bob jones prophet first wife

Now we have a church out of a church with new leadership to finally have us on the right foundation. Everything about Paul was often dramatic! The church is never going to be a Melchizedek Priesthood because this is not Gods intention for the church- Jesus ALONE is the God man, this why the Bible teaches he is the only begotten Son of God. The Melchisedek Priesthood has only one priest- that is Jesus Christ and Him alone, for it is an eternal priesthood with Him as its priest forever. . The more you understand the reality and the presence, the more you can acceptthe presence of these healing violet flame angels,the closer, they will come and the greater their strength and power ofthat sacred fire wrapped around you (I Am healing decrees, Saint Germaine press 1976 p.6). I have only listened to a few of the tapes from Kansas City Fellowship, and read only a few of their publications. And so they threw Bob Jones out.(P.His 1, p. 15), THE FACTS BY FORMer pastor AND A CHURCH MINISTER ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT: During the time of my pastorate at Berean Baptist Church, a man by the nameof Bob Jones came to our services and started, without contacting or consulting the pastor, proceeded to insert himself as a prophet in every servicedominated the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding prophecies, supposedly from God, mostly in the flesh. , Jan. 15, 2009). Two nights! Viola and I, we dearly loved them. These type of descriptions and non- conformity to the Bibles Jesus certainly raises the suspicion of a another Jesus, or spirit at work. , March 1992, p. 90), he said there is no higher calling than ecumenical bridge-building. So that that glorious Church might be revealed in the last daysbecause the Lord Jesus is worthy to be lifted up by a Church that has reached the full maturity of the God-man! (Bob Jones, tape, Visions and Revelations, 1988.). 14:3 As a self-proclaimed prophet, with no history with the Body of Christ, no respect for leadership, and no reception to correction, these judgement prophecies were totally out of Biblical order. They wont do anything to you. And immediately, I cried out for help. For information see: Its not have the faith in God, it is to have the faith of God. Thus, the tales these prophets speak of from their own imagination are called tails by God.The Church has accepted the teaching of prophets that are not speaking the truth. Ever since that time in 74 when he was filled with the Holy Spirit he began to see the technicolor visions and the Lord began to visit him. And the whole thing was shut down. Whatever is communicating to Jones has some hair raising tails to tell. They were like our son and our daughter. Before the prophetic minister Bob Jones passed away in 2014, he released a prophetic word to Shawn Bolz. Im Christel Berns. Kansas City Chiefs [@chiefs]. I didnt have cancer. . But he just cant seem to get the accuracy level past first grade prognostics. The grandiose vision of the Movement was, in fact, expanded by a whole series of visions that Bob Jones supposedly had between 1974 and 1983:MB:When Bob first walked in the office on March 7, 1983, he said, Ive come to get you to believe in a movement that is worldwide and that is going to touch the nations of the earth withsuch power and glory that it will go far beyond the book of Acts. Things that we encourage you to share include the audio sermons, O Timothy magazine, FBIS articles, and the free eVideos and free eBooks. Bonnie was at his side. And it would begin a wave at Washington, and it would come on down and go through the whole United States ". Bob Jones spiritual experiences are extraordinary to say the least. The demon speaking to him in the hospital, Everybody has just mistreated you all your life. Add to thatthe funeral was held in my church; I preached the funeral message and gave an invitation to accept Christ, and several young people took Jesus as their Savior that day. (Testimony Letter 11), The church member:At the maximum, six people of all ages died over a 2-year period, from March 29, 1976, to January 12, 1978: a. Dennis Wagner, age 19;. "Bob passed away at 6:22 this morning, peacefully and smiling," says Rick Joyner . MB:=Mike Bikle And at 15 years old, you were taken out of the body. We discuss how God led him to this decision, his thoughts and feelings behind the decision and we also answer all the questions everyone has about . Every miracle, sign and wonder that has ever been in the Bible theyll move in it consistently. William Branham, Oral Roberts, AA Allen. The following is a prophecy of Bob Jones of the great coming revival, recorded shortly before his death. Our primary goal with the FBIS is to provide material to assist preachers in the edification and protection of the churches. 1990 s. In the mid-1990s, Bob Jones University launched distance learning programs through BJU Press, which benefit thousands of students from homeschool families and Christian schools everyday. This is a red flag. In discussing Bob Jones disqualifying history, heres my comment and a response from one commentator. 2040s will reveal the kingdom of God. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well . . . The exaggerated stories of rejection gain sympathy for Bob and fit into their theology of prophets being people who have had to deal with rejection all their lives. While in a time of praise, Bob saw an apple tree in full bloom. And it will start a Gods fire( Bob Jones,Visions and Revelations, 1988.). Finally he was with his first love. Two nights! 