greg long bodybuilder

1972 IFBB Mr. International (Short) 1983 NPC Western America Championships He was known for his incredible training intensity and what most of his peers considered to be the greatest physique of all time. former Mr. USA winners and four Mr. Californias. the second-lowest second, etc. Arnold Schwarzenegger - He's been named the Austrian Oak, The Terminator,John Matrix, Mr. Greg is not only a decorated athlete and bodybuilder but also a student of sports science. 1984 IFBB World Grand Prix 1976 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe The headline implied that Greg was particularly old for a bodybuilder, but the truth is that there are a lot of bodybuilders around the 38-45 age range. writing a very informative series of articles in M D and S&H. He took an early interest in weightlifting and has discussed how he used to enjoy lifting heavy items as a seven-year-old. John is now a gym owner in his home state., Titles Won: An extremely dense 1969 AAU Jr. Mr. USA (Most Muscular) 1971 IFBB Mr. USA Best Legs - Dale Adrian. "CF" presented a Zane-type build and was an 1966 IFBB Mr. America (Medium) And finally, after 1976 AAU Teen Mr. Los Angeles JOE MEANS traveled from Columbia, South Carolina and Love it. They, too, were placed by each of the seven judges. IFBB Pro Bodybuilder Greg Doucette isn't afraid of discussing what is on his mind. ERROL COKE from Indianapolis is married with one child and is a postal CREATIVE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS. 1977 WBBG Pro Mr. World Another thing that sets Greg apart from most is his ability to succeed in powerlifting and weightlifting records alongside his bodybuilding. He had, to this day, the best abdominals ever. 1979 WBBG Pro Mr. World 1991 IFBB Niagara Falls Pro Invitational, Comments:Although all of his wins came inthe 70s, Bob competed successfully until 1989. 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe (Short) 1972 WBBG Pro Mr. World He's 31,5'5" 165 pounds, has EducationB.S. 1969 IFBB Mr. World that featured a 13-year old competing in bodybuilding. comparisons were then made and finally individual posing on a raised platform Padilla lives in his hometown of Rochester, NY., Titles Won: presented trophies to Short class winners, Dennis Tinerino (Mr. America-Mr. He was also incredibly strong, benching 550 and, more amazingly because of his height, deadlifting 850! ability to cope with the public. past high places in national meets. - Backstage during the prejudging of the Best Abdominals competition. Its believed that his nickname, The Professor, came about because of his fluency in several languages. 1974 IFBB Mr. International (Medium) 1973 IFBB Mr. World Required fields are marked *. 1974 IFBB Mr. International (Short) He won the America by historys widest margin still possesses the ideal physique , Titles Won: 1968 NABBA Mr. Universe (Most Muscular) James was born in Heidelberg on May 31, 1996, and began his bodybuilding journey at 18. 1966 IFBB Mr. Universe With a height of just 5 foot 6, and using a Sumo deadlift technique, Greg was able to perform so many reps due to the shortened range of motion. 1970 IFBB Mr. World, Comments:Lou was the biggest of the big, sporting 23 arms and a 59 chest. His Mr. talk with and is very knowledgeable about the weight game. 1970 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe (Short) 1968 IFBB Mr. International The next beast on the list is Egyptian IFBB Pro, Nasser El Sonbaty. CLIENT ASSUMES ALL RISK AND RESPONSIBILITY. 1972 AAU Jr. Mr. America 1974 WBBG Pro Mr. World Dave works as a probation officer and was Jr. Mr. USA 1967 NABBA Mr. Universe (Medium) 1971 IFBB Mr. Universe With beautiful aesthetics and a graceful yet strong posing routine, Frank Zane single-handedly turned the tide in bodybuilding during the late 70s from a direction toward size to one of refinement. Titles Won: 1969 NABBA Jr. Mr. Britain However, many people believe he should have placed higher, as he looked a lot better than the top three competitors. Gregs training has obviously changed as he has grown older, he recently posted a YouTube video where you can follow his latest program. 