the hollow earth

Amelia Earhart came up during the round table discussion, While she got all the attention about her whereabouts over the last several years and since she was a great supporter and friend of the Admiral a reenactment sounds as viable and of equal importance.. Goerler explained that Byrd was approximately 150 miles south of that pole when his attempt failed. I read this book many years ago and my copy long ago disappeared. Whats wrong with that? 4 The Surprisingly Long History Of The Hollow Earth . The ending of Godzilla vs. Kong offered a new twist to Kong's MonsterVerse story. It's also available to stream, download on demand at . The information was based on penciled and erased notes that Goerler discovered in January of 1996 in the universitys library. The diet in the Hollow Earth is strictly vegetarian, and people are healthy, robust, and strong. On the contrary, he was always a gentleman, lived up to the good name of the United States Navy, was proud of his family, and more than anything else was an inspiration and strength behind all Antarctic exploration, discovery, and scientific development. The Hollow Earth. De Camp, Lyon Sprague, and Willy Ley. If Rawlins interpretation is confirmed, then Byrd would lose his standing as The first person to reach the North Pole, to Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen, who traveled over the pole three days later, on May 12, 1926. They believe that there's a sun inside the Earth. Agharta is a good example of a game that is long on form, but short on substance. Teed's followers claimed to have experimentally verified the concavity of the Earth's curvature, through surveys of the Florida coastline making use of "rectilineator" equipment. The Hollow Earth is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space. Directed byJack Helms. Alamy. The type is really bad, looks like it was done on a typewrier (an old typewrier!) Sir John Leslie proposed a hollow Earth in his 1829 Elements of Natural Philosophy (pp. He made the flights in spite of these possibilities. HERS mission is to provide articles of interest, new information and research, photos, opinions, and resources and is a clearinghouse for information dedicated to seeking the facts. Other notable early examples include Giacomo Casanova's 1788 Icosamron, a 5-volume, 1,800-page story of a brother and sister who fall into the Earth and discover the subterranean utopia of the Mgamicres, a race of multicolored, hermaphroditic dwarves; Vril published anonymously in 1819; Symzonia: A Voyage of Discovery by a "Captain Adam Seaborn" (1820) which reflected the ideas of John Cleves Symmes, Jr.; Edgar Allan Poe's 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket; Jules Verne's 1864 novel Journey to the Center of the Earth, which showed a subterranean world teeming with prehistoric life; George Sand's 1864 novel Laura, Voyage dans le Cristal where giant crystals could be found in the interior of the Earth; Etidorhpa, an 1895 science-fiction allegory with major subterranean themes; and The Smoky God, a 1908 novel that included the idea that the North Pole was the entrance to the hollow planet. ", "I have read the article in the New York Times disparaging the character of Admiral Byrd. The following are some of my personal memories from the Byrd Polar Research Conference. Idea that the Earth is partially or completely hollow, This article is about the concept. The Hollow Earth theory states that the Earth is a hollow planet with ancient entrances to the subterranean world scattered throughout it, including near both polar caps. Did Admiral Byrd fail to reach the North Pole? In using a bubble horizon sextant, it is essential that the plane is flying straight and level at the time of the observation. To him, the whole universe was hollow. This author [Lt. Col. William Molett] maintains the erased sextant reading was just thata figure that Byrd did not use because he knew it was incorrect. Please try again. 1964 Dr. Bernard says this is the true home of the flying saucers. really not worth the money even if you are interested in the premise, (or just want a good chuckle).. Good information badly presented poorly written, Reviewed in the United States on February 5, 2011. Modern-day proponents of the hollow earth theory can refer nonbelievers to the book The Hollow Earth (Bell Publishing Company, 1979) by Raymond Bernard. Miles has moved to a new city, gone "underground" with his filmmaking, and cut most of ties with the life he used to lead, and the people he used to know. nasa zooms in the hole Subscribe My discussions varied about my visits to Iceland and spoke about my visit with the Nobel Prize winner of literature, Halldor Laxness, Svienbjorn Beinteinsson, known as the King of Iceland to many Icelanders. Based upon the size of the Earth and the force of gravity on its surface, the average density of the planet Earth is 5.515g/cm3, and typical densities of surface rocks are only half that (about 2.75g/cm3). Read reviews and discussion of The Hollow Earth #2 from Mark Shaw, published by Other Looks like something done at home with a copier. He envisaged the atmosphere inside as luminous (and possibly inhabited) and speculated that escaping gas caused the Aurora Borealis. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research India. Since then the alleged diary has found its way through many avenues and available on the internet. During WWII, it was a sanctuary for U-Boats and remained one of the few areas in the oceans bereft of a strong Allied military presence. Edmund Halley (known for computing the orbit of the Halley's comet) was an English astronomer, geophysicist, mathematician, meteorologist, and physicist. Bring your club to Amazon Book Clubs, start a new book club and invite your friends to join, or find a club thats right for you for free. Just because we don't know it, can't see it or it is NOT on the internet, doesn't mean it's not true. The series ran for six more books, ending with Savage Pellucidar (1963). [15] It is also the belief of the tribes of the Iroquois that their ancient ancestors emerged from a subterranean world inside the Earth. Gardner made no mention of Reed, but did criticize Symmes for his ideas. In a paper written a little over ten years later, Bouguer commented that his results had at least falsified the Hollow Earth Theory. Scientists Discover Massive Biosphere Miles Below Earth Far Outnumbers And Outlives Life On The Whats the Significance of the Worldwide Monoliths. Dr. Richard B. Rawlins goes to great lengths to debunk the extraordinary accomplishments of famous polar explorers.". New Edition, 1964 DEDICATED To the Future Explorers of the New World that exists beyond . A friend of hers sent a copy of the alleged diary to her and obtained my address from the publication. I see a rising tide of extreme beliefs around me this winter. The suns shadow was directly down the middle of his sun compass, an indication he was exactly on his desired course. Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth is the eleventh Indy novel in the series of original stories published by Bantam Books, and the third by author Max McCoy. If this erased figure was a true altitude at the recorded time, then Byrd speeds up to this time and all ground speeds and sextant readings after this time. In recent decades, the idea has become a staple of the science fiction and adventure genres across films (Children Who Chase Lost Voices, Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, Aquaman and the MonsterVerse), television programs (Inside Job ,Slugterra, and the third and fourth seasons of Sanctuary), role-playing games (e.g., the Hollow World Campaign Set for Dungeons & Dragons, Hollow Earth Expedition), and video games (Torin's Passage and Gears of War). He was the foremost navigator of his day, a man who did a lot to advance aviation, as well as explore the Polar Regions. He claimed the Earth was hollow and populated by humans and beasts. They find prehistoric people, dinosaurs, prehistoric mammals and the Mahar, who evolved from pterosaurs. Notably suggested by Edmond Halley in the late 17th century, the notion was disproven, first tentatively by Pierre Bouguer in 1740, then definitively by Charles Hutton in his Schiehallion experiment around 1774. Admiral Richard E. Byrds place in the worlds history of exploration is at the top. , ISBN-10 At least the paperback is easier to read than the hardcover edition, Reviewed in the United States on September 16, 2009. He said, The facts were verified by a Swedish expedition that discovered tropical plants and trees floating in freshwater. In the air, because of aircraft motion, a single reading of the sextant cannot be relied on for accuracy. Where we collectively investigate and explore the possibility of a Hollow Earth and its surrounding mysteries including todays controversial flight whether Admiral Byrd in fact reached the North Pole. helps to penetrate some of the mythology shrouding the Byrd persona, and both supporters and distracters of Byrd will relish it. Mason found the Schiehallion mountain, where the experiment took place and not only supported the earlier Chimborazo Experiment but yielded far greater results. [26] He proposed making an expedition to the North Pole hole,[27] thanks to efforts of one of his followers, James McBride. A long-lost diary of Admiral Byrd was found recently by Dr. Raimund Goerler, archivist at the Byrd Polar Research Center in Columbus, Ohio. Evidence of this we find in the history of countless ancient civilizations. To a number of culturesthe ancient Greeks for oneit is a dark place filled with the souls of the dead. With James Cable, Ashton DeGroot, Juston Street, Sally Vahle. (ISCE). "Dan Weiss takes the reader on an enthralling excursion through his life and his impassioned search for answers to the mysteries of the hollow earth legend in an engagingly candid manner. Illustration from the October 1882 issue of Harper's New Monthly Magazine, showing the appearance of Symmes' Hole near the North Pole. Alley a BPRS alumnus, lectured about abrupt climate change during the end of the ice age. Published. Captain Brian Shoemaker from the American Polar Society delivered a very informative speech concerning the Antarctic Treaty and the future of Antarctica. . The Hollow Earth is a concept proposing that the planet Earth is entirely hollow or contains a substantial interior space. TheBabylonian hero Gilgamesh visited his ancestor Utnapishtim in the bowels of the earth; in Greek mythology, Orpheus tries to rescue Eurydice from the underground hell; it was said that the Pharaohs of Egypt communicated with the underworld, which could be accessed via secret tunnels hidden in the pyramids; and Buddhists believed (and still believe) that millions of people live in Agharta, an underground paradise ruled by the king of the world. And as incredible as it sounds, the genesis of this story lies in some facts that carry some merit: some of Hitler's top advisors perhaps even Hitler himself believed that the Earth was hollow, and there was at least one expedition by the Nazi military to . A later interpretation of the diarys navigational notes by Dennis Rawlins, a Baltimore-based navigation expert and polar expedition historian, led Rawlins to believe that Byrd failed to reach the North Pole, even though he claimed to have reached it. So begins an article by the Associated Press on the conclusions of Dr. Raimund Goerler, chief archivist of the Byrd Polar Research Center. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. The Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) video game Terranigma features this concept in the opening and closing acts of the game. Halley proposed this scheme in order to explain anomalous compass readings. According to Rawlins, Byrd was 146 nautical miles short of where he thought he was at the time of this supposed sextant observation and, continuing on, he turned around over 100 miles short of the pole. William Fairfield Warren, in his book Paradise FoundThe Cradle of the Human Race at the North Pole, (1885) presented his belief that humanity originated on a continent in the Arctic called Hyperborea. In addition, many accredited researchers, investigators, authors and scientists including thousands of individuals from all walks of life have compiled masses of information, literature, tapes, books, scientific research and so on. Just so you know, the cover will look entirely different from what is pictured above. This is how the CIA informed President Reagan about UFOs: Official transcript. Does your religious faith support a paradise world or inner earth? The 19+ degree altitude has been erased but still can be read. I was there and witnessed the whole event and prophesy among the Admirals closest family and friends. It's an entertaining read but if anyone thinks it contains a good scientific assessment, that somehow a planet could maintain itself with a hollow core, that somehow this all might be plausible, that ufo's come from there, I have a bridge to sell you. ", "Hollow Earth Monument | Atlas Obscura: John Symmes Hollow Earth monument", "Fantastically Wrong: The Real-Life Journey to the Center of the Earth That Almost Was", "Jules Verne Voyage au centre de la Terre Chapitre 30. North Pole researcher Charles Passel interjected his thoughts. [32], Novelist Lobsang Rampa in his book The Cave of the Ancients said an underground chamber system exists beneath the Himalayas of Tibet, filled with ancient machinery, records and treasure. I can't give absolute, definite details, because the hardcover I read a few years ago was a library book, and the local library no longer has it. It was known to Buddhists as Agharti. In addition, ordinary matter is not strong enough to support a hollow shape of planetary size against the force of gravity; a planet-sized hollow shell with the known, observed thickness of the Earth's crust would not be able to achieve hydrostatic equilibrium with its own mass and would collapse. I shared Icelandic and Tibetan legends and spoke of my many journeys to Iceland, where, for a time, I had made my home. Byrd bashers should try to duplicate his accomplishments before they try to criticize him.". In his diary, Byrd recorded his preparations for the North Pole flight, and he used it as a message pad to communicate with his pilot when the deafening noise from the plane's engines rendered verbal communication impossible. Travis told me about a scene that was not part of his movie, just before he found himself back in Arizona calling his mother from a phone booth. Welcome to the Hollow Earth Research Society, Welcome to the Hollow Research Society (HERS) formally known as the International Society for a Complete Earth. One of the most popular books regarding the subject was written by Dr. Raymond Bernard, The Hollow Earth published during the sixties. Even today, in the 21st century, its difficult to say with certainty that it does or does not exist. In the case of the 7:07 reading, the pilot (Floyd Bennett) may have made a small turn to correct course, perhaps without even realizing he had done so and caused Byrd to make an erroneous reading. For four years I worked for Admiral Byrdto train his sledding teams, to accompany him on his first Antarctic expedition (192930), to prepare his supplies for the second expedition (193334), and to accompany him on many of his fundraising lectures. 2023 All Rights Reserved. 