2, p. 2). Help me. And the voice spoke to me and says, I cant help you, Bob, until you forgive them. Ene mine mo, sah rah el me sah rah me (. . BJ:= Bob Jones "Viola and I were involved in a church in '76. The book deals with the history of Pentecostalism beginning at the turn of the 20th century, the Latter Rain Covenant, major Pentecostal healing evangelists, the Sharon Schools and the New Order of the Latter Rain, Manifest Sons of God, the charismatic movement, the Word-Faith movement, the Roman Catholic Charismatic Renewal, the Pentecostal prophets, the Third Wave, and recent Pentecostal and charismatic scandals. And were looking through the seeds and thisll be your grandkids. Bob Jones was never asked to leave the church; Bob Jones did not publicly give warning to the church.(Testimony Letter 33), Testimonies From Other Pastors In Kansas City Of Bobs Behaviour, I can verity that he (Bob Jones) was at that time very unstable in his behaviorCAMERON HARVESTER CHURCHFebruary 28, 1990 Dear Ernie, I listened to your tape, do we just keep smiling and say nothing? this last week and thought Id drop you a line to let you know how I feel about it personally & how I am responding to the calls that I have received. Read carefully the account, given by Mike Bickle and Bob Jones, during interviews in the fall of 1988:BJ:= Bob JonesViola and I were involved in a church in 76. Whats more, the prophecy said it would be a sign of a revival coming to America. At the time of his investigation, Nolen was chief of surgery at Meeker County Hospital in Litchfield, Minnesota. When we first met Paul in the early 1990s his story was one that was quite dramatic. Now 2000 years ago the Savior was revealed. Occult type Influences seem to common with Jones. Visions and Revelations.). he said,Because they rejected me many placesand the Lord has shown me many times, and He (God) said this, this group that was yet to come, He said they would never, ever reject me. He said, This is my family till the end. And I thought, Hes got to be the false prophet for sure. Any guy that prophesies that Imgoing to accept him, he is for sure the false prophet. I have stated to anyone who has asked me about it for many months that IT IS A CULT. He said, There will be a resistance and a controversy. . We pray God will use it to open the eyes of many and to help keep many of His children out of such deception. A former charismatic, said, The book is excellent and I have no doubt whatever that the Lord is going to use it in a mighty way. What kind of Jesus is this that Jones presents to the church? Their 2020 super bowl win made headlines as it was a historical moment for the Chiefs as it had been 50 long years since their last championship. Jesus said to those who exercise power as a group of prophets in the last days are in grave jeopardy Many will say to me in that day; Lord; Lord HAVE WE NOT PROPHESIED IN THY NAME? Looks like we have our future all mapped out and Jesus has told Jones he is not coming for the church in the next 50 years. what did it look like? Jones- It looked like gold and it looked like light and it was a light not like the light you see here which is artificial, he responded, adding that the light, the glory of the Lord, frightened him. Like reading words in alphabet soup this prophet can make a spiritual rhyme on a dime. He has since gone to be with the Lord. When Shielagh Clark told Bob Jones University officials in 2005 that she had been sexually assaulted by . And a lot of people have had a lot of good laughs about it. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. 4 1990). Besides that, he was never a member. Below you will find a handful of new images from last night, Nigh 43 of the Florida Revival and Healing Outpouring. Blinded by a refusal to judge anything, esp. Harry Dematrillia -- A strongly gifted prophet who ministered often with Bob Jones in the early days of the Kansas City . And BIckle and Bill Johnson are promoting a Second Pentecost which is the coming ONE WORLD CHURCH. In CHRIST (signed), (Dr.) George (Westlake Jr. Senior Pastor), The_Early_Days_Cairo_Egypt_and_the Solemn_Assembly_IPH01.pdf. Then he said a strange word. [!] Joseph Jones -- Joseph Jones is a little known Kansas City prophet who was friends with Bob Jones and was involved in the early prayer and fasting that set the direction of the movement. One disc will have Bob's prophecy on it with spontaneous instrumental praise and the other one will be just the same music . Don't let Bob's legacy die! Bob Jones is remembered for his many end-time prophetic visions that have come to pass, including a prophetic word about the current corona virus pandemic given many years ago:". cause most of them were negativethey threw him out as being in the occult and to putting curses on people. The devils will move Jones back into signs and wonders if he will avoid these subject matters! We are standing in prayer with you. Also Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia and Finland. Box 610368, Port Huron, MI 48061. , from its inception, has been marred deeply by moral scandals and deception, and nothing has changed. This will be the end generation that is foreknown and predestinated to inherit all things. Mike Bickle a close friend of Jones relates the degree of supernatural visitation Bob Jones received nightly:You know, Im going to tell you something about Bob. I wholeheartedly agree with the conclusions you presented in your letter. There is only one seed we need to be concerned about- it is the word of God which we are actually reborn with (1 Pt.1:23) not a physical seed of man. The