can you love someone again after hating them

I feel horrible. theres this guy liked me and we both fell in love with each other but its been like that we were 7 months together. Do you see that? While this form of profession has undeniably beautiful payouts (not monetarily ;D) it often plagues me with a self critical view that nothing I make is quite good enough. Can I say something here? He is gone 4 to 6 weeks and only home for 3 to 5 days. While Im doing my best to have hope for us repairing the damage I caused, Im lost on what to do when we do talk again. how do i tell him that am very sorry so that we can continue our relationship coz i know i hurt him with my words but i need his forgiveness. You will meet THE one and he will treat you like you deserve!! I was very ungrateful towards him. And he said he didnt blame me if I never wanted to talk to him again. He didnt know what his problem was, he didnt like the fact of him cheating on me, and he didnt want to lose me. And i really do miss him so much with all my heart and soul. Somewhere in your life, anger was acceptable. I would ask him to come along to some of the events. I also hold a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Maryland USA.I was raised by my adopted parents, though they were rich, i suffered a lot but im always grateful to them because they gave me life, may be without them i will be dead by now. That is exactly what young people do. This is one of the things that is paradoxical about love and love relationships whether romantic or not. When hatred wins, relationships crumble. I was impatient and I ended up pushing her away completely. His/her awakening to the fact that you have been deeply wounded in the relationship, and that you need to heal, will dawn on him/her slowly. He asked me to move in with him I refused as I didnt want to tush into things we recently had a baby all was good he is still asking me to move in but I cant. | switch games with rollback | can you love someone again after hating them. No one was outside when I went. i just said all the bad words coz i felt negelected and i wanted him to know how i feel but eneded up abusing him. I know he loves me and we fight a lot. I heard him sob once as he walked down the hall. He had been texting and flirting with other women via social media. 3 Keys to a Spectacular Marriage is on the menu of my site. Are you not satisfied? . Then last week she told him she was crazy about him. After I tried to hang myself I only when to one session to seek professional help then I fell in my own mind for so long. Any advice on what I should do? In which he barely worked anyways.. She said she needed to take two steps back, that she felt I needed time to figure out what I want, etc. we have a beautiful home thats half way paid for outright, love, attraction, everything? Can a past abuser change. Any advice as to how I can help him understand why I cant be sexually vulnerable at this time? Now I continued to talk to him on a daily basis. I started going to therapy and it has done wonders. I took a minute to reply, but told him I dont want you to leave. After that time lapsed, before just walking in on them, I texted him several times (the phone was on the headboard of our bed and the ringer was on) I finally walked in to her, completely naked, going down on him. I have been an emotional mess and fell into a depression over this. We moved out a year after being married and finally had our own place. He said he hit his breaking point and he needed to leave the relationship. Since then I have turned all of that around but it was still very up and down for a long time. He wants to be friends. Its a way of avoiding real life and feeling good in real life. Questions or concerns about the preceding article can be directed to the author or posted as a comment below. If so, then counseling to build up your self esteem and self love is in order. now he is miles away and the distance have made me realise how much i really love him. weve had our ups and but he always lies to talking to girls 8 caught so many time texting emailing them.his promised to change and it never happens I tried controlling everything which wasnt a good things cus we just fought even more. Should I continue to work on our relationship and eventually she will come back or should I move on? She did not. i tried everything to make things change and work. Now he doesnt speak to me and says its my fault because I put him in the box for few hours. Confessed and was forgiven.trying to rebuild is hard. Dr. Deb with all this being the case can I prove to him that was not truly me and I can make him happy. He fell for me and i think i have feelings for him too. Im not sure if you see these comments anymore, but Id like advice as the one who hurt the man I love. Im not trying to make an excuse for his actions but I know that may have played a role in all of this. My husband walked back to his side of the car, got in & we drove away. Hi Missy, I just cant get over the feeling that I will get hurt again, sooner or later. The meeting was not good. Im giving him another chance and the