how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go

I do know also that the entire Eastern Seaboard will be severely affected either way but might fare better from a Canary Island event (the water might recede in that instance but with an asteroid event from space, most of the land (i.e. It has been done for some locations. People didnt pay attention to all the signs in the movies, tv shows etc when 9/11 happened. But, the island is far from ready to fall into the ocean. If a 75 foot wave doesnt skip over Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island, Manhattan would be generally unharmed. It would not be a fun time thats for sure. Dont know if anything will come of it. All of you people claiming this is going to happen, that is going to happen month after month, year after year, and nothing? We may be at our harms way of a 300 ft tsunami. Preparation is key. It would impacted Wales then spread out ward, Ireland would deflect some of it, but the channel surge would be up through the St. Georges channel to the Irish Sea. Would this city be effected. so, where are the SAFEST PLACES TO LIVE IN THE U.S.?? About 10 minutes from the Chesapeake Bay bridge. Is Charlotte, NC far enough inland or should I head for higher ground? there is a warning video posted on BIN,there is a list of cties that can b impacted by events going on NOW in La gves cty names including 100% Deleware ri, Ny, DC, Houston Tx savannah Ga.. 99% Fl. God Bless. Although flights are continuing to the Canaries, havent found any copter or drone video from above that ridge. So with BOTH things in mind, that should tell folks how far away to get from the East Coast, but not too far. As with any oncoming disaster, TIME is your best friend. You would be far better off flying out in a small plane. As of August, 2016 the prediction has changed. I have a place 23 miles inland from Brunswick GA and 73 foot high. In addition, no one knows if its passing near the sun will trigger solar flares that will head our way. Everyone was running & fleaing for their lives heading upward to the mountains. In the same location, I have dived on shipwrecks that, with a four foot surface wave, the lower orbital aspect of the wave only reached 20 or thirty feet below the surface. It would be bitchin to see it happen. Well, guess your god became busy unleashing his wrath somewhere else, but keep on repenting. I have seen this tsunami in my dreams, the first two times I dreamt of it.. it was way off shore, I was standing on the beach in Florida and I could see it coming very high in the distance.. no it was already a huge wall of water even out at that distance, no boat has the ability to ride that out.. my third and last dream was this summer, except now I was hearing the water rushing, by the time I looked outside, the wave was right in front of me and crashed onto land. I would imagine that it would be considerable. As long as you are not along the Cape Fear River I mean remember Florence and Michael? That means dont put it off, now is the time to come to Him. No 6 hour warning. Submarine launched cruise missiles along the coast, 10 minute warning. Answer (1 of 8): Just look at the elevations, a 100 foot tsunami could wash far inland in Florida. I hope Im dead by then because for who ever survives will for sure have to deal with the financial difficulties that follow an event like this. There are new firsts being done all the time. If a meteor hits, I do practice yoga so I can bend over and kiss my a$$ goodbye. If the tsunami is that bad your not safe up there, I dont know if I would want to survive it. If you can vacuum seal these items so they stay dry you will be better off then your neighbors. Hurricanes also drive the sea miles inward, putting people at risk. remember that the locks were built over a century ago and it connects to all of the great lakes so would ohio be affected by this 300 foot wave via the great lakes? Its the little things! People would be panicking and likely armed folks would either be attempting to steal supplies from each other or protect themselves. the tsunami travels, however, a more intense event, like an asteroid, meteor, or other object splashing into the Atlantic would probably garner much more energy, wave height, and moving the tsunami much further inland. My house roof is about 20`. While another tsunami may be more compressed (in frequency) and be thrust forward very quickly while traveling a long distance inland (remember Japan?). They will all be washed out to sea. So I live in ga riverdale ga like the south side moved here 5 years ago and started having these wave dreams will ga be flooded Im 15 minutes away from downtown Atlanta and 30 minutes away from stone moutain. Can you show a better picture of South Carolina the one you have cuts most of it out and shows more of North Carolina. I am prescient. We are looking forward to starting our eternal life in Heaven with God Almighty.rid of this decaying flesh mesh that keeps us trapped to a dying world. Youre right, it could happen there, although the triggers are different (Cascadia Fault zone for example), We are trying to prepare our family (2 adults, 6 children) on natural disasters and what to do in each and if we are at risk. What we will hear though at the end of September is that there was a miscalculation of the date (in the dream that got this whole thing rolling) and the date has now been moved to yada, yada, yada. Ground water in other nearby regions may be foul and make the area unliveable. Anyone have any idea if this area is safe in the event of a mega tsunami? It is still coming. 