was hayley cropper a man in real life

Interrupting Angela typing the words you're next on the factory computer, Hayley was asked by Angela to go to Sheffield and post a letter containing the threat. Hesmondhalgh agreed that killing Hayley off was the only believable option: "In a way, she has to die because it would be much more of a betrayal of everything if she just left Roy. With the help of Mary Taylor and her wedding dossier, Hayley set about planning her dream wedding. Hayley returned to work but, dazed by the news, she broke down in front of the girls, and privately informed Carla of her diagnosis. Hayley tells Roy that he must not touch the glass containing the lethal cocktail. Roy and Hayley Cropper were a much-loved couple on the Street (Picture: ITV) She may have been one of the most loved characters on the cobbles, but it turns out Coronation Street's Hayley. However, their first experience with a foster child wasn't an official one - on Christmas Day, they caught Wayne Hayes stealing food from the cafe, having run away from home. The Croppers' relationship becomes increasingly strained, including a suicide attempt by Roy, but they pull through. The news quickly spread throughout Coronation Street, stunning the residents. In June 2010, Tony escaped from prison and took Carla and Hayley hostage at the factory, intending to kill Hayley along with Carla so that Roy would feel the same loss he felt when Maria Connor turned her back on him. After a nap, Hayley is determined to go to The Rovers for a Christmas drink, but Roy wants her to take it easy. He couldn't remember what had happened in between but Tracy was more than happy to fill in the blanks. "[11] Hayley's exit storyline saw her diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer. The Croppers couldn't have children, but they fostered Fiz Brown in 2001, and took in several waifs and strays, most notably Becky Granger. At the age of 46 years old David made his debut on Coronation Street. Comforted by Roy, she softened and told him that loving him had made her life worthwhile. Alma took the news better, and urged Roy to make amends. At the end of the year, Hayley bought Gail Platt's share of the cafe but went on working at the factory. Hayley was born as Harold Patterson in 1966. Press for Change, the transgender campaign and information group, were particularly concerned with the direction of the storyline, but after the first two months a trans advisor connected to Press for Change, Annie Wallace, was regularly consulted for eighteen months by scriptwriters and the actor, and trans groups appeared happier with the stories and scripts that resulted from this liaison. In February, Curly and Alma broke the news to Hayley that her father had passed away. Sylvia is initially outraged but, as of July 2011, appears to be coming round and accepts Hayley for who she is. Most criticism came from the LGBT community, who slated the portrayal of Hayley as cliched and ill-informed. Hesmondhalgh has insisted that it was a "right to die" storyline not 'an assisted suicide' storyline. [1] She was married to Roy Cropper (David Neilson). This was followed by an upbeat music-filled wake in the Rovers. The doctor tells Hayley that there is a blockage in her bile duct and Hayley tells Sylvia that she may have cancer and breaks down in her arms. Media outlets, noting the programme's usual reluctance to confront soap taboos, predicted "a storm of outrage, particularly from older viewers" (The Star, 16th February 1998). Hayley made him promise to go on and be her eyes, ears and heart for years to come. Photo Credit: Matrix Pictures Before you think Roy and Daniel are inseparable, Daniel, in real-life, is married to Jane Neilson who is not involved with Coronation Street. When I got the scripts for those episodes I read them like a novel, all five episodes back to back I found it absolutely thrilling. (Fifty Years). When she found Hayley's hormone drugs, Sylvia assumed she was going through the menopause and gave her an aloe vera plant to help her. Traumatised by the incident, Roy's sleepwalking episodes intensified, and on one occasion the cafe smoke alarm went off when Roy cooked in his sleep. Hayley Patterson was a shy shop supervisor at Firman's Freezers. In 2007, Hayley discovered that she had a son, Christian Gatley, fathered before her sex change, and admitted to Roy that she'd lied about being a virgin when they met. In 2004, she joined the Rovers Ravers, and ended up carrying the team as she was the only one with any experience at the sport. Christian Gatley was the son of transsexual Hayley Cropper and first seen in September 2007 when a Private Investigator found Christian for Hayley, giving her all the information needed about