ball is in his court but its like hes not even trying to bite at the opportunity. I need help. Thank you so much for your time and patience :). I realize now I pushed him to do some things he did not want to do and did not respect or consider him like I should have. I dont hold it against him. He is so full of resentment and anger towards me. We never actually dated but we were good friends. She lives off the government and her dude has no kids with her and works 2 jobs to support her and the kids and shes always bringing her baby daddys to his house while he is at work. It just hurts that the love doesnt stop him from behaving like this and hurting me repeatedly. But now she doesnt know what she wants. I realize that is how you see your actions, but putting yourself down makes you end up feeling hopeless which then leads to MORE bad choices. Are those words true or just hurt/anger talking. We are still in contact, but its been over a week and Im trying so hard. Any advice on how to move things forward or to get her to open up would be really appreciated! We are both very dependent on each other because we started dating when we were 16/17 years old. What has been missing in your relationship that got your husband looking the other way? I am sorry. After all, love usually means living on an emotional rollercoaster. we tried to end things on numerous occasions but because we felt so deeply about each other, we continued. I cant make him happy, he puts me down a lot, I always tell him to just be there for me when Im feeling down but he makes me feel like sh$t no matter what. He had an abusive disjointed childhood, witnessed domestic violence and was loved by only one parent. This article really hit home. What can i do? I wasnt interested mostly because I wasnt attracted to the girl. None of that is helping. we had fights continuously and we break up then we get back. I apologize for the lengthy post. We have been through A LOT in the time we have been together and quite a good chunk of it hard, trying, tough tines. The last thing we want to do is upset bees! Now she lives with her baby father although she doesnt like it there 100%. I thought she would learn few lesson if I ignore her for some time. Let me comment on one or two things: Jeremy, I am a wife of a ptsd Iraq veteran myself. I honestly believe him (maybe Im a chump). Then, after he promises everything and you move, and he does not love you any more, now you love him so much. I noticed she seemed insecure at times about me wanting the relationship in the past month. The ladt time he was physically, it was bad but I said some EXTREMELY NASTY THINGS & I think that I could have done the same if I had been in his shoes. Do not want to lost them, I love them very much just to let them go with out doing anything. What should I do? Id heard before I met him, how unserious he was (in relationships and life in general). I ask her if she is seeing anyone and she says no but i dont believe she is honest. Betraying my baby. He is a black hole of effort and emotion that will always need filling. He didnt quite get why kissing her and pleasing her was different than him getting oral. And if she hasnt done wrong physically try to rebuild I will not let u down, Hi I just hoping for advice. Yes, it makes sense but there is no way I could help you w/o actually seeing you and talking this thing through. It was as if I wanted her but wanted to still be the lazy guy. Yet i really want to mend things with him and get back on track together as a real loving couple too. is this something else im going through bc she hasnt done anything bad shes been there for me also id like to know what is the true meaning of love ?? But now, your new gf is also insecure because of what happened to her in the past. She wants you to be happy with your own self and life. He didnt seem to like that very much. I have no one to talk to, and I had to let it out. but I cant let go of him cos i knew he is the one in my life. We have been verbal abuse. Again, my head understands that we tried that (being together to fix things) and nothing changed. I feel helpless dnt know what to do? But it was too late and I became needy and insecure and constantly talked about our relationship. Its miserable spending everyday of a relationship already knowing hes going to leave and having a countdown in my head because it happens every single time. Hi Ryan since you didnt ask a question, I didnt respond. Am I trying to rush things too much? I know I did not handle it right myself. He said he doesnt want to try and he doesnt want our marriage to work. Well then in June or July 2013 I went on his yahoo account and there were emails on there off of craigslist personals between him and other woman in 2012. We still live in the same house, sleep in the same bed, and we still have sex. My boyfriend and I have been together on and off for two years and a half. how can i call his attention? But I love him anyways no matter what . Check out this site, my site,, and the aamft. I wish it were easier than that. I still cant believe how stupid I was to not recognise it. He would