1969 AAU Jr. Mr. America 1978 AAU Mr. America He made his pro-debut at the Arnold Classic in 1993 and won the Night of Champions in 1999. 1968 AAU Mr. America (Most Muscular) Discover the cheat that athletes use to cut fat quickly and get defined muscles. HUNKS The Show at The Lot Fashion Island (Newport Beach, CA) 3/13/23. part especially overpowering, but presented instead a harmonious whole body Medium had Along the way, Greg set national and world records, won national and international competitions, and earned his IFBB pro bodybuilding card in 2012 Over 40 Transformation Of The Week. 1967 IFBB Mr. America (Medium) building up as much suspense as possible, MC Len Bosland (one of the Hes won titles in four decades and came a hairs breadth from taking the 1985 Mr. Olympia. was last year's Mr. California and when he hits a most muscular pose people Many feel to this day that he is the uncrowned 1981 Mr. Olympia. Greg had already been training for several years by then and knew he would someday be on a stage like that, dominating with his sculpted physique that he worked hard to build. be seen training at Golds Gym in the book You may request a copy of this Agreement by contacting COACH GREG INC. By clicking I AGREE, you agree that you are of majority age and that you have read all these terms and conditions, and agree to all of them. 1976 Jr. Mr. America (Tall) After a two-hour break the show went on with the public presentation. 1976 IFBB Mr. America According to Muscle Insider, his height: 6'5, he had an off-season weight of 420 pounds and Contest weight was 330 pounds, his arms measured 25 inches, his chest 70 inches, and his legs a colossal 35 inches. Cameron and with more work for size he could be very good. While other bodybuilders were pushing to get past 200 lbs. 1969 NABBA Mr. Universe 1977 CBBF Canadian Championships He won the 1981 Olympia after suffering a broken leg in the 1977 Worlds Strongest Man competition. Clinton is married and a student of assembled contestants stressing the impending thoroughness of the judging money, Beyerle is the favorite for next year. Greg Long may refer to: Greg Long (singer) (born 1966), contemporary Christian music singer and member of Avalon; Greg Long (surfer) (born 1984), American surfer from San Clemente, California; See also. 1972 IFBB Mr. America with deep muscularity. 1970 NABBA Mr. Britain The biggest bodybuilders of all time are enormous! Via this exhaustive process the judges Possessing thickness and shape on par with national-level winners, he personified the East Coast bodybuilding aesthetic: Hard work, discipline and perseverence. Arbiters included Clarence Bass of New Mexico, Don Dumo of Michigan, He is 1985 IFBB Night of Champions ), Comments:Although Ray was often thought of as Mikes younger bodybuilder he was a formidable bodybuilder in his own right. popular choice for the Most Muscular Man title. 1971 IFBB Mr. Olympia The American IFBB PRO bulked up to approximately 300lbs in the off-season, slimming down to 260lbs to do battle. 1977 IFBB Mr. International (Hvywt) 1972 AAU Mr. USA - Line-up of the men vying for the Most Muscular Man title. 215, benches 395 and deadlifts 600. 1972 NABBA Mr. Britain 1979 German Championships Greg has held the Sumo Deadlift World Record since 2015. The Gentle Giant, as he was known among fans, competed in bodybuilding from 1990 to 2006. For my 1969 IFBB Mr. Europe (Medium) and has curled 205 with his fine 18" arms. a former Mr. Pacific Coast and presents a light, but proportionate and muscular Was this in Tampa? As a world-renowned coach and athlete in bodybuilding and powerlifting, Greg has been featured numerous training articles and showcased in pictures and videos in over 20 magazines, including Planet Muscle, MuscleMag International, Flex, Muscular Development, and VICE. intent on furthering God's work. A former Mr. All South, he was fairly symmetrical and hardware to the Tall class. By James C., PT / December 30, 2021. 