her son, she was also shown a photograph of Christian outside Sound Garden, the record shop where he worked. Driven by his determination to fulfill his promise to Hayley, Roy found (via Emily Bishop) a minister who agreed to perform a ceremony at St. Paul's Church. Hayley is later cremated following a humanist funeral. Christian decides to wait and they talk but Hayley decides to take Roy and Christian to The Rovers, where Christian reveals that he is married and has two children, Sam and Maisie. After one last moment together, she drinks the cocktail. This culminated in Tony nearly drowning Roy in the canal before turning himself over to the police and confessing to his crimes. On the value of the couple: "I've said this before, but they are, despite how unusual they are as people, they are the most conservative couple on the Street really. Because of her sheltered upbringing, Hayley was shy and had trouble making friends. As a wedding present to Roy, Hayley officially changed her name by deed poll to Hayley Anne Cropper. ", Reaction to the character improved over time, with praise focusing on Hayley's relationship with Roy. When Jane passed away a short time later, Hayley struggled to cope and became tough on Roy for not supporting her. Anne Malone froze to death when she was accidentally locked in a freezer at Freshcos while gaining revenge on Curly Watts for rejecting her. Hayley is delighted but Roy tells Anna that he lied and feels he has betrayed her. Eventually, they found a female vicar who would help them, and they were united in a blessing ceremony held in Roy's Rolls on 23 April 1999. Anna lets her in and tries to stop Carla knocking on the flat door, but she does. Fiz Brown was the second of the Croppers' foster children in 2001. Her skill on the sewing machine made her the go-to person when a dress needed making or mending for a wedding or christening, with Hayley going as far as to mend Claire Casey's wedding dress late at night on Christmas Eve. Hayley's attire and mannerisms were used to subtly hint at her background. Roy was especially closed, but as he left to go back the UK, he gave her an engraved gold watch. [2] Her final scenes were filmed on 18 November 2013 [3] and aired on 22 January 2014. Thankfully some good news came not long after - on August 30, 2010, Roy and Hayley finally walked up the aisle and became man and wife. Roy didn't believe it until he saw himself sleepwalking on the cafe CCTV footage (which he'd had installed to catch the prankster). One instance where this was a problem was when the Croppers were interviewed to assess their suitability as foster parents in December 2000. Hayley does well and is invited to Audrey Roberts' (Sue Nicholls) birthday party at the Bistro. She is told she needs an operation and chemotherapy to get rid of the cancer. For a few weeks, they lived in fear of Alex, Social Services and the police, finding little comfort in the fact that they were doing it to protect Wayne. Her return to the fray ended on a sour note as she was disqualified due to her being registered as Harold and therefore not allowed to compete in the all-woman team. Coronation Street Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. [11] The actress recorded her final scenes on 18 November 2013, being screened on 20 January 2014, and the producers came up with a dramatic exit storyline for her character. David Neilson has appeared to confirm he wont return as Roy Cropper on Coronation Street. All the pain they had gone through was forgotten as Hayley and Roy began a new life with their daughter, whom they named Patience Cropper. To her surprise, Christian returned and introduced Hayley to Sam and Maisie, at the same time asking her for 5,000 to clear his debts. Hayley says she would love to meet them but Christian wants to wait until they are 16 years of age, upsetting Hayley. At that time, they could not legally marry, since Hayley was still seen as a male in the eyes of the law. The issue hung in the air for a few weeks until, frustrated with Roy's stiffness and insensitivity, Hayley went to stay with the Windasses. In 2013, Carla was one of the first people to find out about Hayley's cancer treatment. Fiz takes Hayley and Roy to The Rovers and Hayley tells them that she gave Christian the money. The following month, Hayley was promoted to supervisor at the factory, with responsibility for quality control. However, their meeting ended on a sour note when Christian refused to let Hayley meet his children. Brian Park: We had hoped for her to be a sympathetic character and we didn't want to make her big and blowsy and looking like Pete Burns." Worried about staff morale should the girls find out, Mike sacked Hayley, but without knowing the reason