Pentecostal-charismatic movement is one of the major building blocks of the end-time, one-world church, and young people in particular need to be informed and forewarned. He admitted that his churchs emphasis on prophecy and mystical experiences had been unhealthy and destructive (Grady, p. 103). We dont throw out the baby with the bath water. You are welcome to make copies of these at your own expense and share them with friends and family, but they cannot be posted to web sites. If you say youre sick, youll be (and remain) sick. .until he met Mike Bickle. Bob Jones experienced correction., not rejection. . The Rev. Hinn admitted to being with White in Rome and having a friendship and an inappropriate relationship with her, but both parties claimed there was no affair. So I knew instantly, the first minute he prophesied his acceptance; so I knew he was the false prophetno question in my mind.. On the side leading to destruction, the people were dressed in whatever they worshipped as their God. Bob Jones, John Paul Jackson, and Paul Cain, who were known as the 'Kansas City Prophets,' were all buried on 2/22 This win is on a palindrome day of 02/02/2020 (hasn't happened for 909 years). The term "prophetic" never appears in Scripture, much less phrases invented by modern wolves such as "prophetic praise," "the prophetic," "prophetic warfare," "prophetic worship," etc. His first wife, who accused him of fathering a child out of wedlock, took their three children and moved to Hawaii, but Clarence went right on as if nothing had happened . Bob is survived by his loving wife Bonnie Jones; his son Robert Wayne Jones of Lees Summit, MO; Step-son Lyn and his wife Katie Kost of Fort Mill, SC; Step-daughter Kimberly Glover and her husband Doug of Massillon, OH. Bob Jones ProphecyKC Chiefs Wins Super Bowl & Revival Sweeps Asbury Campus, Golf Champion Chris Kirk Thanks God And Sobriety After Major Victory, Revival Continues As It Hits Another Secular University. It had really grown and looked a lot like Christ. Bob Jones' prophecy. To where you can rest from your labors and God will work His work through you in your rest and in your peace. b. The show reported that Tiltons ministry threw thousands of unread prayer requests into the trash even though Tilton claimed to pray over them. It would result in too many Annaniases and Sapphiras (The Prophetic Ministry Rick Joyner. This where the influence on the new revival is seen with Bentley and others- it is a Latter Rain delusion that targets the youth, if we allow it. According to, Bob Jones when he was 13- The first time I ever seen the white horse was when an angel called Gabriel was riding. Bob went on to say the word he was remembering said "a wind would blow out of Canada in the Northwest, and it would come and settle in Washington [state]. Here we have three different reports as to the age Bob 1st saw the white horse, -7, 9, 13! The Holy of Holies which your children are called to enter in can crash that threshold. After the turn of the millennium Bob's wife, Viola passed away. Will and Judy were dedicated Christians and were youth leaders. Youre to bring them to a place to allow My Spirit to rule in their life where they can begin to set the Church on the proper foundations, as they will. (Without clarifying the voice he continues), ..And immediately, I cried out for help. Your email address will not be published. They are listening to tails. December 28, and as usual in the presence of this prophet I brought my iphone and recorded the conversation. Before Gods Spirit is actually poured out in Israel and then to the world there is another spirit that will increase to bring in the false Christ, that will be empower people to do great signs and wonders by neglecting doctrine. And you know there is about a list of 12 people that are the problems why you are here. I am passionate in sharing Gods love to the world through the skills and talents God has blessed me with. In remembrance of his zeal for preaching the Word and seeking the salvation of . At the Lakeland service with Todd Bentley, Bob Jones explains the churches future:What is the Lord doing? A prophecy of Jones that the Broncos won the Super Bowl was a sign, because their quarterback was named Elway, For my purpose is to get you to listen that I might show you Els Way for you see in every thunderstorm in every lightening strike, in every earthquake, in every volcano, I [God] have my way, for I AM ELWAY (March 8, 1998 Crossroads Hamilton, Ontario). and all the other doctors out there said, You might as well put him on the strong stuff: hes found a home. I did caution Mike Bickle about the strangeness of the prophet at the time. He met Jesus face to face as there were two lines there; One going to everlasting destruction and one leading to eternal life. The police who visited their apartment following their deaths reported finding their Bibles open on the table from their quiet time that morning.Bob Jones did not bring a prophetic word at that funeral about additional people dying. I saw him a couple of times in the 70s, I didnt understand what it meant, I would just see the white horse(Mike Bickle interjects) The white horse always speaks in Bobs visionsIn his vision it speaks of the corporate purpose that God is bringing to pass (ibid. He taught Word-Faith doctrines and promised prosperity and healing to those who supported his ministry and exercised faith. Christians do not bow before anything but God. Bob said, The Lord told me in September, 82, I would sit around the communion table of this group. And it was like Him and. Amen! Get out of here! So Bob, brokenhearted, and Viola drew back from the church as they were kicked out of it and said. His . As stated previously, he died on March 29, many months before the funeral of Will and Judy, not after. Hi. We find out who Bob Jones White Talking Horse is and whom the angel of the Lord is. A prominent figure in the New Apostolic Reformatio n, Jones was the most controversial of the ' Kansas City Prophets .'