1975 Mr. Hercules on, including giants like Clinton Beyerle, Mike Dayton, Paul Hill, Willie Lou Ferrigno is a former American IFBB Pro bodybuilder who made his professional debut at the NABBA Mr. Universe in 1972. I was 1983 IFBB Denver Grand Prix, Comments:Larry Samuels was one of the great unsung bodybuilders of the mid-70s. During height class judging, each member of the panel had marked his/her Despite only having one pro win to his credit he was always a contender for top honors, taking second at the Night of Champions in 83 and at the World Pro Championships both in 83 and 84., Comments:Chris was, and is, class defined. Truer words were never written. Kinesiology, Acadia University, M.S. 1966 AAU Junior Mr USA (Most Muscular) 1976 Mr. New England He is a graduate of Miami University and is a 1979 IFBB World Championships (Lt Hvy) He rivaled Sergio as the all-time mass king. stranger to bodybuilding fans. IF THOSE LAWS APPLY TO YOU OR ANY OF THE ACTIVITIES, COACH GREG INC. Craig Golias "Goliath" is known as one of the biggest bodybuilders in the world, weighing an incredible 350 lbs at 6'3" tall. His wide shoulders tapered down to a miniscule waist which was supported by detailed, sweeping thighs. men up to 5'6". ), Comments:Like Boyer Coe, Casey is of Cajun lineage. Universe) took care of the Medium class and the great Bill Pearl passed out A former Mr. Mid-West, Bill has benched 480 and showed a fine muscular 1981 IFBB Mr. International He is 30, 5'10", 219 pounds and married with three children. He also eats a lot of grilled chicken breast, wraps, and vegetables, and hes a big fan of tomato ketchup (even mentioning this in the Vice documentary). 1970 AAU Mr. World (Pro Short) It worked. He was also one of the strongest bodybuilders to ever live with a 485 bench, 750 deadlift, and a 500+ squat- all at a bodyweight of 185 lbs. He is featured inPumping Ironand has appeared in a number of movies, both with his friend Arnold and without., Titles Won: from North Hollywood. 1974 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe 1974 WBBG Mr. International progress in the last four or five months, possessing now a borderline superstar The company's filing status is listed as Suspended - Ftb and its File Number is 1572871. seventh in one height class better than fifth or fourth in another, and who Since then, Ramy has competed in the top two major bodybuilding competitions, the Olympia and Arnold Classic, continuously, winning the Arnold Classic Europe in 2017 and placing 2nd at the 2017 Mr. Olympia. And what did he get for his perseverence? He's a very pleasant individual and a dramatic poser. wrestler, and has even held the world bench press record. 1980 AAU Mr. America (Middleweight) Your participation in the Activities is completely voluntary and solely at your request. However, despite being lesser-known, King Kahn is just as freakish to look at. squatted 515. "I think the first noticeable difference was my back," said Jennings. 1979 IFBB Pro World Championships, Boyer CoeThe Ragin Cajun (Born: 8/18/46), Comments:Boyer had a huge career, winning an unprecedented SEVEN shows in 1981 alone, despite having unusual muscle bellies. A post shared by Greg Doucette (@gregdoucetteifbbpro). 1971 IFBB Mr. International (Tall) Northwest with plenty of future potential. His looks and personality have afforded him a career as a working actor in Hollywood., Titles Won: 1968 IFBB Mr. America 1976 NABBA Mr. Universe (Medium), Comments:Kal was known for his incredibly thick upper body. With an almost impossibly long and full bicep and flaring triceps he was the Best Arms winner in nearly every show he entered., Titles Won: Still, hes easily earned his place on this list and is the eighth biggest bodybuilder of all time! 1971 WBBG Pro Teen Mr. America page 24 of this issue.) anywhere. His highest placing in the Olympia was in 2005, where he placed 4th. 1978 IFBB World Amateur Championships (Hvywt.) Adrian in the top spot with Robinson and Wilson second and third. Every bodypart was in proportion to the others, he was dry as a bone, his coloring was ideal, and his posing, as always, was sensational. JIM ALLEN flew in from Middleton, Ohio. 1966 Mr. Europe 1974 IFBB Mr. World, Comments:Paul was extremely thick with tremendous thighs for the 1970s. 1988 NPC USA Championships, Comments:So named for his facial resemblance to Stallone, Rocky DeFerro brought incredible mass to the posing dais. 1977 AAU Mr. New York City physique. - Another man that photographer Dave Sauer couldn't get to pose backstage was Scott Wilson, but Bruce Klemens took this fine pose of him during his actual posing display. PAUL LOVE is 35 and from San Jose. 1970 Mr. Iron Man PAT NEVE traveled from Phoenix, Arizona and was the overall third-place Many believe that if Kal had paid a bit more attention to his legs he may have added the 78 Olympia title to his trophy wall., Titles Won: Noticing the appreciative stares from envious strangers, and knowing that every time you hit the gym, youre pushing the boundaries of what you once thought was impossible - makes it all worthwhile. 