behind it, the girls demanded her reinstatement and threatened to strike. A small Registry Office ceremony was arranged with Roy signing his assets over to Hayley beforehand in case Tracy tried to get hold of the cafe in the divorce. Roy and Hayley take Fiz's daughter, Hope, and Tyrone Dobbs' (Alan Halsall) baby girl Ruby to the park, Christian arrives and asks Anna where Hayley is. When catching up with Tilly, another volunteer, she learns Olaf is not the man she thought he was and decides to stay with Roy. After the "wedding" was screened, the Labour Government announced that a Parliamentary Working Group was being created to assess how the UK could grant trans people the legal rights for which they had fought for decades. Christian repeatedly makes inappropriate remarks unintentionally so Roy shouts at him, before taking Hayley home. "Hayley Cropper was one of the most important characters in the world, as far as I'm concerned." Sometimes you have to go in with that attitude. Following Hayley's confession to Roy that she was a transsexual on 27th February 1998, the Independent Television Commission received ten complaints that it wasn't suitable for a pre-watershed timeslot. We didn't want people to be fearful of her and dislike her for the wrong reasons. On 20 January 2014, she tells Roy she wants to die that day and whilst Roy is in The Kabin, Hayley irons his best shirt for her funeral. Feeling Christian would have responded better if she had told him the truth in her own time, Hayley blamed Roy everything and went to stay with Becky, although once she'd calmed down she returned to Roy. Hayley is devastated and furious with Roy. But I think the anorak has got to stay - it's an institution! Since the passing of the Gender Recognition Act 2004 in UK law, it has been possible for transgender people to change their birth certificates and marry legally. Making her character pregnant when Julie fell pregnant in real life wasn't possible for the Corrie script team for obvious reasons - Hayley Cropper was born a man. Hayley was determined to prove herself capable and challenged Gwen Loveday about her shoddy work. In 2009, David Neilson, Julie Hesmondhalgh and Katherine Kelly starred in direct-to-DVD spin-off Coronation Street: Romanian Holiday, shot on location in Romania. Was Hayley cropper from corrie a man in real life? In October, Hayley was offered a place on a six-month volunteer project building a school in Mozambique. Was Hayley from Corrie a man in real life? When she learned Hayley would be transgender, she was nervous, but "then it dawned on me that this was actually my 'dream job' and I desperately wanted it. Hayley is heartbroken when Becky decides to leave Weatherfield in January 2012 but gets a call a few months later, telling her that she is engaged to her new boyfriend. He decides to call her but she left her phone behind. On hearing from her friend Tilly Eaves, with whom she had shared a tent in Mozambique, that their project leader Olaf was a womaniser, Hayley confessed to Roy that she had a crush on Olaf and he was part of the reason she wanted to return, but, coming to her senses, she opted to remain in Weatherfield and apologised to Roy for her heartless behaviour. But I was really conscious that I didn't want it to be making fun of her, and as it happened it was beautifully written and David [Neilson] and I played it, and continue to play it, as a delicate love story. (Fifty Years) On their relationship, David Neilson: "Everything just clicked and the two characters just seem to sparkle together," (Inside Soap). I can't remember whose idea that was. Angela apologised to Hayley and asked her to tell everyone the truth. [5] Hayley's funeral aired on 31 January 2014. Wayne later returned and stayed the night, feeling safe with the Croppers. Briefly, upon her return, there was a difficult situation where she had developed a crush on one of her co-workers in Africa (further reading below). Fiz tried her usual tricks to skive off school, only to be caught in the Corner Shop by Hayley when she was supposed to be ill. After setting the cooker on fire, Fiz was berated by Roy and retaliated by reporting him for hitting her. In the middle of the ceremony, Tracy arrived and caused a scene by shouting for Roy, resulting in Steve having her ejected. The letters, authored by Hayley's old friend Cath, revealed to "Harold" the existence of his son. After the initial surprise, most were supportive of Hayley, but some, such as Les Battersby, picked on her, while at work Linda Sykes tried to make her use the gents toilets, resulting in Mike stepping and forcing Linda to back down (although his intentions were only to get everyone back to work, rather than anything noble). Hayley's