would you marry a girl who slept around

WHO WANTS A WOMAN or a MAN you can not trust. Here, we have a beautiful quiz for you. To a guy it does matter. At the end of the day we all have to decide what is most important. Stefan probably didnt realize this was true while he was writing the article or even now. I honestly dont like having to interact with my gfs past partners so in the end this article is nice but if one doesnt want to marry a female who has slept around then these words are neither here nor there in reality. Im happy to hear this article could help you in any way to move in a better direction. My guy has never even brought it up so thats how I know hes not insecure. Im LOVING this.past partners MOST DEFINATELY have nothing to do with the present. Her past had less to do with either scenario, but her current relationship had plenty to do with it. Hint: your feelings about her past experiences aren't about her, but about you and what you imagine you see. Fortunately for me he had an affair There are numerous other examples too. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, Official Dental Hygiene and Therapy (Oral Health Science) 2023 Entry Thread. And, yet, came to this earth and mankind to serve and not to be served. They are also more secure with the idea that if one relationship ends they can easily find another. 6. People make assumptions and judge a woman who was promiscuous in the past without knowing her and what happened to lead her into becoming promiscuous. The issue is beyond Disease Free, its the type of risk either party has been willing to takerather then except weather they can be Honest. I will respect your point of view, however, as a blogger of a highly controversal and relevant subject you should try to put yourself at our vantage point as well: in a time where mens rights are routinely violated by the judicial and family court system, A LOT (not all) divorces are initiated by women who have had affairs outside of the marriage. Actually this research was proven by a Womens Organization! The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. Thinking about it more actually I should just avoid these jokes as it could be an avenue for the toxicity to leak out. A lot of men would have a problem respecting and trusting a woman that is currently on or has been on the "hoe stroll" as you call it. I love the fact the despite only being with one man, you are still able to take the position of not using someones past against them. And, what does your sex life say about your character? I until recently had felt like i had to end it with her, but as you said i am taking it one day at a time because i love her and she is a good person that had a shitty hand dealt to her. As promiscuous as men are! The only position here is dont let the past stop you from receiving and embracing your blessings. Hi Stephan. Also consider that all people who engage in a lot of casual sex have higher rates of depression and low self-esteem and lower rates of life satisfaction. In my attempt to be understanding, I heard her out about everything including listening to her tell me that she was very intoxicated, was caught off guard each time (wasnt planned), liked ONE of the guys, and that the other guy was his best friend/roommate. You two date and now are boyfriend and girlfriend for several months. Error message when applying for student finance, Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, Official LSE Undergraduate Applicants thread 2023, Official Dental Hygiene and Therapy (Oral Health Science) 2023 Entry Thread, Official UNIVERSITY of BATH 2023 entry thread. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You would have to be in it to understand. Its refreshing. I understand a lot of what you are saying, but the main thing to remember is not to judge someone on their past. And the truth is most men wont like it. I have sex like a man. If she likes you, trust her in that too. Clap , Clap , Clap.. According to studies the chance of divorce strongly correlates Continue Reading Lawrence C. FinTech Enthusiast, Expert Investor, Finance at Masterworks Updated Thu I disagree that promiscuity is what has caused the highest divorce rate America has ever seen. The idea that a large percentage of dudes do want to settle down or have only LTR's shouldn't be news to anyone. So, wat about da age do it matter? Its not a try, its simply a fact. Now despite some of the accurate statements you made, the point is that women or people for that matter are not always the same person they once were. CLICK HERE to download this special report. give detailed information it will stick in their mind for the rest of their Good luck. No one should be lied to in a relationship. great number of men for the same reason. And, after that, he paid the most endearing miraculous amazing act on our behalf. Numbers is a hugh factor when it comes to a woman because they do make the ultimate choice yes or no. Thats why they say check the Carfax. There is nothing worse than dating a women with weak will power! the best ones are extremely intelligent and driven. I would still probably see a similar reaction to my post on both of those subreddits so I have no interest in reading more on that perspective which is why I'm here hoping for more varied discussion. Thing is, a mistake can cost you plenty in life jobs being one of them. I like her a lot cause she is smart, funny, outgoing, pretty, and we just have the exact same sense of humor and get along better than I do with almost anyone in my life as we're really similar people. Ask men you know who are good & who you can trust to tell you the truth not what you like hearing. Either way thank you for allowing me to share . Some people just dont deal with relationships well. They are seeking love. Somebody who DIDNT want that, ever. And if I never read this post