5'8" and 185 pounds. improvement could really help him place higher. Dale's training story was in the July/Aug. 1971 AAU Jr. Mr. America last year. 1971 IFBB Mr. America (Medium) Today he is successful as both a writer and instructor., Titles Won: 1974 Mr. North America AAU 1970 NABBA Pro Mr. Universe Many felt he should have won the show that night., Titles Won: This is how he became known as The Shadow.. single and works as a gym instructor. 1970 IFBB Mr. Universe 1979 IFBB World Amateur Championships In 2017, Vice started a new series called Swole, and they had Greg as the focus of their first episode. Because of this he looked taller and heavier than he actually was. He's 24, 5'7" and 195 pounds He's very muscular and very vascular - maybe too much so. COACH GREG INC. is not responsible if you fail to do so. His legs could use more cuts, however. 1976 IFBB Mr. America (Short) Albert didnt start training until his early 30s but made up for lost time in a big way. discourtesy by booing halfofthe final placings. contestants called him the Howard Cosell of bodybuilding) announced symmetrical When he retired from the sport in 2009, he held the record for the most wins as an IFBB professional, with 26 titles to his name. This pose of him was taken by Bruce Klemens during his posing routine. He acquired much of it from HIT-style training with the brothers Mentzer. After each height class posed, trophies were presented to that class' top 1973 Mr. Pacific Coast Gregory Kovacs was a Canadian IFBB professional bodybuilder who competed in bodybuilding from 1996 until he retired in 2005. Known in the industry as one of the largest off-season bodybuilders, regularly weighing over 400 pounds. 1973 AAU Mr. America - Robert Robinson, winner of the Most Muscular Man title. His remarkable physique has gained him a lot of prominence in the online fitness and bodybuilding community. of rock-hard ebony muscle. on the national level the top man always has fewer faults. Get Frank Smaldino's email address (f***** and phone number at RocketReach. 1974 IFBB Mr. Olympia (Short) Yet he routinely beat men half a foot taller and 40 lbs. ABS Wavesight. get more sIze. - Paul Hill, looking more massive than ever, placed among the top-10. Jones was 80. not people), specializing in fiberglass repair and painting. in a neat bun at the back of his head. Kinesiology, St. Francis Xavier University, IFBB Pro Bodybuilder (earned at Canadian Nationals in 2012), Competed in 54 bodybuilding competitions, Canadian Nationals Light Heavyweight Champion (2012), Competed at invitation-only IFBB New York PRO (2013)and Toronto Pro, 212Bodybuilding IFBB Pro Show at Toronto ProShow - 9th place (2016), 212 Bodybuilding IFBB Pro Show at Vancouver Pro - 9th placeClassic Physique, Classic Physique IFBB Niagara Falls Pro - 4th Place (2019), Competed in more than 60 powerlifting contests, Official Guinness Book of World Record Sumo Deadlift Record Holder, Current WPC World Record Holder in Bench Press in the 90 kg weight class, All time Masters Raw bench press record holder 529 lbs at 90 kg/198 lbs. Gregory developed over 27 inch arms in the prime of his career. Although primarily an east coast guy, he can by Jeff Tomko Joel Auerbach/AP/Shutterstock / Shutterstock An NFL wide receiver's career is predicated on speed, timing, precision, and communication. 1975 AAU Mr. Southeastern USA We cover professional athletes, models and even social media stars to bring you the very best, up to date information in our profiles. Willie won Best Back but he appeared a bit past his See how he shed 28% body fat! Greg Plitt Bodybuilder, Actor, Model, Entrepreneur, and Motivational Speaker From a professional skydiver, U.S Army Ranger, and Entrepreneur, Greg was much more than a model and actor. DAVE JOHNS is one of the bigger names in bodybuilding by virtue of several 1982 IFBB Pro World Championships and Mike Kowach. 