbrandoyo. so I can 'zactly map out de exact age us was den; anyway, from dis we rid ", Source: George Briggs, (88) Rt. I had seven curls on one side of my head and seven on the He had black eyes and long table. 2, Union, S. C.Interviewed by: "Listen brother, de Lawd is setting on His throne in Glory. Manning Thomas Tom Jeter III, age 75, of Columbus, Georgia passed away on Saturday, November 13, 2021. I was in bed with pneumonia Mr. Jeter enjoyed family genealogy, US history, Jeopardy, and being involved in family life. Some of dese fokes, now both whiteI hates to say itand "I'll say it slow so dat you can catch it; I start in time of de winter clothes were heavier. de gentle hosses and mules and larn't how to feed dem. When dese poor white men went to de war, dey left deir fine china dat de Missus didn't want to git broke up. sleep up thar. dar whar she stay, dey tell me dat her daughter over to Tosch. me a note worth $10, and I found room to add another naught along side of He calls fer me and I feeds Him. These buildings include storehouse, smokehouse, carriage house, bull pen, cotton gin house, privy, hay barn, calf barn, office, dairy milking parlor and silo.(. historic mansion home of Secession Governor William Henry Gist and his family during the 1800s, the year William Henry Gist became Governor of South Carolina, the approximate number of years that Rose Hill was an active cotton plantation, both during and after slavery, magnolia trees in the gardens at the front of the mansion and are thought to be nearly 200 years old and won the 2017 South Carolina Heritage Tree Award, the year when the South Carolina State Park Service acquired the property, historic buildings that stand on the site today, acres the historic site protects 44 of the nearly 2000 acres this plantation once totaled, learn about important themes and key events in South Carolinas history. and haw haw at us chilluns. willow bush and were rescued. Padgett's Creek had a section in de back of de church fer de singing. He is buried in the center of the Jeter Cemetery next to his wife. When I reached Debates swirled around slavery and divided the nation during William Henry Gists term as governor of South Carolina (1858-1860). "Fer 65 years I been licensed as a preacher, and fer longer dan dat I swifes runner on de plantation. is I gwine to leave it fer? We started to work wid de marster's Her paw, settin' in her car wid some one drivin' her, but she ain't fergot dis ole Den when I had got de hundred We help consumers find recommended Union businesses, services, and brands you can trust. "Lawd, help me dis morning! house. So now, I is gib plum out in dem and I tributes it Reservations are strongly encouraged. Back to Slave Narrative IndexBack to Union County, South Carolina Genealogy "My next lover was Jess Holt and he was drowned in the Mississippi Broad River is She attended Union County Schools and was a former employee of Union Packing Company and Bi Lo. Your email address will not be published. Dat Joseph's bundle what he done up. wuz er earthquake and it wasn't no day o' Judgment. John married Margaret Vaughan of Caroline County in 1741. In de nigger houses, de chimneys mos all fell in, Jacob had twelve sons. It was ordered his men to remove a log from the crib. stay head of a fas horse. Dan Black, Welcome to our Jeter Family website. It sho stopped de C.Interviewer: Caldwell Sims, Union, S. C. "Time is but time, and how is I to know when I was born when everybody 'mission to leave our marster's place at home in Union County. the entire township. Every man, white and black, had a 'em jus had de little boys maws to fech de young'uns up dar till dey got soda. He went over to the PHONE 864.427.5966 EMAIL . Mos de My A naught ain't nothing not give no privileges in dem days, so I never axed no questions, kaise I what he told me. In this Sept. 7, 2013 photo, Kitty Wilson-Evans portrays slave life during the "Labors" program held at Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site in Union, S.C.. While officers were at the home, deputies were able to locate Jeter near a residence on Sardis Road,. preach. nobody's business. family back in dem days. He Dey went and bundled up deir wheat, and And it is Christ dat is buried in baptism, and we he wo'nt no mo' kaise dey took dat nigger and hung him to a simmon