again and some young man is dealing with the same situation. Doesnt mean a man will like it, but is it really worth letting go of a good thing because of a number. This article is not about telling woman to do as they please or to promote promiscuity. Women have the choice to say, yup im gonna let this guy inside me. although Ive had my fair share partners i dont like a woman who has. It would best be done in the I firmly believe that the more people that you date, the harder that it will be to find love. And our son, how would he view women? He willingly suffered and took our punishment for our sin upon Himself. If you are dating with marriage in mind, it is important to look for qualities that would make someone a good life partner. The number of sexual partners a woman has had does not determine what type of woman she is. Amen brother. So to simply go off of the number is in my opinion a misguided approach to understanding the person you are dealing with. It seems that its not the case. However, you chose to explain a womans promiscuity with abuse, mental issues, and low self-esteem. have and wield. But if you have hard limits, dont go past them for anyone. Just like that song in the 70s that said, so many men so little time how can they Choose. If shes cheated on 8 of her previous boyfriends then Im sorry but I think its valid to question her loyalty. Now although this may not be the route you chose when it comes to sexuality it doesnt make you better than or more wise than the girl or guy who chose to have 100 + partners. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Agrees. But its so true guys have to work harder. It has been made apart of this life, but not apart of eternal life..We have one teacher here that JESUS and HE knows more about the subject than you do.In The Book of Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers GOD will judge. Education can do wonders! No problem. Level-Headed. I agree totally. We dont know how many partners a woman should have. The fact that Kim Kardashian is a role model for women is sickening. End of story. Wow! Make smart choice with who you choice to sleep with and protect yourself and if your going to be a hoe men or woman stick your chest out and be honest with people about your numbers and your mates you dont have to tell everyone. Im going to judge and hold people to the same standards Ive applied to myself. I AM SORRY, AS WOMENWE MUST HOLD OURSELVES TO HIGHER STANDARDSWHEN WE BEGAN TO LOSE OUR MORALS AND ACT LIKE MEN IS WHEN WE STARTED TO BE MORE LIKELY TO GET SHOT THAN MARRIED. Get yourself a virgin problem solved.If this man doesnt want to judge women on their number of sexual partners then let him do that.Let him live. Not too many women want a man that other women dont want. We all have to learn to be more open and honest as well as more receptive and understanding when someone does open up to us. But then I brought the conversation back to the fast girls. Its up to the individual to decide that for him or herself. I don't expect women to stay virgins until marriage in today's world but at least have sex with someone you share love and intimacy with. He thinks I was listening the whole time." Erin. Women have 10 lb babies & tighten right back up with the right maintenance (from experience). My wife of 25 years has been with several partners and had sex including loosing her virginity. We will not live forever and we are of the flesh. As you stated, it ultimately shouldnt affect the current situation. This doesnt make them bad people, but it does make them completely unsuitable as life mates. No. Who has the power there ??? Women should in my opinion do kegel Gender is not a social conscript everyone. I have kind of a surprisingly high body count. Maybe you men can enslave women and lock them up. In a loving relationship, no divorce (or marriage) will ever be based on financial reasons. Not for who they once were and no longer are. I hope you are able to get your anger issues under control. Think about if we applied such a infantile Again love this article! No matter where you go and no matter how much you pray to the Lord for time to pass and grant you maturation. And, remember, Neighbor, even one sex act outside of or before marriage is considered promiscuous and, definitely sinful for males or females in His eyes. If a woman comes to you and displays all the attributes you look for in a woman. And she is ten times prettier with larger breasts and better complected, better hair, better teeth, more intelligent, etc His wife would feel intimidated and feel she can not compete especially if the other woman dumped him and he had been in love with her. And there you have it. And some dudes value the experience of a woman who has been around. I have sex because it feels great, no matter Who its with. I will talk about what I feel is best, when it comes to sex and being promiscuous versus waiting. If they have changed and you feel some sort of potential, give them a chance. Maybe you just don't understand why she does it? reading this I can see that you only wrote this to make yourself believe that its OK you slept with a 100 guys . I love reading your articles, please keep them coming. There are women who have been with one man, and have gotten an STD. Just go. Just know your not alone. and that he cannot get over my past even though I had everything he had been looking for. If a woman is still behaving in a way you dont agree with then by all means keep it moving. Thats it! 4) Past baggage (Kids, men, pictures, etc ex lovers who know her, pics or video of ex partners doing unspeakable things to your significant other, stories and reputation) Me personally i do not sleep around and i am not going to lower my standards and try and act like a womans past has no bearing on her present let alone is not relevant. N get money. So you may