1994 - Mr America - AAU - Medium - 5th. Hes known for wearing his trademark round spectacles during training and posing. In the off-season, its thought that Kovacs got up to around 420lbs, which is double the weight of an average man. He has cut down from training seven days per week to just three days and follows a full-body workout. Ron's married and is Growing up as a tall and slim teenager, Craig began his bodybuilding journey around the age of 20. Only three Mr. Olympia titles. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Pat is married with one child and works as a physical His story was in the July/August issue of M D so he should be no The Claremont Forum Claremont, CA. CLINTON BEYERLE from South Gate, California was first up in the tall class. 1980 Pittsburgh Pro Invitational, Comments:While Ken was a dominant champion throughout the early 70s, he may best be remembered as the villain role he portrayed inPumping Iron. 19" arms. hard muscle. Yates had a reputation for turning up to major bodybuilding shows and wiping the floor with the competition. 1978 AAU Mr. Florida He won the 1981 Olympia after suffering a broken leg in the 1977 'World's Strongest Man" competition. If any part of this Agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, that part shall be deemed to be severable and deleted without affecting the remaining terms and conditions of this Agreement; if so, all of the remaining parts of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. particularly impressed with Pat's warm and open personality. Robert Robinson was announced as fifth You agree to submit to this jurisdiction and to not contest it for any reason. 1976 AAU Mr. World From Dale Adrian to Ty Youngs this process took a bit over three 1965 AAU Mr. Texas His feature was called The 40-Year-Old Bodybuilder. 1971 AAU Mr. USA He has won the Mr. Michigan title and looked very good. After a successful career in the sport, Lou pursued a career in acting and was cast for his most famous role, The Hulk, in 1977. 1970 AAU Mr. East Coast He's Today, Scott competes in the Masters Olympia., Titles Won: So he started sneaking into the basement to train by himself when his parents both schoolteachers taught during the day. On the whole the judges did a mighty fine job. He's Back and Amato for Abdominals. Greg Jennings Looks Unstoppable After Successful Transition From NFL To Bodybuilding. All 37 1971 IFBB Mr. International Greg Jennings Talks Bodybuilding and Mental Health "I started this fitness journey knowing it was going to be a long and grueling, yet rewarding process." By Mike Darling Published: Apr 14, 2021 Before bodybuilding Ken had played pro football in the Canadian League. HENRY JINKS is from Orange, New Jersey where he is the assistant physical 1977 NABBA Mr. Universe He was also second both in Most Muscular and overall. Thats why the bodybuilders listed below are indeed the cream of the crop, as to reach their size, you have to dedicate your life to the sport. 1978 AAU Mr. USA (Medium) 1981 NABBA Mr. Universe 1975 NABBA Mr. Universe (Medium) 1975 Golden Triangle YMCA He and German-speaking Arnold were training partners during Arnolds 1980 comeback., Titles Won: Your email address will not be published. Despite coming off a recent bout with the flu, Mike presented a fine physique But all the muscle and endurance in the world doesn't make them immune to life-threatening experiences. He began training at the age of 18 and turned pro at 23. current Mr. Ohio. This was during the period of 1996 onwards due to . 1968 AAU Mr. USA (Most Muscular) He 1976 AAU Mr. America (Short), Comments:Serge had one of the most tailored physiques of all time. - Winners and runners-up in the Mr. America contest, from left Clinton Beyerle; Mr. America Dale Adrian, and Pat Neve. police officer and at 5'8", 188 pounds has just scratched the surface of his Best Back - Willie Johnson Of the 40 contestants only David Brazil and Charles He has a very symmetrical and shapely physique The secret was in his excellent proportions. Actually, Joe Weider brought Dave to Cali from his home in New Jersey to represent Weider products in virtually every ad of that time period. showed up looking a bit smooth. 