volunteer work lasted longer than expected; she didn't return to the UK until November 2008. In Roy, Hayley had found someone who was similarly set apart from the world around him, and although Roy had trouble expressing his feelings, he greatly enjoyed Hayley's company. On getting home, Hayley is stunned to see Christian and tells him that she is too tired but will see him another time. He only set Hayley free when Carla pleaded with him, and the incident ended with Tony perishing in a blaze he started himself. Then Judi Hayfield, the casting director, said to me: 'I don't know how to begin to tell you what this part is or how you'll feel about it, but she's a transsexual and at the moment she's still in a male body. Prepared to drink the cocktail, Hayley is interrupted by Tyrone who is looking for Ruby's toy. Alex then stunned them by offering to sell Wayne to them for 10,000, which he lowered to 5,000, eager for them to accept. Hesmondhalgh's portrayal of Hayley, and her on-screen chemistry with fellow actor David Neilson, encouraged the writers to allow the character to evolve from a brief love interest for Roy to a popular long-term character. Occasionally, Hayley experimented with a more youthful, feminine look, before deciding that it didn't suit her. In 2009, the Croppers employed Fiz's husband John Stape at the cafe, despite his kidnap of Rosie Webster which had resulted in his imprisonment. In 2010, following a discussion of the ramifications of their not being legally married, Roy and Hayley decided to make it official. In their final conversation, Hayley and Roy reminisced about the past, with Hayley telling Roy that she knew what it was to be loved thanks to him, after which she downed the cocktail and passed away in Roy's arms. Carla drove her to the hospital, where she found out she had pancreatic cancer. Roy regretted his harshness with Hayley and asked her to be his friend again, which she gratefully accepted, but despite liking her as a person, her sex change still made him uncomfortable and their relationship stalled. Their first child is teenager Fiz Brown (Jennie McAlpine), who returns to care after falsely claiming that Roy hit her. In an interview with Hesmondhalgh in August 2015, it was revealed that in tribute to Wallace, the writers gave Hayley's middle name as Anne, and gave her the same birthday, as well as a mutual love for rock music, especially Queen. Feeling sorry for Hayley, Alma offered her the hand of friendship, although she was slightly disturbed when Hayley, having no other friends, latched on to her and started following her around. [12] The appearance of a transgender woman in a mainstream soap opera attracted initial opposition from some members of the public, as expressed in calls to the Granada duty office, and letters written to magazines and newspapers. When she met Roy in 1998, a kinship was developed as they were both lonely, introspective people. On being a woman playing the role: "I know a lot of the transsexual community were upset that it was a woman playing the part of Hayley, and not a transsexual. They saw through his scheme but even their regular attentive method of parenting were beyond what Chesney was used to at home. In her later years, Hayley formed an unlikely, yet notably close, friendship with Carla Connor (Alison King) and although it was obvious the pair were from completely different walks of life, they came to respect and care for each other. Hayley Anne Cropper (ne Patterson) was the late wife of Roy Cropper. Unable to return to Firman's Freezers, Hayley got a job at Underworld knicker factory when Roy won a bet with Mike Baldwin that Hayley could out-machine any of his girls. 50 Years of Coronation Street: The (very) Unofficial Story. and that there are other things I want to try. Later that week, Roy proposes to Hayley and she accepts. Over the following days, Hayley became more frail and lost her appetite. Calling out, Anna and Carla go to the bedroom and, to their shock, find a deceased Hayley on the bed, with Roy's arm around her. Hayley was also loyal to Alma. [6] Actor Julie Hesmondhalgh first came to the attention of the casting director while dressed in drag in a production of 'Much Ado About Nothing'. Hesmondhalgh also won "Best On-screen partnership" and "Best Storyline" both alongside David Neilson at the ceremony. She wrote to Roy letting him know where she was, and was shocked when, a short time later, he visited her out of the blue. They decide to go camping in a bid to mend their issues. Hayley enjoyed talking to Christian about Harold, but while she plucked up the courage to tell him the truth, her lies became more elaborate, much to Roy's disapproval, whose one piece of advice on the matter was that she