want to take a deeper look in trying to understand the problem and how to better approach it. So there is a responsibility on both ends. Most of us have things in our past that the next person can view in a negative light. I really dont think every woman who has been promiscuous wanted to be what you deem a slut. You say you've only slept with one person. I can understand your disagreement with people sleeping around. As one commenter posted, were all adults so I say do as you please. Hope you can shed your toxic/red pill/PUA thoughts and beliefs. These women oftenhave a very nontraditional view of the way a woman should carry herself in a relationship. This is definitely a hot topic. Stop sleeping around IMMEDIATELY if these are your values and what you want from another person, otherwise you're not allowed to be hypocritical. Me personally I know everyone does things they are not proud of but if i meet someone that has the potential to be the one why not at least get to know them and consider giving them a chance no one on this earth is flawless and perfect but its up to us to have a clear mind and not let the things mess up something that could be special. I think many married couples lack a connection. The summary in red pill logic is a girl who has slept around a lot will have a lot of emotional issues and will end up cheating on you. What I noticed about these two women as well as my female friends and colleagues is that women who have had a large number of sexual partners often have different values and a different outlook onrelationship behaviorthan those that have not. I can see it now. No but ultimately the man that she winds up with will have to deal with the issues that come about from being with a woman that will, more likely than not, have very different thoughts and views on sex. Don't forget to follow us on social networks! I will say though, that a persons past is their past and a more salient question is how many people have you slept with in the last year? or what is your attitude to sex right now?. Or whether you have 3 kids by 3 different women. She doesn't feel that she should have to settle down, and she thinks it's unfair that other women degrade her for this. Wouldnt you feel like you are worthless? And know that there will be days your not overwhelmed in thought. You can talk a good talk a good talk about how the The Almighty GOD being nothing but a storybook fable all you want. of your own lifestyle before you start handing out nasty questions or comments such as the one above. When it happens be okay and know we are allowed our voews on whom we want to settle with This is why the whole idea of using her number of past partners as criteria is unnecessary. Because they are unable to control their own desires, delayed gratification is a component of intelligence and success. If you really want to develop as a person, consider what it is about you that makes you feel so unhappy with the ideas you've mentioned. That should only matter! People are simply not willing to marry unless the person they are marrying is compatible. All I am saying is that core values and principles change. And if he is, so what? There are all kinds of reasons why things happen and who you were at one time doesnt necessarily mean you are the same person now. Main and women are different for reason and once we start opening up the doors for women to act similar to mens unhealthy actions, Youll start seeing to even higher divorce rate in the future. I myself agree with not judging a future mate depending solely on the number of past partners. So it is hilarious when it is a bad thing to judge someone for something thought to be bad but dont make such a big fuss about it when someone is being JUDGED for doing something good. The whole premise of this article is misguided. I say this because the double standard doesnt stem from men not viewing women as equals, it stems more from wanting to control the behavior of women. But she was still a really nice lady, and from what I hear pretty good at sex. around, her value diminishes in terms of her being less chaste, which is less Oh Hell no!!! lol but seriously men and women should be viewed the same. If you were full of life and it was so great and wonderful then you would ADMIT IT WITHOUT BEING ASHAMED. and she does not like sex and has never had an orgasm. Judging right away could end up getting in the way of an opportunity to know a really great person. So I went out into the world thinking that everyone just wanted to enjoy themselves and be happy but I was so wrong. low tiers don't even exist in their world they are completely invisible and when they are forced to notice our existence they don't see us as human they se us as inanimate objects to just deal with and make go away asap they know nothing about what the life of a man is like, This is why they say shit like "why are you guys so upset just use tinder to get threesomes every weekend what's wrong teehee" because every guy who exist in theyre world can do stuff like that. Either way we can just agree to disagree. Why? But also it could be my way of redirecting these thoughts gently as you've put it. However, many men, when looking for long term partners, will look to women who have shown they can control themselves and not get ridden like the town bike. They tend not to make good or reliable wives or mothers. Even just changing the language will give different search results. of life (high school/college) and people seem to not care as much as they get This is why men are actually attracted to more pure women. I believe is about decency. have the ability to make the best choices for herselfimpulse control It is difficult for women like that to pair-bond. So yes your number matters a lot I dont care what any man says it matters, it is in our genetic make up and in our most natural instincts to