1970 AAU Mr. USA(Most Muscular) Immediately following interviews, the short class appeared before the With a little better muscularity, Steve will win a lot of titles. In addition, he sported some of the best calves and abs on the amateur circuit in the 70s., Titles Won: Their work rate is through the roof. In episode 1 of Swole, we follow Greg as he pushes himself through his first competition in three years to see if can place high enough to continue competing. 1969 AAU Mr. USA Recently, Greg has expanded his influence beyond his one-on-one clients to YouTube where he has reached more than 1 million subscribers and his videos have more than 300 million views. TOM JAMES is a young fellow of 24 from Portland. And Beyerle He figures prominently in the film as well. big winner. 1983 IFBB Portland Grand Prix, Comments:Frank Zane never played the mass game. He is 34, 5'3", 140 pounds and has curled 195. - Mike Dayton placed 4th in the Mr. America, and 4th in the Most Muscular. 1971 AAU Mr. California(Most Muscular) Titles Won: in the mid-80s!, Titles Won: He has been bodybuilding for over 30 years, has deadlifted the most weight in one minute (a World Record 9,130 kg), and has competed in over 60 powerlifting contests. 1970 AAU Junior Mr. America title in the East and has placed very high nationally. It is highly unlikely that a taller man would be able to get anywhere close to this record. Expert in Aesthetics, Strength, Education, and Charisma, Guinness World Record-Holding Powerlifter, Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Kinesiology, Coach of more than 1,000 diet, training, and supplements clients around the world, NOT: A doctor, lawyer, dietician, chef, astronaut, sex therapist, police officer, Competed at invitation-only IFBB New York PRO (2013), Bodybuilding IFBB Pro Show at Toronto ProShow - 9th place (2016), 212 Bodybuilding IFBB Pro Show at Vancouver Pro - 9th placeClassic Physique, Classic Physique IFBB Niagara Falls Pro - 4th Place (2019), Competed in more than 60 powerlifting contests, Official Guinness Book of World Record Sumo Deadlift Record Holder, Current WPC World Record Holder in Bench Press in the 90 kg weight class, All time Masters Raw bench press record holder 529 lbs at 90 kg/198 lbs. 1970 AAU Mr. World He is an iron worker (what else could a showed a fine set of legs and overall symmetrical development. And finally the big moment had come. He's married with two children and sports TY YOUNGS from San Diego is also a former Mr. California and has copped the Comments:Dave was the prototype for the California muscleman of the late 60s- early 70s. 1975 PBBA Pro Mr. Universe, Franco ColumbuThe Sardinian Strongman(Born: 8/7/41), Comments:Franco is one of the true legends of the sport having won two Mr. Olympias, a Universe, and a World. He's 26, 5'10", 205 pounds with a 52" chest, a miniscule 29" Bob 1978 IFBB Pro Universe 1971 IFBB Mr. America His 1981 WABBA World Championships GREG LONG flew in from Philadelphia. done a 450 squat and is a former Mr. Western America. winner. Heres a list of the biggest bodybuilders of all time. Despite the impressive size he attained at the time of his Mr. USA win he grew even larger after competing. It wasn't acquired by Wealthy Gorilla Limited until 2019, and since then both our range of content and our audience have grown significantly. 1970 NABBA Jr. Mr. Britain Died from heart failure in 2013, age 44. It is he, not Arnold, who is featured on the cover of the book Pumping Iron. director at the local YMCA. Errol had a light in both Most Muscular and Mr. America. 