react and tell me he believed me. First you say you werent sure you even wanted to continue the relationship. If that makes any sense. He fears that another depression like that will keep occurring, and although I cant technically promise such a thing, I keep reassuring him that Im not depressed anymore. We have had arguments off and on and they all stem from the same issue. She is being really adamant about not forgiving herself. The betrayal doesnt have to be as raw as cheating, although it can be that. And Id have done that for him cos we do that occasionally. This is due to mobile. I found out one person i had sex with, he knew. They recently split due to partner one finding partner two looking for hookers and indulging in drugs so partner one calls for space.. I was hurt by my ex, I caught him sending sex pics to some random girl that he talked to years before claiming we were broke up. So its important to trust his/her judgment or their feeling that they do not want to input their opinion. We have a son who will be 3 in august and a daughter who is 9 months old. He said I didnt get to decide who he loved. I am very worried that this whole thing happened for some unforeseen reason and we arent meant to be together in the end, but I truly love her am willing to try and fail to get her back many times to know that I have tried everything I could. I you loved them once, you can surely love them again. He is giving hundreds of reasons and wants me to trust him and believe that we will be together. I also feel i want to fix our relationship, and i feel like that the most important thing for me right now, and that i want a future together. Thank you for your comments, Michaela. What if its the total opposite though? Talked and laughed and have a lot in common. You dont really love him; you feel needy. I confronted him, he was so remorseful that it happened. He has a history of deleting chats, so thats all I found. Please start therapy and interview them carefully to be sure they are kind and highly skilled. I started to think that maybe it was the musicians and artists in my city that I surrounded myself with that were not at the level of commitment and sincerity that I desired, and this led me to believe that I could perhaps find this unreachable creative utopia in a different city. I was convinced he was cheating on me because he even had a picture of himself and the same girl as his wallpaper. When love blends with hate, this is a case of ambivalence. Don't forget that you will live again and love again. we have talked about relationships, in particular his. However, that wasnt the case. He now calls me to tell me she is now his girlfriend and he thinks it may be serious and is going to introduce her to our kids. Please help me Dr. Deb! 3. Samara, of COURSE he fell out of love. Communication has always been an issue of mine, and he has only ever wanted 100% honesty from me. He just says if I block her and she kills herself then I will never forgive myself She came for one thing as usual MONEY. Is this normal to feel this way? I found out just how much about a month ago because I looked at the phone bill (we still share a lot of the bills). until one day he stopped calling/texting me, for 4 days. He seems to become more distant and cold every time he sees me sad and anxious. But I also told her that I will fight tooth and nail to keep our marriage together. If you see a marriage & family therapist who is skilled at anger issues, then you can eventually bring him into the therapy so he can see that you are, indeed, working on yourself and this wont happen in the future. she said I LOVE YOU, BUT I JUST DONT TRUST YOU. You cannot respect the top until you have felt the bottom. I think introspection for all 3 of you (not that you care about or want to help your first gf) is needed. Hello. I was sure this was the end of my marriage, there was no fixing this this time. And what can I do to make him trust me again? What Im thinking is that you dont know who you are let alone who he is and he has the same problem. I dont have specific advice for your friend, but maybe if you start therapy, it will give her reassurance that things can be better. He adamantly wont have sex with me because he thinks we used it as a bandaid. Mark, dr deb could you please help me with my note..Thank you. Advice? I hope that at some pointment she will want to come with me to these so that we can work on things together. We can hurt a person who is vulnerable considerably more than a person who has her guard up all the time. He said the normalcy of our relationship after this all happened allowed resentment to grow and grow over time, especially during the holidays when I was acting like everything was well and good. He got time off and came home to me a month after he cheated on me for the third time. Last November I made a huge mistake and cheated on him. I would feel guilty every time I was talking about my interests because I knew he wasnt as in to them as I was, and I was probably boring him. My husband got in behind the wheel & Peter had walked to his side of the car. I have self pity, am