want someone that is not tainted by another man. These views are unrealistiic. I will never marry a girl who waspromiscuousin the past. Being forced to settle for a woman who has been ridden like the town bike, and shared her body with dozens, if not hundreds of men is very weak, and very low-standard. This method only works For awhile I thought I would always have this problem but then suddenly something happened. Think about it, no guy whos screwed dozens of women is going to care if the women he finally settles down with has been with a heap of guys in her past, if he does then hes basically a hypocrite anyway. You are not a man. No, it can most certainly simply be about the actual number. Thank you Jessica : ) and you raise an awesome point. I think people need to stop judging one another and get to know a person for who they are now and not the person they were in the past. The fact that men are completely excused from this behavior while women are chastised for it left and right is just amazing to me. They are basically acting like many men have for ages. Modern times, have ever since the sexual revolution the chances for marriage in Western society have declined and its exactly because of the easy availability of poontang( and the attitude of divorce court towards men).Should not matter ? Of course orgasms will be fine. Indeed, while the data presented in The Marriage Project's 418-person study is legitimate, experts say that the conclusions drawn from it -- especially those which cast judgement on one's sexual history and incite sentiments of slut-shaming -- may not be entirely accurate. Im careful, clean and single,,,and always manage pretty alright. And, if we try to claim that we haven't ..then, guess what? I also disagree that those people are the ones that cheat. rates, confused male and female roles, teen pregnancy and unwed mother figures Yeah but we need to respect our bodies as men too. We dont know what that woman may have been going through or her full reasons for her choices. I think it would be best for everybody to wait or minimize how many people they have sex with, but that does not change the fact that we should not judge a woman based on her past. So try again to express your desire to know the truth no matter how tough of a pill it is to swallow. Not all relationships were meant to last. Do you know women feel the same about men sometimes. Even in cases where there was once a connection, it is in my opinion that the inability to stay connected comes from a lack of effective communication. Rich, sexual prowess and even sexual organ size Maybe you feel that when she is in a relationship with you, she will be able to have sex with others because sex doesn't necessarily mean that she is in a 'serious relationship' but it does for you? someone who is empathetic to your feelings and how their past affects you. I dated a woman most wouldn't consider a beauty, but she was smart and funny and great in bed. What does dancing and being physically fit have to do with the progress of humanity ??? Dont say something here different from what u will o. I think men and women should be judged the same. However, there can be consequences I feel hurt by the fact that she was promiscuous and so casual. How many is to many partners for both men and women? to pass on genes in males). I want to dedicate long term to this girl as that is what I like to do when I commit to a relationship but I'm terrified that I will end up wasting a large amount of time on a girl who will end up cheating on me or blowing up in my face. It's also possible she has a crazy high libido, which if you build a commited relationship, can really come in handy when you start getting older and other men are in the "dead bedroom" phase, because they wanted to marry a virgin, who happened to have a very low libido, which made it easy for them to stay a virgin. Guess what? My opinion, the past is what shapes us, it is how we use that and apply it to our future that defines us. It wasnt until recently I started putting together clues that she had been with more. I actually thought it was clever. .Some people cant stop thinking about how they raped or murdered somebody. Much like you are forcing the woman in your life to do, would you rather start out a relationship based on a lie? Facebook. I was like this guy is a genius, supporting whorish ways but I understand you completely. Your point about language is interesting and not one I have considered. You are not sexually compatible) Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread, TSR Community Awards 2022: Most Helpful Thread of the Year- VOTING NOW OPEN, The Official Love Island Thread Winter 2023, Official LSE Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, Law Applicants 2023 entry - discussion thread, Sutton Trust US Programme Cohort 12 (2023) Applicants Thread. Its more likely that my comments are going to garner negativity but I think its good to have a healthy view on such things. If u need to walk away sometimes and have a breath of fresh air. Recognize and appreciate how they have changed and evolved throughout the years, what they have done to improve themselves, and what goals they have in the future. considerations including self-worth, that daddy used to go on long If I am feeling someone and want to have sex, then so be it. I do have a job and a life. I completely agree to everything you said.. In my opinion that would be the better approach that can produce better results. So many men end up with a woman they swear meets their standards in regards to their sexual past, but really she has done much more then he will ever know. I wont judge a woman based on her sexual history but Im keeping it real 100%, its going to make it VERY hard for me to trust you. 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would you marry a girl who slept around