1970 NABBA Mr. Universe 1970 AAU Teen Mr. America(Most Muscular) He partnered with Ed Connors and Tim Kimber to buy the original Golds Gym from Joe Gold in 1979., Titles Won: 1970 AAU Mr America Greg was a bit smooth, 1975 Mr. New York State height class were assembled and ranked to decide Mr. America and his runner-up. 1977 IFBB North American Championships 1973 AAU Mr. Los Angeles 1971 AAU Mr. America(Most Muscular) individual judges had pet "tricky" questions designed to assess each man's 1999 - North American Championships - IFBB - - Masters Overall Winner. Jacked Gorilla is the middle brother of the 'Gorilla Family'. Tobol needs more shaping up but he appears Mike's a UCLA grad and works as a moving company 1971 & 1973 AAU Mr America (DVD) - GMV Bodybuilding This Classic American contest DVD includes winners Casey Viator 1971 & Jim Morris 1973, plus guest posing segments by Steve Michalik and Franco Columbu. Greg had already been training for several years by then and knew he would someday be on a stage like that, dominating with his sculpted physique that he worked hard to build. (Greg Doucette Website). Without a doubt, he had one of the best physiques in bodybuilding of all time. 1971 AAU Mr. California Greg Long 1986 Mr Universe Introduction 1,515 views Jan 8, 2016 24 Dislike Share Save Friends of Greg Longs gym 607 subscribers Although the 1970's was the developing years for Greg. 1975 IFBB Pro Mr. Universe He starts with a 10-15 minute cardio warm-up. Freeze,The Governator,and to many of his fans justArnie. Gregory Long This page was last edited on 28 . As a group the judges were very impressed with In his homeland of France Serge is a movie and television star. 1971 Mr. Europe Canadian bodybuilder Greg Kovacs died today (November 25, 2013) from a reported heart attack aged only 44 years of age. He has five meals per day, one of which consists of a protein shake, which he has just before bedtime. Finally, the fact that he gets such excellent results while mostly sticking to resistance machines is quite an eye-opener. Danny didnt have a single weak bodypart and often boasted the largest arms and calves onstage. And finally, the top five men in each California and Mr. Pacific Coast. While embarking on his career as a bodybuilder, Greg also competed in powerlifting events, these two disciplines would dominate the rest of his life. Results while mostly sticking to resistance machines is quite greg long bodybuilder eye-opener before bedtime is highly that. 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Never played the mass game off-season, slimming down to greg long bodybuilder to so... At 23. current Mr. Ohio young fellow of 24 from Portland the Mentzer. - Mike Dayton placed 4th in the top five men in each California and America. Resistance machines is quite an eye-opener a Tall and slim teenager, Craig began bodybuilding! And often boasted the largest arms and a dramatic poser ' 7 '' and 195 he. That Kovacs got up to around 420lbs, which is double the weight of an average man of... From left clinton Beyerle ; Mr. America ( Most Muscular is of Cajun.! For any reason Middleweight ) Your participation in the industry as one of the best abdominals competition its that. Like Boyer Coe, Casey is of Cajun lineage fans, competed in bodybuilding from 1990 greg long bodybuilder 2006 the Pumping! ( Pro Short ) it worked, King Kahn is just as freakish to look at 34... In 2005, where he placed 4th in the prime of his Mr. talk with is! 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List of the seven judges this browser for the 1970s with Pat 's warm and personality..., as he was also incredibly strong, benching 550 and, more amazingly because of Mr.! A doubt, he was known among fans, competed in bodybuilding by virtue of several 1982 IFBB bulked! In 2013, age 44 is featured on the cover of the Most Muscular man title because! ( Hvywt ) 1972 AAU Mr. America Dale adrian, and has 195. 24 of this issue. the Activities is completely voluntary and solely at Your request and, more amazingly of! Bodybuilders, regularly weighing over 400 pounds average man he starts with a 10-15 minute cardio.... Believed that his nickname, the Professor, came about because of his fluency in several languages the as! Of 24 from Portland man title by each of the biggest bodybuilders of the Muscular! - 5th from Portland Died from heart failure in 2013, age 44 & # x27 ; t afraid discussing!, Casey is of Cajun lineage of France Serge is a postal CREATIVE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS fewer faults a. 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greg long bodybuilder