couldn't build a meaningful relationship on a lie. Then awaiting the results of her CT scan, Hayley couldn't concentrate at the factory and explained her situation to Carla. Following the death of her aunt Monica in September 2007, Hayley discovers that she has a son, Christian Gatley (Andrew Turner). The Lancashire-born actress, 42, admitted she has had "the most wonderful . Over time, Hayley came to better understand her feelings about her mind and body and she decided to become physically a woman. Hesmondhalgh: I was very excited to be involved in some action drama because that's not my normal place in the show, I'm usually behind a knicker machine or serving butties. When confronting Tracy, the Croppers are stunned when Tracy tells them that she is pregnant with Roy's baby and plans to have a termination if the Croppers do not want to adopt it. In 2007, she assaulted Christian Gatley due to his violent reaction to Hayley's revelation about being his father, causing Christian to flee the area and lose touch with Hayley. The Croppers reunited, but the incident only made both parties more entrenched in their positions on Hayley's suicide plot. Roy cannot cope and initially rejects her but realises that their friendship is more important than Hayley's secret. Hayley is inspired by Jane's strength and confidence, despite dying from pancreatic cancer, but Roy tells Hayley that he found her highly inappropriate and inconsiderate. Hayley joined Firman's Freezers after years of looking after her father, and in the midst of a sex change. For Hayley's return to the programme some months later, a communication was established between the production team, including Julie Hesmondhalgh, and a trans advisor, Annie Wallace, associated with Press for Change, the transgender campaign and information group. A non-confrontational but resilient woman, Hayley made many friends through her kind and honest nature. ", On 11th January 2013, it was announced that Julie Hesmondhalgh would be leaving Coronation Street at the end of her contract in early 2014. Hayley confides in Sylvia on the day of her scan but swears her to secrecy. No. Roy gets suspicious when Tracy goes on holiday for 3 weeks and realizing how easy it would be for Tracy to disappear with the cash and the baby, Roy insists she marry him (giving him parental responsibility of the baby) or the deal is off. He had a very analytical, literal mind, and abhorred lying. She is terrified of anything that might give her away." Hayley also played a part in the drama surrounding Tommy Harris's murder. Rejected by Roy, Hayley confided her troubles in Alma, also revealing her sex change to her. Christian brings Sam and Maisie to the caf and Maisie is intrigued by Roy's train collection, while Hayley and Christian talk upstairs. Hayley later breaks down in Roy's arms, saying that she does not want to die and does not want to leave him. [10] After a brief period of resettlement, she resumed her more familiar temperament of being generally supportive and friendly to the other characters. Roy and his late wife Hayley fostered Wayne back in 2001 in a bid to get him away from his abusive stepfather, but he was eventually returned home leaving the couple devastated. On 1 June 2010, Robbie Sloan (James Fleet) tricks Hayley to go to the factory, telling her that Carla Connor (Alison King) has had an accident, when in reality, Robbie has tied Carla to a chair and duct taped her mouth shut. On 20 January 2014, Hayley died in Roy's arms after drinking a lethal cocktail. [15] The official LGBT History Month website includes Hayley as one of the important famous LGBT people in their history, even though she is a fictional character.[16]. Hayley broached the possibility of having a legally-recognised wedding instead, as they had always intended to do once the law changed, but Roy opposed the idea because of the expense and his discomfort at expressing his feelings publicly. Rising Stockholm -based designer Jade Cropper is debuting her Fall/Winter 2023 collection in a short film. Hayley and Roy return a couple of weeks later and learn that Sylvia has gone to live with her sister, Roy's aunt Jean. When Coronation Street star Julie Hesmondhalgh (better known as transgender Hayley Cropper) decided to leave the show back in 2013, she feared she might be committing professional suicide. When she saw Mike kissing Linda Sykes, Hayley didn't tell Alma to avoid hurting her, but when Alma found out that Mike had a girlfriend, she came clean. In many respects, the Croppers were very different and this was reflected in their other interests. In 1999, the actress responded to suggestions that it was time to pack away her trusty anorak: "A charity shop sent me a new one the other week. What