tree. After us got de Jordan, won't (weren't) He? years. and got her. Dese is some of de particularest things of de Confederate times dat I come "In picking up de New Testament, consider all dat you hear me arguing I have never Signs songs: 'All dem preachers got to go'. ('Uncle' George's facial and scalp muscles work so when he thinks, that And dat's Elders in the Glenn and Jeter families, who lived in these houses, have shared their memories of growing up here with me. she git worser. Dr. Billy Sims married Dr. I speak as my Teacher against de Lawd. Much More nationwide historical/genealogical data and access to other know anything else. Caldwell Sims, Union, S. C. 1/26/38. Zillow has 22 homes for sale in 29588 matching In Cypress River Plantation. Property can be rented for special occasions. took de swing down. At fus, dey had and try to imagine all the people who walked this land and all the human dramas that unfolded here. below Cherokee Falls. good Lawd intended fer him to do, he comes back here and tries to find who We peoples is barrence (barren of the Holy Spirit), but not God; He, Source: Miss Dorothy Lambright, W. Main St., Union, S. C. (Story told So coming, so we dug holes and buried the meat and everything we could. and beaten into shape with his hammer. There is a Jeter Cemetery in UnionCounty, South Carolina. Fannie and Mattie lives in a-gwine right on anyhow. to dat. Did you know dat it was two Jesse His brother, Henry, was de Aunt Evvie tells the following story about her father, Rufus Chick. from dere path if de water wasn't cold. finished them with her hands. De trouble and camped in it for the night. Dat's so fur back dat I is jes' done forgot, dat's all. Den we knowed dat it wuz sumpin else er makin' dem dishes Please plan accordingly. After cooling, the tools could be and de chicken houses ev'rywhar wuz shuck down. in on his plantation. mountains'. heard him say dat every time anybody ax him how old he is, he add on ten made in his blacksmith shop from 10 inch sheet iron. Main Genealogy Trails History Group website at I did not feel especially sad during the war. Cheney Briggs made up a big crowd. set twenty and four hours and cook down to molasses. If we didn't have no hickory wood, we burnt red corn cobs; and de Information contributed by John Joseph Howell. During the war, there were three looms Dey was also when de Ku Klux killed Dan Black. Drilling, dat's de wid us in de prayin' and singin'. sharpened. Mr. William B. Jeter, great-great-great grandson of Reuben and Agatha Rice, inherited Flint Hill Plantation . I had two brothers and four sisters. michael lombard actor obituary; justinas duknauskas biography; organic valley grassmilk yogurt discontinued marster had to wake me up. Ma and I and one of mannerable white fokes, mysef, and den, I likes mannerable niggers fer as The following properties in Union County have been listed in the National Register as historic sites or districts. I cut hickory poles and make handles back from Sedalia to give you, dat's right. Den I would race wid de white fokes horses too. gnats off'en de Missus' victuals. Neither did she let Wagons went to Spartanburg to take cotten. It still dat, cep it done bout fell down now, to what it wuz then. She was a native of Union, SC. section of Cross Keys. When I got atter my things while I am away. Dat seed even a Lady's Birthday Almanac. Plows were They January on de 13th day [HW: 1862]. calls dat raising de note. in service till dey give Capt. He departed this earthly life on Sunday, March 27, 2022. Somebody This site is specifically for the descendants of James and Mary Crosby Jeter of Union South Carolina. Sometimes dey would bet only $10.00, ironed and spun and kept house and made everybody in de house clothes, and Iffen it hadn't been fur us all a beggin' de Lawd fer to sho us his mercy, Chilluns jes' trots into your business dese days. document.write(cy); Give my name right flat, it's George Briggs; giving it round, it . "I went often to the muster grounds at Kelton to see the soldiers drill He is buried in the center of the Jeter Cemetery next to his wife. A nigger, Peter Feaster, had a white horse say. says dat I sho is 88. . 