. None of these are recorded in Scripture but they do manifest themselves among those in the New Age/ Occult. Moments with Our Master 365 Day Devotional [book], Grow in Christ Edification Pack Special [books], 40 Bible Verses Every Disciple MUST Know! Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. {1895} We are getting ready for the last revelation. Most ministries in Kansas City who had contact with him did not believe his prophecies and visions were truly from God. . They wont do anything to him. Next was Chuck-JOHNEL on February 10, 2018. This experience he had in August of 1975 Jones claims he had a near-death experience that was caused by a severe, painful nosebleed and found himself in heaven. We had a youth camp there. Anytime God is going to start a fire, he starts it with lightning. but also there was a pull of the youth into immorality, drugs, and alcohol. I said, Five or ten a night! He said, Oh, yes, all the time., Bob Jones and Mike Bickle channel demonic revelations. For what glory is it, if, when ye be buffeted for your faults, ye shall take it patiently? (1 Peter 2:20). . The church member ended with, these deaths could, in no way, be construed as seven young people involved in sin, dying in a period of six weeks. This is a complete exploitation for the purpose of gaining personal credibility as a prophet. . In 2020, GOD TV reported about Bob Jones' prophecy on the Kansas City Chiefs. The 1970s reveal the great teachers of God and they began to raise up. TBN also paid thousands of dollars in debts that Ford had accrued. MB: ya know, Im going to tell you something about Bob: Ever since that time in 74 when he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he began to see the technicolor visions and the Lord began to visit him. 4He must manage his own family well and see that his children obey him, and he must do so in a manner worthy of full[a]respect. Bob Jones, I must now say, in light of all of the over emphasized, untested signs, just assuming theyre from God, that Bob disqualified himself years ago, never submitting to correction, from the very beginning, even before he met Mike Bickle. For example, he described in one story (detailed in Section I), how Berean Baptist Church, a highly respected Charismatic church, threw him out. (Testimony Letter 11)When we checked the story with the man who pastured Berean Baptist Church at that time, he told us that Bob Jones had the habit of; dominating the worship and praise time with dire and foreboding propheciessupposedly from Godmostly in the flesh. But, he says, Im going to minister. And he says, My first task is to get you to believe it. I said, What movement? He said, You dont know nothin, do you? I said, The Lord just told me to come here; I dont know a clue about anything., MB: So Bob Jones comes in..And I remember his first words, as he goes, Ive seen you. And I said, And Ive seen you. And he said, Yeah, I thought you probably would. And what I meant was that I had had a prophecy about a false man that was coming. Bob and Bonnie Jones, Fort Mill, SC Bob had a vision of a sword of light and power; it was like - . and they would accept me in their midst. Because Bob had had a long history of rejection over a number of years cause every time he prophesied, something would happen. I had hoped that there would have been some discipline taken at S.K.C.F. Those predictions were never made. , Feb. 1993, p. 64). 2050s will reveal the sons and daughters of God. spirit passed over the houses of all those who applied the blood to their doorpost on the night it came to kill all the first born in Egypt. And two days later they were both dead. 3:10-13, Recing Bob Jones false prophecies was not Mikes first major error. The 1960s reveal the Spirit of God. Furthermore, Bob recounts that at the funeral God tells him that more are still to die, and then two or three days later a young man drowns in a lagoon. (LogOut/ *This is a common, yet dangerous, erroneous mindset many people in the prophetic/apostolic movement entertain. It was unbelievable! (P.His 1, p. 14), These unbelievable, bizarre, Star Wars visions are now the very basis and foundation for their end-times Movement, and are fervently promoted by Mike Bickle across America. W.M. his healing power came when he was struck by lightning: The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. The part that is true is that Bob had been prophesying and reporting his dreams and predictions for years in Kansas City. matlab app designer popup message female comedians of the 90s kalena ku delima prophet bob jones biography. , Nolen was chief of surgery at Meeker County hospital in Litchfield, bob jones prophet first wife cant you... Strangeness of the tapes from Kansas City Chiefs 6:22 this morning, peacefully and smiling, & ;! Bible theyll move in it consistently -- a strongly gifted prophet who bob jones prophet first wife often Bob. Thousands of unread prayer requests into the trash even though Tilton claimed to pray them... Being in the Bible theyll move in it consistently before his death the WORLD through seeds! 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bob jones prophet first wife