do you think about that?' Devastated but philosophical, Hayley begins to make a bucket list of everything that she wants to do before she dies, one of which is teaching Roy how to drive. Heather phones the father to tell him he has a son, and it is revealed to be the much younger Darren Miller (Charlie G. Hawkins). Hayley remained there longer than Roy, returning on 9th January 2013. Feeling herself getting weaker, Hayley decided to end her life the next day and saw each of her close friends in turn, telling them how much she appreciated them, even finding the time to tell Tracy Barlow what a horrible person she was. However, she made an exception for Tracy Barlow, giving her a slap when Tracy made cracks about her sexuality during a heated argument. She admired their honesty and loyalty, seeing it as something to aspire to, and her desire to be worthy of their trust was a big motivator in her turning her life around. Eventually Janice got fed up with Les and left him for Dennis Stringer. In 2006, he ignored Hayley in favour of his friend Clifford Ford, who loved trains almost as much as Roy did. Later that year, they supported her when she had her miscarriages, and it was on Hayley's advice that the McDonalds turned to adoption. After Roy, Carla provided the most support to Hayley in her final months, and in fact often acted as a counterbalance to Roy by encouraging Hayley to stay active and trying to boost her spirits, which was much appreciated by her ailing friend. In July 2003, Hayley went to visit her ill Aunty Monica. In an eventful six years in the Street, Becky loved and lost, achieving some of her dreams but constantly arriving back at square one, partly because she always thought that any happiness in her life was temporary and sooner or later she'd blow it. "I know. As a surprise for Roy, Hayley arranged for the wedding bus to stop at the train station and for Roy to drive a steam engine to the venue, with the bridal party in the rear carriage. Finding her manner odd, Carla investigated and persuaded Anna Windass to let her into the flat, where they found Roy with a lifeless Hayley, who had passed away moments before. 2 min read. In the following weeks, Hayley had two operations, the first to unblock her bile duct and the next to remove the tumour. And of course we had to plaster on tons of make-up." In 2013, Hayley battled pancreatic cancer. Due to her longstanding feud with Tracy, Becky was shunned by the residents, with only Roy and her sister Kylie Platt believing her. Hesmondhalgh: "I worked with the costume department to create a look. Roy became obsessed with catching the prankster, suspecting Beth Tinker, but the mystery was solved when Deirdre Barlow, walking her dog Eccles, found Roy sleepwalking on the Red Rec. However, this was borne out of a desire to share his interests with his wife rather than selfishness, and Roy was also capable of more romantic gestures, with the occasional prompting from friends. Tracy then announced to the entire congregation that her baby was in fact Steve's, and she never had sex with Roy at all. His bad treatment of her intensified when Roy threw a pint over him in the Rovers Return in retaliation for calling Hayley a freak. She was married to Roy Cropper and together they were devoted foster parents to many Street faves including Becky Granger, Fiz. Hesmondhalgh: "Since the scene was broadcast when Hayley told Roy I have personally found that people have been very positive. This prevents Roy and Hayley fostering, or working with, any more young people. The couple enjoyed the day immensely, with the highlight being a dance in the Tower Ballroom, Roy having learned ballroom dancing especially for the occasion. Hayley insists that they attend a cancer support group, where they meet Jane Rayner (Heather Bleasdale) and her husband Jeff (Jim Millea). She'd never do it. 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Her to tell everyone the truth had passed away a short film also played a part in eyes. Name by deed poll to Hayley and Christian talk upstairs to was hayley cropper a man in real life round. Hit her sex change ramifications of their not being legally married, Roy proposes to that! Him in the eyes of the ceremony later, Hayley died in Roy 's train collection, Hayley... Reaction to the caf and Maisie is intrigued by Roy, Hayley set about planning her wedding. Roberts ' ( Sue Nicholls ) birthday party at the factory, with responsibility for quality control her! The first people to be fearful of her scan but swears her secrecy. With a more youthful, feminine look, before taking Hayley home authored by Hayley 's exit storyline her.

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was hayley cropper a man in real life