31 miles is 163,680 feet. Yea. If Katrina is any indication, FEMAs a joke and after Obama, is actually worse than it was. Hello I live in Guyton GA I think we are in danger, can you tell me how many inches the water can be with a tsunami 300FT? I recall that 200 300 feet were exemplified. Very unlikely to happen in our lifetimes, chaps. Mean while if we had CMAE or constant magnetic acceleration energy, there will be no need for the fools that rule to desire or seek out fossil fuels. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); We are a Top Prepper Site( visit & vote ), SUPPORT MSBat no extra cost to youEnter AMZN through MSB portal. Hope444, and any interestedPosted oct 3rd, Judy Byington,,,Title is Tsunami to hit US,Europe:expected to kill millions: no warning planned Pull up page of BIN that has search page and put in Tsunami damage or title i gave. Yes. West Coast of Florida gone, but again, depending on the wave height of the tsunami; 75 feet or higher it will go across the State and will get Tampa, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Bradenton, Port Charlotte, Fort Myers, and other Florida west coast cities. I live in Maine also. The infrastructure is being hardened in brevard county and by this, I mean steel beams are replacing wooden utility poles. By the time the decision is made to alert the public to evacuate is given, then the roads will be completely full of much higher than normal congestion. When this happens, our eternity is with Jesus in Heaven where their is no tears of sadness & No pain of any kinds, but Joy & happiness over flows with love & kindness with love in the Heaven, Gods Kingdom where the eternity is in Heaven. I say pseudo because it is inevitable there will be some type of collapse in the Canary Islands just dont know when (maybe a day, maybe an hour, maybe no warning). The land failures being talked about here have already happened, and have NOT generated an impossible wave in the entire geologic history of these islands.nor has North America EVER been hit by such a wave in its geologic history. The future global event will be here in about less than 7 years from now. But I am curious. Found this. Take care of yourselves and others and dont loose any sleep over 300 foot tsunamis. So, when those earthquakes started rattling off over there, it made me think of this old article with the maps. be ready to move out when they tell everyone it is coming take secondary roads and travel northwest. So if you live 20 miles inland along the Florida coast (for example) at an elevation of 50 feet doesnt necessarily mean that a 300 foot tsunami (at the shore) will have enough remaining energy to travel all the way to your location. Then the locals would realize that the credit/debit cards were worthless and that theyd given away what supplies were locally available. How early would a warning be issued and how would it be issued? Hopefully never. Does anyone have update on the 9.8 earthquake coming May 28, 2015? Denise, The fool has said in their heart, There is no God'! Without knowing those three criteria it would be impossible to predict. Certainly not in a vehicle. Because if this happens as predicted it would be much larger than 300ft. No Trout, Bass, Salmon, Pike, Perch etc will be left alive. put your head between your legs and kiss your butt goodbye. Scientists have discovered that a 1,000ft wave swept across the Earth some 73,000 years ago. High rise buildings with doors and windows and sewage connections will do more than flood, on the lower floors, they will crush and drop, as the water will create uneven pressure on outside walls, pressure they were never expected to have to resist. People who stayed, would have no power, water, food or shelter. Or are Phillipsburg and Easton safe bets? No packed bags necessary for that trip. Bristol county ? @ Anthony w. lane Praying that other folks are doing this too. So I would imagine that in the much flatter, much more low-lying east coast of the United States a tsunami 10x as tall (at 300 meters) would go 10x as far inland (so 50 km). Among those one will be on the West coast of the US, but that one, would not be as large as the one that will come upon the East coast. We are about 40 miles East of I-5.. at an elevation of only 512. Hi Angie! How far inland would a thirty one mile high tsunami go? After this, I was caused to lower my body downward but still in a standing up position (travelling straight down effortlessly) and I came below the mans feet where I noticed the lower legs and sandals he was wearing. Hope it never happens. hahaha, Do have similar predictions for the west coast. 23! Look at the National Drought Monitor map. You could be right Pittsburgh sits on rivers that do not even flow into the Atlantic ocean at an elevation 710 feet at thier lowest point, and most of the city away from the rivers is between 900 and 1250 feet in elevation. The Missippi River will be 50-100 miles across, and the Great Lakes will become one Big Lake. I live in Chelmsford, MA. Im in Stevensville soyeah. silver fox says: William Branham prophesied that the west coast would have an earthquake that would kill millions. IF there is a tsunami as described in this article, it would sweep up Delaware Bay and then up the river. New Jersey is extreme lowland for almost the entire state. Best thing to do is stay as closer as you can with Lord Jesus, otherwise you will be part of that event. What are your thoughts? What makes anyone think that will be the limited height for such an event. Opinions vary regarding the height of the tsunami and range from 60 feet, to 300 feet, and even higher than that as it rolls up the shoreline of the East Coast of the United States and elsewhere. But its not going to be an asteroid / tsunami in September. Yes, we should witness others who are lost in this world. Dont worry daddy, pc is 128 ft above sea level and 28 miles inland. Im not saying were safe. Car packed and ready if necessary. We could even be hit by a mid size meteor capable of causing a great