2. The Hollow Earth or Hollow Earth Theory is the proposition that the earth, contrary to the findings of modern science, is actually vastly hollow on the insid. He envisaged this theory in order to justify some abnormal compass readings. Follow us and access great exclusive . This alternate scenario to history is actually accepted as fact by some proponents of the hollow Earth theory. It was on the front page that I proposed a reenactment of Byrd's 1926 North Pole flight. The solid spheroid is the best way to minimize the gravitational potential energy of a rotating physical object; having hollowness is unfavorable in the energetic sense. Our first such proposal is the reenactment of Admiral Byrds 1926 flight to the North Pole. The Lost Expedition Into The Hollow Earth - Unpublished photographs of the missing team of explorers from 1903 recently uncovered at a thrift store - all set. , Item Weight HOLLOW EARTH? She told me that she remembered her father talking about his diary when she was as young as eleven years old. [20]:137, Edmond Halley in 1692[21] conjectured that the Earth might consist of a hollow shell about 800km (500mi) thick, two inner concentric shells and an innermost core. How ironic were those ten years before the archivists and the navigational experts claims of discovery, for it was Ritter von X who told me that, In the near future, even the late great polar explorer, Admiral Richard E. Byrd, will be utterly discredited for his discovery of the North Pole.. It's still plenty repetitive--for example, Admiral Byrd's famous or infamous statement "I'd like to see that land beyond the pole. Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2010. The book refers to Navy Admiral Richard Byrd who flew into the Hollow Earth and witnessed a wonderful land of greenery, animals, lakes , a central sun and a continually temperate climate. #1. Do you think UFOs come from the interior of the Earth? Colleagues who had traveled with Admiral Byrd on various missions between 1939 and 1955 featured well-illustrated presentations recalling their memorable and daring exploits in some of the harshest regions on earth. In 1735, Pierre Bouguer and Charles Marie de La Condamine chartered an expedition from France to the Chimborazo volcano in Ecuador. All of them picked the best pilots they could find. Please try again. In 1818, John Cleves Symmes, Jr. suggested that the Earth consisted of a hollow shell about 1,300km (810mi) thick, with openings about 2,300km (1,400mi) across at both poles with 4 inner shells each open at the poles. Its gravity is unique and inverts at a halfway point, allowing Titans to walk freely on both floor and ceiling of the Hollow Earth without fear of falling from one . This Hollow Earth is populated by dinosaurs. A couple of years later, Dr. Raimund E. Goerlers book, To the Pole was published in February of 1998. This book is, to me, filled with vital information, but was hard to read as it was very poorly written, disconnected and boring in its presentation. This influenced some early Hollow Earth proponents. 12526, George, Wally"Pilgrimage To The Devil"., Article in, Arizona and the West, Volume 17, University of Arizona Press., 1975, p. 179. Dr. Frank E. Stranges first met Commander Valient Thor at the Pentagon in 1959. The explorer Ferdynand Ossendowski wrote a book in 1922 titled Beasts, Men and Gods. Dennis Rawlins is an astronomer who, after examining it, announced that the famed American explorer Admiral Richard E. Byrd, who claimed to have been the first person to fly over the North Pole in 1926, failed in his attempt, missing his destination by 150 miles. In one chapter of his book On the Wild Side (1992), Martin Gardner discusses the Hollow Earth model articulated by Abdelkader. The expedition also found a slight curvature the farther north they traveled, and even suggested the possibility of a Hollow Earth.. As we began to dine, Bolling offered a toast, saying. ", "Danwill take you on a journey far beyond your wildest dreams. Dr. Subhasis Sen.Geologist Thousands of people throughout the world continue to this day to research this subject. This book was poorly bound and printed. [5], In Celtic mythology there is a legend of a cave called "Cruachan", also known as "Ireland's gate to Hell", a mythical and ancient cave from which according to legend strange creatures would emerge and be seen on the surface of the Earth. Otherwise, the information, as I said, is important for all of us living on the earth to know at this time of transition and awakening to what has been concealed from the main stream. There is a host of books written and being written about the subject. In William Henry Hudson's 1887 romance, A Crystal Age, the protagonist falls down a hill into a Utopian paradise; since he falls into this world, it is sometimes classified as a hollow Earth story; although the hero himself thinks he may have traveled forward in time by millennia. The get-together included her family members, Bollings sister, Catharine Byrd-Breyer, and nephew, Leverett Byrd. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. During the next decade, Halley turned his attention away from the celestial in favor of the subterranean. There was a window between lockdowns we had the chance to get a group of friends together without social distancing etc. Hollow Earth Revisited is the distillation of a lifetimes study and obsession with the possibility that a bevy of scientists and novelists and explorers and crackpots had it right, from Halley (of comet fame) and Admiral Richard Byrd to Dr. Teed of Koreshianity. 2180: Hollow Earth. The Earth is just like most other planets and moons, hollow on the inside. New twist to Kong & # x27 ; s a sun inside the Earth is entirely Hollow or contains substantial! Her and obtained my address from the interior of the observation the Byrd Polar Research Conference Admiral. Them picked the best pilots they could find he was exactly on his desired course UFOs: Official.! Was published in February of 1998 find in the United States on March 30, 2010 to reach the Pole. 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