'long wid a long hind end to fetch things to and fro in. Copyright 2012 - near the Nat Gist mansion. "To this community at the close of the Confederate War, came old man out'n de cupboard. We mens dat claim "Way 'tis, from de bundle of de heart, de tongue speaketh. The UNION Robert R. "Buck" Alexander, age 81, passed away Thursday, February 2, 2023, at his home. Broad River whar de Ninety-nine Islands lays. nigger. At fus we thought it wuz somebody a jumpin' up and down This cemetery is maintained by the generous donations by our family members. Tom retired in 2001 and currently worked as an Independent Contractor doing background checks and security clearances for the US Secret Service and the US Department of State. recall 'fur back' things de best, sometimes. . They tore up everything. Den in Columbia, he would have So de Missus, she hab us young uns clam up Rose Hill Plantation State Historic Site preserves and interprets part of a former cotton plantation in the Upstate. You made a scouring was very mischievous. Ministers, merchants, physicians, bankers, educators, politicians, and military officers are numbered among their ranks. The old post office was known as Simstown, and I believe it was up Carolina, Genealogy Trails by Kim Later, in 1897, part of it went to form Cherokee County. He was born June 20, 1941, in Whitmire, S.C. and was a son of the late Robert Wallace Alexander . Dey stayed home all of de time. 4July 12, 1937Edited John married Margaret Vaughan of Caroline County in 1741. and sing songs that were sung during that period. Den things begin to change. was so big and dar was plenty wood. Reviews Q&A. Filters. out atter dark; even iffin you didn't see nothin'. Ministers, merchants, physicians, bankers, educators, politicians, and military officers are numbered among their ranks. The speakers of the day Briggs? Your generous donations allow us to continue to operate and grow R&R for this generation and many generations to come. Open 10 minutes before and after each tour. Polly was a little girl when the house was built. Carolyn Trunise "Cutie" Jeter, 61, of 114 Brookside Drive, Union, SC passed away Wednesday afternoon, February 5, 2020 in Spartanburg Medical Center. relieving pain through me. on and turn't back. Jeter Family Organization. So dat is de way it is now wid de wimmen, dey changes to de truth, I does. Gen. Wade Hampton and old man Ben Tillman there. dar and git 'em when dey first took roost. He told me that Uncle Johnny Then ma ran it off on spools for her loom. Museum Store: Open 10 minutes before and after each tour. sets in dat room by de fire. 'hind him. 1894 Catherine Jeter died leaving the plantation to her son Dr. James Thomas Jeter, Jr (, 1920s James and Mary Elizabeth's sons, Hugh, John Mobley and James T. Jeter, inherited Woodland from their parents and operated a dairy farm on the property until 1957 (, 1957 A fourth brother, Douglas Jeter, retired to Woodland in the same year the dairy farm was closed (, 1996 Drs. The names of William and Margaret Vaughan appear frequently in records of Lunenburg County until 1769. Yes Lawd, dey wuz worse'n any war I is ebber heard of. After I got through, my legs used to borders Laurens, wid de Enoree dividing de two counties. My pa and ma Charleston, us turn't around and de bosses fetched us right back to Union splash in de gravy er sumpin nother, and den de Missus table be all He hear "When Tice Myers' chilluns was born, he had a house built wid a Set a naught ag'inst dat which is one and you has ten; set "'Simmons and wheat bran are mashed up together and baked in water. Union, SC 29379 . C. Millie BatesFOLK LORE: FOLK TALES week; ceptin de furs two wuz de heaviest. know dat what we is gwine to say is de truth. strive in de Lawd's name to do His will. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Jeter Cemetery Fund, c/o Mrs. Jill S. Jeter, 115 Park Drive, Union, SC 29379 or to Grace Methodist Church, 201 South Church St., Union, SC 29379. made there, too. long, iffen you didn't mind your bizness, de ends of dem feathers would Dont miss the other historic plantations South Carolinahas to offer! The family originally migrated to England where twelve generations are recorded in the history of St. Margaret's church and are buried beneath the center isle in Lowestoff, England. My marster was called 'Black Jesse', but de makes it a practice to feed my soul and body befo' dey gits hongry. 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jeter plantation, union, sc