depressed, am disappointed in myself for being such a horrible person for not loving this amazing man anymore. So a friday he went to see her at the hospital not letting me go with him, he stayed the night in the hospital with her and that saturday made plans for him and i to go out to dinner & movie. I just, I dont know if we need to break up, take a break, or work harder. He came into my life unexpectedly. For two years. I call her and ask her why? I immediately sought a counselor and a psychiatrist to treat my impulsive & compulsive behaviors/anxieties/what have you. I know I am also at fault for things in our relationship. Please give me some advice. I just like these others have a hard story but i would really like to talk to you on skype about this sometime. Until it did. For example, perhaps you would like to say affirmations every day. Needless to say I am pregnant again, miserable, and up with my SN daughter since 3 bc he feels entitled to smoke pot and play games till early in the morning. Generally, people dont change in their deepest core too readily. I made some mistakes of my own in the last couple years and sought happiness elsewhere with an affair with a close friend. I suffer from PTSD due to my ex-husband stabbing me as well as cheating and other forms of mental abuse. But none of these reasons are actually to do with my husband. I have been in this relationship for 8 months. She is leaving me and nothing I can do or say will fix it. Over the past few months I have dealt with all my demons and getting better but my wife is no longer interested as I hurt her so much. Nothing! Im sorry i did it, but idk what to do now, a month has past since we stopped talking all together. I loved someone and we broke up for 3 times and again he did come back to me and i went to him to, and my family found about it and called his parents and made sure that we wont contact eachother anymore and all. And I realized what Id been the past year. But it dont know what to do. I am so lost without her. Feeling not in love, feeling pain, feeling sorry for myself and not seeing him for who he truly is. Keep trying. He should have THANKED you for teaching him a valuable life lesson: dont be abusive. I just want to move on I want to love again :(. He asked why now? This person cheated on me many times, but I was still there by them when they were going through their addictions and trying to fight them. Its a long story. things were not perfect but the chemitry was there, we had fun and now he has gone back home. Hi Helen, So I understand you losing respect for him. They hate each other. Interesting, that while I was reading your first post, I was thinking, What? I would guess there was something bad in your background that this maybe a parent walking out or something? My friend recently told me that she felt bad that she felt great without me and wanted to eventually have a discussion with me (with time). I want to let go of this resentment I have for him but when we argue it all comes back. On the back of the first drunken night I went to therapy, but I dont feel any real improvement in myself. She began borrowing money from me almost weekly for work expenses. Thank you. And furthermore, if you could take him back then he should be mature enough to take you back. Please check your local listings. He tells me all the time that I dont love him anymore and Im starting to see why. Part one: How the other person makes you feel about yourself. He wants to be with me but he thinks he will cheat on me again and again. I felt very low and suicidal for my actions). Then reality sets in and the long-haul TRUE love should kick in. Hi Broken 79 Were on the same team!! I did this to prove to her and myself that I love her and she was enough for me and although I had made a mistake in the past , I wanted to be with her and her exclusively. I tried to find a way to, but Instead I let him continue in order to not make him feel bad for the alcohol induced performance problems And in doing that I disrespected my husbands feelings. I didnt mind buying stuff she needs to get done. You dont actually ask a question. id like to show this man i am a safe person to make a lifelong commitment with, and id like him to feel like he did when we met again. Under the stress, I threatened our relationship multiple times, and once, I actually left. Hes not wrong. Please help me? I finally left the relationship and she is still hanging on and has shown that she is trying to make changesI think it is now on me I am not sure if I am ready to move past it or maybe it is too late for me? Money from me like it there 100 % needy and insecure and constantly talked about relationships in! We drove away therapy and interview them carefully to be sure they are kind and highly skilled in the. Seems to become more distant and cold every time he sees me sad and anxious,... Wheel & Peter had walked to his side of the car, got in behind the &! I ended up pushing her away completely home thats half way paid for outright love! 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can you love someone again after hating them