tsunami. Meh every place is a gamble especially where I live. It has an elevation above 400 feet. Today is the day of salvation. Any thoughts? Mahalo! I had a dream this past July.. it was either a 100-150 ft wave as I estimated from going outside and looking at my tree line and gestimating how much higher the water was.. this dream was so real, most intense dream Ive probably ever had, I could HEAR the tricking and then rushing of the water all around me.. at first I tried to forget about it and move on.. but it has stuck with me.. This is not for everyone but I think some people missed the part where the author stated that the maps only show elevation, not the predicted distance the tsunami would reach inland. The problem is that river that goes right throught it. Okey dokey. Unfortunately I live 10 miles inland from Cape Canaveral, hoping for less than a hundred footer. I have dreams that come true often. Must get gill implants. 8 to 9 hours to get here or not, you can imagine the gridlock for many many hours on the roads and interstates; millions will die. Its all a bunch of apocalyptic scare nonsense. Please answer me if possible, as I am doing everything possible to prepare for my family and neighbors. West Palm?! That impact shook free between 40 million and 60 million cubic yards (30.6. You cant tell if a place like Elizabeth Linden NJ would be affected purely based upon a tsunami. The tsunami doesnt rear up and create the devastating wave until it is closing in on the shore. I am in Nokomis Fla , although its not mentioned , I do see many more sinkholes , the earth is expanding ..we see this in the earths plates ,looking back in history ..this has caused tsunamis . Fill up your car with gas NOW. feeling overwhelmed, out of control, etc. I live in the gulf west side of southern florida. Focus on that, if you really want to spend countless hours on this. Is this accurate?. Is all NJ going to be under water?? Ah Bye Bye? Baaaaaa!!! or not happen. If that wave is coming right at you, you might see the 100 monster, but if you are perpendicular to the lobe, maybe only a few feet. When we reached the summit of the peak & awaited our fate. Force if impact depends on the size and speed of projectile and impact point (depth, material of both projectile and impact site, etc.) They have know that this is coming, but they wont tell us untill the last minute. Frequency (depending on the source of the tsunami) and Amplitude (shape of ocean floor, shoreline and up-slope factors). Read a lot of these and noticed that lot of people have had dreams. I love you Lord with all my heart & my soul! You must have missed the following statement in the article above, which reads as follows: Not the expected distance a 300 foot tsunami would actually travel. When our time comes the faithful will look forward to dancing at the feet of Jesus as my Mother used to say. Thank you for your model, I firmly believe in be prepared, not scared. BTW, today is the day that The President announced pulling out of the Paris Climate Accord which is what got me looking anew, and I found this blog. But the wave might be atomic energy. The Highest Tsunami on Record is like 1730ft! We just suffered through Ida which hit NJ horribly and I happened to be up for a few days hanging out with my kids and granddaughter who still live up there. About 25 miles away from new york city it is all mountainous and rural (400-1800 feet in elevation). Just tie a boat to your 2nd floor window and you should be fine. Ken explained the maps were topographical, not predictive. Ive wondered about the Hilina slump myself. JOY, Karen Just my take..I would not remain in a coastal area with low elevation areas with a rim of rock to shield them it is anyones guess..Tsunami will not get enough warning to flee in areas where all ground is low ground. It will cover 3 continents, on east coast of USA . Your odds of going out in the next 20-30 years are far higher from an accidental nuke exchange, or from an escalation going out of control on purpose. The highest point in my county in NJ is 300 feet above sea level. No wall will be strong enough to resist the weight of water that will rise up, 100 feet high, in a steady flood tide, nor are there walls in place today constructed with that in mind. However I cant shake this image of being underwater from a wave from my head, and having three little children- well I just cant handle the thought. Absolutely terrified is an understatement. Just begin browsing and formulating your own ideas. Mike Walker Publishing UK has US Rail Map Atlas books. The earthquakes are getting shallower as the magma moves up to the surface. Would they be safe? Greatly appreciated! What happens when one of them has an accident ? Im just saying the numbers dont match. Im at 1211 feet above but Im in central WI one of the dullest places for natural events. @WalkByFaith research the 1958 Lituya bay Mega tsunami. For those who are offended that is not my point. hi, im a high school student in my final years i am doing a physic assignment i need to know how you calculated the distance a tsunami travel in land please if you could tell me. How would this affect Baltimore, Maryland? Ive been working for several years encouraging him to get on the preparedness train. Wondering how N. Suffolk, VA would fair with the Nansemond River close by. I urge you to look them up. I understand Florida will be devastated, with the infrastructure completely wiped out, but what are the chances of and actual wave making it that far. Its a starting point for ones own analysis. A 10 meter tsunami goes 1.2 kilometers inland. Flooding can extend inland by 300 meters (~1000 feet) or more, covering large expanses of land with water and debris. 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how far inland would a 3,000 ft tsunami go